You really shouldn't mark game as received if you not received it, because you will receive non-activation suspension after that. As for deleting giveaway - you can write in a said giveaway comment about you agreeing to delete giveaway and thats it. After that only giveaway creator can submit a ticket to delete giveaway.
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Congratulations for winning so early, that was really lucky. And condolences for not receiving your win.
You are very right to not mark your win received, since you didn't, and it would bring you in trouble if you did, since the game would show up as not activated on your account, which is against the rules of this site.
As to your question: only the creator can ask the moderators to delete a giveaway by sending a ticket requesting so. If you agree in the deletion, best course of action is posting a comment in the giveaway that you indeed agree.
Welcome to SG and more luck with future giveaways!
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Your best course is to either
but since you already said you were ok with a deletion, the first one is your way to go in this case.
NEVER mark a game as received unless you actually received it AND activated it correctly on your account linked with Steamgifts, else you can get a suspension for not activating a win you said you received!
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You were not lucky, as you win game fast (after 161 entered) but was very unlucky with duplicated one. Too be honest I dont remember when I had such situation with bad key = you were very unlucky on the end.
As ppl said in such cases you have always 2 options:
1) Agree to delete (I guess it is most common option)
2) Mark as not received
Giveaway creator can ask support to delete GA, but support will need confirmation from the winner that winner agree to delete (f.e. comment under GA).
EDIT: Never mark as received if you was not able to activate. Also if the key will activate different game/version also dont mark as received. I had in the past one time situation that I activated game and marked as received. It looked good - but after 2 years I was suspended as I originally won some kind of pack but received key with different sub (with the similar content). After 2 years steam sub which I suppose to won was expanded with additional game and from that time I was missing this additional game (and even did not know about it). Then suddenly i was suspended ;). It is rather extreme case, but it is worth to check when you activating that it is what you won.
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If its true his options to you was mark it as received or agree to delete. I would wait 7 days and mark it as not received.
If he contact you after that, give him the option to keep the not received or ask for a working key.
Usually its common courtesy imo to agree to delete the GA when trouble arrives. But concidering creator didnt bother deleteing the GA before it ended and with intent provided you with a dupe key, knowing it wouldnt work and afterwards tried to trick you, I wouldnt be so corteous given the situation.
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I mean, if they're deliberately trying to get you to violate site rules, then you should screenshot that (or if it's a comment, grab the URL for it) and send that over to staff. Not so much for the sake of punishment, as it could be a confusion [albeit, one derived from not taking the time to read site rules] on their part, but so staff has a record of the incident in case it's a deliberate and repeated occurance on their part.
Even just attempting to coerce you into deleting the giveaway is, in itself, a "no-no". While it's polite and encouraged to do so as a default consideration, there's no outright obligation to do so, especially in any circumstance where the GA creator is attempting to force the deletion. Moreover, they can always correct any Not Received later on by attempting to properly deliever the game in question, and they don't get penalized for Not Receiveds unless there's a clear pattern of abuse. Which means 1: There's no real harm to them for you not deleting and 2: You may actually actively assist in site misuse if you go along with a deletion for a user who seems dubious in their outlooks.
(Side note, someone having [from the start] put into the description of a giveaway that a key may have issues is the opposite of forcing a deletion, as- regardless of how that notice was presented- the entrants were able to make informed decisions. So in that kind of instance, it'd be extremely tasteless to go against a deletion request, unless the user's behavior was extremely offensive. After all, if you don't agree with their presentation, you could just have refused to enter or can choose to blacklist them. There's not any real supportable justification in that case for disagreeing with a deletion, as the winner was never misled as to the nature of the giveaway.)
In short, if you think the user is acting inappropriately (really, it helps to be familiar with site rules, for that kind of determination), pass it over to staff (when the behavior is questionable enough) and mark as Not Received. If not, just go along with the deletion request. While there may be a factor of disappointment, all that has truly been lost is a bit of time and some imaginary points. Unless there's a reason to target the GA creator [such as intentional misbehavior on their part], it's best to just let the matter pass. There's plenty of other opportunities to win games on this site, after all, and everyone has their own circumstances (and few GA creators intentionally aim to cause problems for their winners).
In fact, as a new user, note that certain groups exist which cater to helping new users get wins, and that forum giveaways also usually have fewer entries than public ones. If you focus your attentions that way, you should be able to make up your lost win rather easily; So again, don't worry about taking the matter to heart. Just go with a Not Received or deletion agreement as you feel is most suitable for the matter. Just, under no circumstances, mark the giveaway as Received, as that'll essentially shift the responsability for the matter from the GA creator over to yourself.
Also, while it's tasteless for winners to ask for such themself, do note that GA creators will on occasion offer a different key as part of a deletion agreement. So, while you aren't allowed to mark Received for the incorrect title, you can still claim a different game on occasion as part of a deletion. Again, not advising you to be the greedy sort who tries to force such things but, at the same time, do note that if the other party is acting out [ie, by rudely insisting on a deletion] then you've got a good position to just drop a Not Received and let the GA creator decide how they'd like to resolve the matter.
