Really now? I had no idea. Well that's good to hear! Glad I've only had one or two boo-boos on that front. It's worth it to know there are measures in place against this.
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I've seen some GAs "disappear" for reasons I considered kind of suspicious, so I'm glad to know I'm not alone in wondering about this. If what you say is true, I'd love to see something about that. Too many "accidents", or "accidents" that happen long after they should have been noticed, should probably warrant some kind of intervention. That said, does this count as a callout? I'm not sure if it counts if no particular rule is being violated. Not trying to back-seat mod here, I just want to point out it might run afoul of that rule, just in case. I could be wrong, or you might not care. Just an FYI intended for your benefit.
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Just not allowing people to promote shit like that sounds like the best solution .
The ones you mention are just the AAA games ... people do that even for bundle games and hen delete the giveaways .
There Was/Is that guy who do a CS-Go giveaway few times ... and delted them all right before they expired .
Its just stupid tbh
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send a ticket and let support deal with this. if people are so desperate/greedy/stupid to fall into those "promotions" by following their youtube/facebook it's their fault. deleting giveaways before they end it's not against the rules, it's not fake since there were no winners.
don't call out people on the forums.
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I'm pretty sure that if some dev asked for 100+ slots and did it one-by-one then it wouldn't be fair only because "there are no winners".
It's abuse/exploit same as everything else - if guy intentionally creates a fake GA with intention to delete later, then it's fake GA, it doesn't matter that there are no winners and that he managed to delete giveaway in last few seconds.
Calling out is another part (that shouldn't be done), but I agree with OP arguments, those people should be punished, as they clearly have no intention of making a giveaway, and they're doing it as a free way of self-promotion.
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Even if they "technically" are not Fakes and don't get the 5 day suspension they still fall under Misleading Giveaways(or it's the other way around). Lesser "sentence"(3 days) but still applicable.
Once is a mistake, twice is a foolish mistake, three times it's a pattern. Repeat offenders could be easy to find and get the boot. But yeah...
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Honestly given the amount of times that I screwed up while making a train, being able to delete giveaways is a good thing for me.
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They can't do this infinitely as you lose one slot (of the initial three) for every deleted giveaway so it will solve itself after a while. Other than that you have the usual problem of "trust". While it may often obvious as who will delete a giveaway after he got what he want there are also new users which follow through with such promotional giveaways. So just calling out on everyone because people are overly suspicious isn't helping at all. They only way to deal with this would be to prohibit those promotional giveaways completely which doesn't seem like the right solution.
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first two links of examples are the same dude...
fix them if you want :)
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Firstly, you shouldn't call them out. It's against the rules. Secondly, there's nothing we can do about them. There are some promotional giveaways that are legit and some that aren't. We can't really know if a giveaway is legit or not.
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It is possible to tell if it is legit once the person deletes the giveaway days later claiming it was a mistake.
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What if he intended to make a real giveaway, but something actually happened? Also, if we find it out after it's deleted, then what's the point? :/
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Just a question about calling out after many people mentioning it - what qualifies as calling out? As far as I know deleting giveaways are not instantly flagged as rulebreakings, so it's not like pointing out rulebreaking (possibly abusing a part of the site that doesn't seem too moderated) or is it enough if someone does something questionable and I start yelling about, and it's a calling out?
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Directly naming or providing indirect but easily traceable information of someone and accusing them of anything malicious without support judging the matter first. This is why you can, for example, mention konrads6, since he is permabanned now from the site for being found guilty of multi-accounting.
It is still probably one of the most common reasons you may see some more recognisable people around the forums being suspended once or a few more times.
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in short
negative attention = calling out
khalaq elaborated more on it here.
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I can take a punishment for calling them out. Sure, I can take my responsibility. My major point is to show these practices and to help Steamgifts become a better place. I can't do that without showing an examples. I would feel bad to be accounted for this, because I want to make the community and service better, but if this is the price to pay. Well, there is not much I can do.
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First of all. This topic is not a rant or any kind of unlucky winner cry. Please, if you consider posting something like "You wail because you didn't win" or something like that, just take a break. I don't care about winning and I seldom enter GAs. But ad rem.
For the last couple of months I've noticed that there are people who try to promote their youtube channel, blog, twitch, group or any other service by creating high value, very new GAs with very long winning date. What's more, they delete them just before the end of GA with lousy reasons. I truly do not understand this behaviour on Steamgifts and I don't know, why Adm and mods do tolerate such practices. The mentioned GAs, last couple of weeks, gathering thousands of entries and people who can get to know the promote service, yet GA is fake and serves only for cheap promotion. Have you noticed this? Does it bother you? Do you think that there should be some kind of new way of distinguishing promotional GAs, so, they wouldn't be allowed to delete and if there should be some punishments for misleading promotional GAs? "
Here are a couple of examples:
Entries 9,461 created 2 weeks ago, Deleted 1 week ago by the giveaway creator, VideoGameLegacy.
Entries 8,256 created 4 weeks ago. Deleted 5 days ago by a staff member, jatan11t. Reason Selected Incorrect Game or Information
Entries 8,256 4 weeks ago. Deleted 3 weeks ago by the giveaway creator, elegionario9. Reason Accident
Entries 7,775 Deleted 1 month ago
Entries 4,679 Deleted 1 month ago. Deleted 1 month ago by a staff member, Ronix. Reason Advertising / Referral Links
Entries 636 Deleted 5 days ago by a staff member, jatan11t. Reason Selected Incorrect Game or Information
These are just an examples and Im pretty sure, you can find more such things here. I don't care if simple user creates something by mistake and deletes GA. As I said, I am not interested in winning as I already have 2700+ games, that most likely won't be able to play in my whole life. What I do care is a bad practices of false advertising disguised as a good promotion. There are many decent people or groups that do make great and tripple As GAs. Who do follow the basic ethics, but the crooks making false GAs just destroy a reputation of all potentially good Youtubers or Twitchers or bloggers, who make nice GAs,
Sorry for such a long post, I seldom write anything here but I've noticed this practice here and it is kind of annoying unethical behaviour that bothers me.
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