Hi guys,

I wrote here because I hope I'll get a better advice here. So I made 2 giveaways with non bundle games finally to increase my contribution amount. I sent the activation links in email to the winners in half an hour after the giveaways ended and they don't give a sh...damn to check their mails. I know they are online because they log in into their steam account but don't respond that they got the key!! This is frinkin' annoying because I can't choose new winners (what if those gus finally receive the gift) and I can't also enter into givaways above the 30 dollars contribution limit. Sadly I also spent all my Christmas money and those little gifts were the last ones to give back something to this community...

Soooo... What now? :/

10 years ago*

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Did you try adding and messaging on steam?

10 years ago

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Both are bundle games anyway, won't get you over $30.

10 years ago

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  1. The Trine games are all on the bundle list.
  2. There is a 7 day window in which gifters have time to send the gifts, and giftees have time to mark them as received. Some people send quicker than others, some mark as received quicker than others. Everyone has a full week. A single day is not remotely close to long enough to "choose new winners".
10 years ago

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Also, thank you for giving back to the community. I know that this instance is frustrating, but even giving bundle games is far more than the vast majority of users. So, thank you! Your actions are benefiting the Steam Gifts crowd, and I for one am glad you are here.

10 years ago

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Are they??? For real, both Trine games? Damn, I thought they weren't in bundle. :( Then it doesn't matter. I guess I'll check the bundle list twice next time.
Thanks guys!

10 years ago

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I'll echo what q00u said above. Even if they're bundled, it's the thought that counts. Besides, the Trine games are so terrific that everyone should have the chance to try them, bundled or not. Thanks for contributing, no matter the value, and happy holidays!

10 years ago

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Thank you.

10 years ago

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There is a bundle list here, but for me it's easier to look on the Create A Giveaway page. If there's an asterisk * after the title, then it counts as a bundle game. It could be made more clear to the users, but if I don't like how SteamGifts does things I'm free to go start my own site, haha.

10 years ago

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I will also express my gratitude for your generosity. Both of the Trine games are excellent, so you also show good taste in your selection. If you are looking to bump up your CV without spending a lot of money, look for games which are unlikely to be bundled while still going on sale regularly. Portal 1 & 2 are a good example. You can often find those two on sale for 75% off or more, and they are unlikely to be in a bundle anytime soon.

10 years ago

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Wow, GAs ended 1 Day ago AND its Xmas and you are complaining that they didn`t marked as received. Read the rules mate: 7 days time to respond. Btw. Merry Xmas.
... and of course Thanks for gifting

10 years ago

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How did you figured it out tht they are not bundle games ? 4months here and was not interested in reading forums/faq ?

10 years ago

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Yeah I guess you're perfect and never make small mistakes... :/

10 years ago

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i make a lot of mistakes, but im not cryingfor every one of the

10 years ago

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-He will learn patience...
-No, he is too old. Too old to begin training.
-So was I, if you'll remember.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Now you dance!

10 years ago

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If it makes you feel any better, your avatar is adorable. squee

10 years ago

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i still have no idea why the last remnant is not in the bundle list btw. even if square enix surprise box is not considered as a bundle, it was in humble square enix bundle. and it was 94% off thanks to a price bug apparently.

10 years ago

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"winners in half an hour after the giveaways ended and they don't give a sh..." I am totally agreeing with you he is such a jerk :))))

10 years ago

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Give it some time. People are busy with family and other stuff during this time. There's a reason there's a 7 day rule to gift - just because a profile says they are "online" doesn't mean they actually are because when you are away or sleep, it still says you are online.

10 years ago

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