Hey guys what are you gonna give to your mother, girlfriend or even both :P

I am gonna surprise my mother giving her a nice cake ;)

11 years ago*

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Wait, it's tomorrow!?! Crap, crap, crap. Leave the computer, think something. CRAP!!!

11 years ago

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what's tomorrow

11 years ago

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For Americans who don't know what he's talking about, Google's doodle says it's International Women's Day.

11 years ago

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Well according to Wiki it's US holiday too from 1994.

11 years ago

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huh? give them for what?

hmm you mean
Sunday, May 11
Mother's Day 2014

11 years ago

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"International Women's Day 8th March"

11 years ago

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I've made a cake with RGB matrix on my arduino :3

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Yeah!!! I didn't get anything on national men's day!! Lol

11 years ago

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there is a men's day ._.

11 years ago

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I didn't know about this day, but I just sent my girlfriend a package so I guess that one counts :P

11 years ago

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Nothing at all :)

Like Valentines Day or any other cheap, made up "holiday".

11 years ago

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It's all a bit stupid in the end. >_>
However, it kinda sucks when you see everyone around you doing special stuff and you're there left with your hands empty. That's why I kinda care about Valentine's day, don't want to leave my man wondering. I like to give stuff to those I care about, anyway, so it's a nice excuse for that.

11 years ago

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It was not a made up holiday. It is not even a holiday. It was an annual celebration. Try Wiki it for once.

11 years ago

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What am I gonna give? nothing, pfff, they're gonna give me stuff.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I probably won't give a gift but I was going to spend the day with her anyways :P

11 years ago

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I´ll give her a couple more of mops and clean products, and wifi in the kitchen only for that day. :D

11 years ago

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i am against all THE days thingies they are all capitalistic and in capitalistic way the love just continues if you give all the time. Give something take love of them. i hate that way. Love just can be priced with love and can be measured with death nothing less. i will just tell them I love them very much.

All of our days thingies are for pure money ecosystem man created.
We have God that loves us all but he will put us in the HELL if don't love him back! So capitalistic GOD we have also I am thinking why.

11 years ago

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I dislike all those special events. If I see anything someone I know might like and I feel like it,I'll get it for them,without regard for what day it is. So what exactly are we celebrating,the existence of women?

11 years ago

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When I am shopping and see something that my friends would like I buy it(well if I can afford obviously)
I will give it male friends instantly but waiting for giving my famale ones (even for my sister) to their birthday.Because they don't care about the gift if it is not a special day.I don't understand the reason of this but people tend to think I don't care them if I am not giving gifts in special events.I tried the explain them what you just typed(bacuse ı think exactly like you on this one) but no.

11 years ago

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I don't get people anything for their birthday and I don't get anything for my birthday. Saves everyone a lot of time and money over items they may or may not have liked. And well,if they don't accept that this is my opinion regarding those events,then their bad. If they value my friendship enough they will get over it,and if they not I'll assume that all they only thought of me as a source for free stuff.

tl;dr tell them to deal with it and things will (probably) work out.

11 years ago

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I think birthdays as excuse the hang out with friends.No gifts involved.

They will probably accept my opinion and don't abondon me for silly reason like this.However I know them and they will definetly be sad even if they won't try to show me.et over it?Sure.Do things will work out if I do it your way?Sure.
But I don't think it is worth to make them sad.I will try your way to people won't be sad.Thanks for the advise.

11 years ago

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If certain group has been discrimitnated through history, they deserve equality, not some special compensation day
Damn ppl, just treat everyone equally everyday x.x

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by NinjaStylle.