so that groupee bundle has my attention, some great looking games..but they are all beta (am guessing) and trying to get Greenlit, so If I buy them (or any) and lets say they do become steam games or have updates? how do i get new version? am not going to buy it again on steam , so i just don't get how it works as I have never bought a digital game outside of steam.
thanks if you can give me some details on this!

1 decade ago*

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there's no universal answer to your question. if they give Desura keys, then Desuar will update your game just like he Steam client does.

Some games have an internal update mechanism and some require you to download patches or complete new installations when an update is out.

some games at least notify you in case of an update, and some games just keep quiet and you have to frequently browse the dev's or publisher's homepage for updates.

1 decade ago

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If they get released on Steam (and the devs decide to give out steam keys) you'll find the Steam keys on your Groupee Profile page

1 decade ago

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I was not aware that Desura had it's own client awesome would it be if they merged with Steam?

1 decade ago

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no thanks, I don't want to see all those shi**y games from all the wannabe indie game developers

1 decade ago

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Why? What's the problem with having multiple clients? In my oppinion having multiple options is one of the great things about PC.

1 decade ago

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yikes wannabe indie game developers? boy have gamers become bitter....
I have seen some crappy games on their site but i also see some interesting ones....They could just add a tab to the top of the steam client, bring more attention to indie games. meh it would not hurt...

1 decade ago

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Your reply (I assume) was intented for the other guy.

1 decade ago

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I just figure it would use less resources, bring all the games into one place. Just seems easier instead. I don't mind having 2, but at the same time the thought of having one universal client sounds awesome too.

1 decade ago

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I see your point, but don't share it. I like having two OSs(win7 & Ubuntu) and four game clients(steam, origin, desura and GOG) even if I don't use all of them daily. I just like having options.

1 decade ago

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It will never happen. The two are run by different companies, and have different methods of letting developers get their games into the service. Certain games in Desura would never be accepted on Steam.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by lovemehate.