So, sale is almost over, and i suddenly got a feeling that i want to play some dumb recent AAA action game. But since my budget is very strict and can't blindly buy every game i missed, i need your advise. After little search, i found 2 things:

  1. This sale sucks.
  2. The only good AAA option in 10-15$ range is Far Cry: Primal.

So, i want to ask people who already have it and played it, is this game worth 15 bucks? I never was a big fan of Ubisoft Far Cry, it was good in small portions but FC4 was way too overblown with sideshit activities, ans since I'm completionist i tried to do everything and burned out quickly, never finished this game because of that. I heard mixed stuff about Far Cry: Primal, but i saw some people who said that this is one of the best games of 2016, so that's why I'm interested to hear more about it.

Of course i was looking for other options, but there is not much to take since I've already own DOOM (my GOTY btw), Rise of the Tomb Rider, Deus Ex: MD and COD:IW (this one is utter garbage but still counts as AAA i guess). I'm very interested in Dishonored 2, since original was my 2012 GOTY, but 2 things preventing me from purchase - i didn't played D1 DLCs and I'm not sure that they fixed all tech issues. Also, it's still in 20$+ range so i guess it's too earlier to pull the trigger. Or am i wrong?

Well, there is also 2 other games that i potentially interested but again, i heard a lot about technical issues in those games - Just Cause 3 and Quantum Break. They are cheaper than Far Cry: Primal (7-8$ range each), so maybe it will be a better options, so if this possible i want to hear opinions about them too.

One last thing - small level 4+ giveaway. Happy New Year!

8 years ago

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Is it worth 15$?(Poll Requires Games to Vote)

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8 years ago

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Even though i dont have it i have watched a lot of its gameplay on twitch and i can safely say go for it!

8 years ago

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From what I've seen I don't think FC:P is that different from the others. Apart from having no guns.
You have over 5k games? Nothing in there at all?

8 years ago

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I have a lot of games too, but somehow FC Primal caught my eye as soon as I saw it on Steam. I thought the settings was interesting and also, being a crazy cat-less lady, I liked the idea of taming saber-tooth tigers. ;)

8 years ago

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Well, i do have over 5k games, but i actually played at least half of those games before i started to actively using Steam (when i was full pirate, to be more specific), and other half is indies from bundles, which is not bad, i found a lot hidden gems in bundled games. But as i said in my main post, right now i want to try something fresh and big budget for reasonable price, and since i played a lot recent AAA games there is not much to choose from. Far Cry: Primal caught my attention because of setting, and i didn't played Far Cry game for almost 2 years.

8 years ago

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I've bought it at first sale day, today I've finished it. 35hrs at record, 100% in-game progress. Maybe UPlay achivements and Survival+Permadeth mode can hold your atention for another ~100hrs... But it's not my case ;)

And game, well, it's interesting. Like FC 3 or FC BD for a first time.

Downloading XCOM 2 now, I hope it worth $18 ;)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm a fan of Far Cry games so I'll say yes! But my favorite is probably Far Cry 3!

8 years ago

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Own it on uPlay, so can't vote.. I'd say buy it, but at an even cheaper price. Setting and atmosphere are nice, but well you can't really call it dialogues and it gets repetitve later on.

8 years ago

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Giveaway ended, thanks to everyone how commented here and shared his opinion. Based on poll results and comments from people who have FC:P outside Steam, i'm going to give it a try :)

8 years ago

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If you like Denuvo, be my guest. But take your laptop somewhere with no internet connection and you will not be able to play. Plus, Steam and uPlay open at the same time...If you buy it, buy it for uPlay. At least you will have to deal with uPlay + Denuvo and not with Steam + uPlay + Denuvo.

8 years ago

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