As a final reiteration, I encourage agreeing to a deletion whenever there's not a strong motivation not to do so. But the site favors the winner in matters such as these, so do make your decisions on your own considerations, not based on any pressures the GA creator may be putting on you.
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As I wrote it I was factoring in the side note for a 3:1 association but, I suppose yes, one paragraph doesn't work well as well as a summation/reiteration point for only two paragraphs of only slightly larger total length. I do have a bad habit of favoring "in short' over "to reiterate", "to restate", or similar, in situations where the latter options would be more suitable. Please feel free to continue pointing out any instance where I do such, to better help me adjust that usage.
In fairness, this may actually be the only time I've been called out on it on SG where it was actually a legitimate act of questionable usage on my part, rather than just being an excuse for a handful of specific users to criticize the overall length of a post. Though I suppose the fact that it solicits such responses could also be considered as fair reason to avoid its usage. However, I can't help but assume that some other element would simply end up being nitpicked in its place.
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I didnt read everything after that but I understood that it was probably only a summarize in that one paragraph.
Wasnt even ment as a calling out if you thought that. I just mentioned it because I thought it was kind of funny when I saw it. I do apologize if you took offense. Not sure if you actually where serious about wanting people to correct you about it.
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Your point was valid, and you added a :). I had no reason to assume you were intending anything rude.
Rather, I wouldn't have replied had I found the matter both unconstructive and inappropriate.
I'm always serious about desiring corrections- or, rather, desiring constructive input of any sort; Though corrections are often the most valuable sort of constructive input I can receive, as it is often both of higher value to myself personally and because correcting faulty information can often be even more meaningful than the provision of new information.
If that's too confusing, just interpret the matter as my having a persistent outlook of "Constructive benefits > Emotional perspectives" :P
I thought it was kind of funny when I saw
Besides, I normally have to put in a lot more effort to make things funny for others. I'll take the freebie. :P
And now, I'm off!
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thats what i was trying to do, i mean he was at fault he could just give another key in the same value of the game thats what i suggested to him, BUT what he was saying is i might get banned and he might also get banned because if i marked the game received it would result to penalties thats what hes always saying when i ask him for another game in the end i just let it slide anyway im got tired talking to that guy and i might look desperate for games so i just compensated for it
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Yes, if you would receive DIFFERENT game it will not resolve problem as you can not mark won game as received if you get different game. In such case you could be suspended as it would be visible that you received game but not activated it on your account. He would need to give you the key for THE SAME game not different one. Never mark as received if you did not activated won game.
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If I where you I would never again suggest getting another game if the key didnt work. Try to solve the situation for the corresponding game by either get a working key, agree to delete or mark as not received.
Asking for compensation is inappropriate and probably a violation of the rules depending on how you worded it.
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I'm having trouble following along, but now it's sounding more like the difficulties are actually originating on your end?
If the GA creator isn't initiating anything themselves, the winner's only responsabilities are to inform of issues and to mark as Not Received. Anything beyond that can potentially be construed as rude behavior (and, as madsession noted, potentially a violation of rules). As I noted above, if the GA creator pushes for a deletion, consider whether the idea is agreeable to you. Outside of that, there shouldn't really be too much discussion on the matter between the winner and GA creator.
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You DON'T mark as received if you haven't received the game, contrary, after 7 days you mark as "Not received". Nor should you agree on the giveaway to be deleted.
I'm really sorry that your 1st win had to turn into this, but most of the time it goes smooth, believe me.
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"i found out he was the one who redeemed the game because he explained to me humble bundle "duplicated" his keys for some reason", do he activated game and giveaway it?
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On HumbleBundle, your keys are initially hidden. You have to first click on it before you can see it. In this way, you can track, which keys have already been activated and support can see, if a customer hasn't used a key yet. The unhiding of the key is permanent. But there have been reports, where an activated key became hidden again. Seems to be a bug. But if your key is hidden again, you could believe you got a new one or even that you didn't activate the key yet. That's what happened I guess.
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I believe it was looking in his HB library like he has 2 keys for this game
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Mark it as not received. That's what that function is there for.
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Tell the guys to contact the support for deleting the giveaway and write a comment on the page of the giveaway you won
`I agree to delete this giveaway
thats it , or you can click on not recieved
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Say you do not mind deleting the game.
Next, the creator of the giveaway must create a support ticket himself and beg to delete the giveaway.
In this situation, you don’t have to do anything and can mark the game as “not received” (if he doesn’t need it, he can create a support ticket and ask him to remove the giveaways).
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Try clicking the "received" again, maybe this will uncheck the box.
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I won one giveaway for a game called morphblade and i tried redeeming it only to see its already been redeemed. I reached out to the one who hosted the giveaway and thankfully responded and i found out he was the one who redeemed the game because he explained to me humble bundle "duplicated" his keys for some reason , he asked mods here if it can be reverted but sadly the mods said it cant. now he's giving me an option to mark the game received or be deleted , i refuse to mark the game received and i try to delete it but cant find the remove button . he said i can ask a mod to delete it so im asking someone to delete it since i havent really won anything.
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