So, sale is almost over, and i suddenly got a feeling that i want to play some dumb recent AAA action game. But since my budget is very strict and can't blindly buy every game i missed, i need your advise. After little search, i found 2 things:

  1. This sale sucks.
  2. The only good AAA option in 10-15$ range is Far Cry: Primal.

So, i want to ask people who already have it and played it, is this game worth 15 bucks? I never was a big fan of Ubisoft Far Cry, it was good in small portions but FC4 was way too overblown with sideshit activities, ans since I'm completionist i tried to do everything and burned out quickly, never finished this game because of that. I heard mixed stuff about Far Cry: Primal, but i saw some people who said that this is one of the best games of 2016, so that's why I'm interested to hear more about it.

Of course i was looking for other options, but there is not much to take since I've already own DOOM (my GOTY btw), Rise of the Tomb Rider, Deus Ex: MD and COD:IW (this one is utter garbage but still counts as AAA i guess). I'm very interested in Dishonored 2, since original was my 2012 GOTY, but 2 things preventing me from purchase - i didn't played D1 DLCs and I'm not sure that they fixed all tech issues. Also, it's still in 20$+ range so i guess it's too earlier to pull the trigger. Or am i wrong?

Well, there is also 2 other games that i potentially interested but again, i heard a lot about technical issues in those games - Just Cause 3 and Quantum Break. They are cheaper than Far Cry: Primal (7-8$ range each), so maybe it will be a better options, so if this possible i want to hear opinions about them too.

One last thing - small level 4+ giveaway. Happy New Year!

8 years ago

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Is it worth 15$?(Poll Requires Games to Vote)

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Happy New Year!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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And what is your definition of stupid threads? I want to know opinions about this game and SG forums allows to create poll that required owning game to vote. Why do you think that this discussion is stupid?

8 years ago

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New Years resolutions:
[x] Be negative to people
Yep, you succeeded

8 years ago

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It's a pity I don't have another weirdly-shaped potato, because I would have created another veggie / game -themed thread just for you. You're welcome. yeah, FYI I created a thread asking a similar question

You might find that type of threads rather dumb, but I like them... I like to see what others think about a game I might be interested in. I know, there are plenty of reviews on Steam and everywhere else and still, I don't mind threads like these here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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the only stupid thing here is your comment, to be honest.

8 years ago

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No. Too boring piece of sh*t, I even can't complete it since release.

8 years ago

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worse then blood dragon? lol

8 years ago

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blood dragon wasn't even bad LOL it was a master piece!

8 years ago

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Happy New Year.
No opinion on Far Cry Primal (since I still need to play FC4), however.

8 years ago

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If you like WW2 and tanks, the company of Heroes 2 master collection is $15, download the All Units mod, a ton of maps from the workshop, and the General Utility Game Mode mod if you don't want the AI to cheat, and have fun.

8 years ago

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I had to force myself to finish main quest line, just so I could uninstall and forget about the game. It is a bit better than Far Cry 4 (plot wise), but nothing major has changed since Far Cry 3.
So... Nope.

8 years ago

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I have no opinions but this video might help you. Kinda long though.
I think he said it's pretty much just more of the same if you played the previous games.
Personally I'd get Just Cause 3. Creating mayhem and destruction sounds way more exciting.

8 years ago

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Yes, yes and YES!
I loved it, great story, great optimisation... just great

8 years ago

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Quantum Break. They are cheaper than Far Cry: Primal (7-8$ range each)

That sounds like a price glitch, it's still only at 25% off (29.99) here in the states (understandably, given that it's only a few months out of launch).
Given a choice between QB and FC:P, the decision seems pretty obvious to me- especially if you're not a fan of Far Cry to begin with.

8 years ago

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Russian Pricing, probably.

8 years ago

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CIS, more precisely, but that's a pretty significant drop, even for RU/CIS pricing. But yeah, Russian Ruble has it at $8.55, so Ales may have just been rounding down.

8 years ago

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The game is nice, but Far Cry 4 is far better, in my opinion. Don't buy JC3, man. It has no story, nothing at all. Just explosions and shooting, that's all.

8 years ago

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Just explosions and shooting, that's all.

That's what's so great! like a bruce willis movie. All. The. Time.

8 years ago

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But his movies had some storyline too. :B

8 years ago

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I personally love JC3. It's an amazing game to just fuck around in. Sure, the story is decent at best (but closer to bad), but the gameplay is incredibly fun.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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I haven't played it and I don't know if you have but I'd say Far Cry 4 is the better option. Its supposedly shorter than 4 and not as good, I'm waiting for it to go lower in price/leech it ;3

8 years ago

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Good AAA games within the 15 dollar range? Jc3, Assassin's Creed games, Witcher, Doom (but you already own it so), Wolfenstein and alot more.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Nope. Looks like utter garbage.

8 years ago

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Nope. (btw. Can't vote, since own game on uPlay, because of Newegg accidentally giving it away effectively free. I imagine many share same fate)

I tried to get into it couple of times, but it really failed, mostly due to combat.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Quantum break is a really interesting game but kinda small i loved it.

8 years ago

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"The only good AAA option in 10-15$ range is Far Cry: Primal."

It's $24.99 where I am -- where are you that it's less than $15? I would probably buy it for $15 or less.

8 years ago

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His steam says Belarus, which means RU+CIS Pricing.

8 years ago

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Bought it 2 days ago, and it was for sure worth the money.

8 years ago

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Can't vote because I own on XB1 and no Steam but yes

8 years ago

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If you watch gameplay of FC:P on youtube you can see it's just more of the same of FC3 and 4. It's the same type of repetitive missions and combat. If you thought FC4 was a chore to get through then Primal will no doubt be similar.

8 years ago

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I would wait for Far Cry 5!!!

EDIT: I'm blacklisted dude... :(

8 years ago

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You were trying to giveaway free game (free DLC Jump Tanks), that' why i'm blacklisted you. But i'm trying to not use this feature anymore and you looks fine now so i removed you from my blacklist. Happy new year!

8 years ago

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thanks a lot, happy 2017

8 years ago

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Since FC4 was a boring crap I didn't even bother with this one, and it sure looks like nothing special.

8 years ago

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