a place where people can giveaway csgo and dota2 and tf2 and all other items away.

9 years ago

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Gameminer has this currently. There may be some other sites as well, I am not sure.

9 years ago

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No happening here, because it would be impossible to manage. Would get people claiming to have given X item for contribution, and without any way to prove otherwise.

9 years ago

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Err... trade history?
It's how I got Steam to give me back a game gift that suddenly vanished from my inventory for no apparent reason.
(No, I had not activated it :P)

But really, I actually don't see any problems with this aside from the planning, coding etc.

9 years ago

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SteamAPI doesn't return Trade History data about your account - so what? We would have GA creator taking screenshot of his trade history nad then have support check each screenshot themselves? Because there is no way to automate such a process. Not to mention the fact that screenshots can be fabricated - either in graphic programs or by locally changing the sourcecode of the site and taking a screenshot of it. Or even fraud can be done without any screenshot fabrication - let's imagine users A,B,C,D,E and F set up CV farning group. A puts a knife for GA, B wins it, A makes screenshot, provides, earns CV. B puts the same knife for GA and does the same as A, C wins it and does the same and so on and on up to infinity. With a single knife that in the end goes back to original owner, without any actual money spent on any GA, all 6 users farm their way to lvl 10. Great idea :D: (or in case of value dropping after 5 GAs - after some time they switch to next item and repeat the process ;p)

9 years ago

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Personally I never read the idea as including CV. To me it is simply about giving away items people don't need anymore or think someone else might enjoy more - for example I have gifted TF2 weapons, Spiral Knight and SMNC items before - so in that case half of these points are moot.

I did indeed not know that trade history cannot be tracked through the API, though thinking about it it makes sense.

9 years ago

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I only know about Gameminer.

9 years ago

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Ew :)
(For reason Delta noted.)

9 years ago

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that's probably a really bad idea, since most people will sell the item on the market...

9 years ago

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main principle of SteamGifts is that you must activate won games on your account - thus you cannot use the site for personal monetary gain (you can use it to get more games on your account, but you cannot use it to earn money). Items can be used, also there is no system for permamently attaching them to your account, not to mention people having private inventories and steam API not returning inventory on syncing with SG like it does with games - thus item GAs could not be monitored whether winner is using item for temselves or selling it for profit. Thus people would start using SG to earn wallet money - it would also bring even more bots, because items are easier to turn into money that for example game keys you cannot be sure if were used or not.
Plus add what Delta said to what I'm saying - if CV value of such GAs would be anything but 0, people could easilly cheat their way to earn CV - you make fake GAs with knifes worth hundreds of $ - your fake alt accounts win them - no way to tell that there is reallly a CV fraud. With games it is easy - you check game activastion.

9 years ago

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Oooh, now this makes a whole lot more sense :D

9 years ago

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Along with all the reasons everyone else noted, item prices fluctuate a lot. It would be hard on the server to have to update prices every minute.

9 years ago

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Another thing I just thought of ane mention in reply comment to Toast above - now on SG single item as it must be activated can earn CV only once. If you purchase 10$ worth game on Steam it will generate only 10$ CV across the entire website.as items cannot be redeemed and perma-attached to an account. Plus like I mentioned we cannot monitor if the item is in person's inventory. So - when in games if you purchase 10$ game you can earn only 10$ CV, with items you can trade it back and forward with your group of friends in private or group GAs - if you buty 10$ worth item on the market instead like games it earning you 10$ CV it can earn you unlimited amount of CV.

9 years ago

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i think it's a good idea, but as said before, how will you know the end?
only if you put into a seperate system and not the same cv. but i think there will be less people who wants to give.
cause you have the game, what you going to do with another one? but items? hell, sell. or dump on a bot in steam

9 years ago

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I know there's a few "trash" bots on Steam, but I'd rather give it to someone I think will enjoy the items rather than literally throw them away :\

I didn't think OP meant a CV system like we're currently using, but that's only a guess since they have yet to reply.

9 years ago

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