Hi guys, so this days i've seen post on SG forum about the contirubutor value, post like "stuck in 30$ contributor value" and found that the explanation in the forum threads about the rules of bundle games giveaway and value, it's some of confusing to the ppl and even for me understand the math behind this rule. So i pull together a little windows program to calculate how much non-bundles games you need to gift in order to achieve the full bundle contributor value.

The program it's quite simple as you can see on this screenshot. just imput the amount of $$ you giveaway for non-bundles games and for bundles games and click "calculate".

You can get the program from this link

Feel free to let me know what you think about it.

PS: if you get an error try to use "," for decimals like "9,99"

12 years ago*

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12 years ago

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Why not just make a web application?

12 years ago

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i dont know php or web based lenguaje yet...

12 years ago

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Ah, well this seems like the perfect kind of project to start with! A serverside language like PHP is alright but for such a simple project a little JavaScript would suffice :D

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

12 years ago

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[sarcasm] But what about that 1.5% of users with JavaScript disabled??? [/sarcasm] In any case, that's what I said.

12 years ago

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I would like to believe there's more than just 1.5% of us...

12 years ago

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I've looked it up many times in the past and the percentages are always down in the 1-3% range. That's actually still a large number of people.

12 years ago

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you could make it in ASP.net, basically VB/C# for webpages (a bit of html knowledge required)

12 years ago

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An external program? Really? This cries for some JavaScript.

Besides the main problem is to find out what of your giveawys are actually bundle-games. Because even though a game is not on the bundle-list when creating a giveaway, it might be added to that list retroactively.

Since the site is calculating them anyway, I am not sure why they are not shown on the profile page.

12 years ago

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Thanks. Works pretty good.

12 years ago

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Cool but I didn't find contribution confusing :x
After the first $30 of bundled contribution, you get at most $1 bundle contribution per $5 non-bundled.
In other words: Take your non-bundle contribution and divide by 5. Then add $30. That is your max effective contribution coming from bundled games.

12 years ago

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WOW!!! AMazinG :O

12 years ago

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The main point is don't give the game away for nothing unless you are just feeling overly generous. Wait until you are in a group that requires a giveaway to stay a member. Or if you don't have the game, activate it yourself. I got .02 cents for 2 games. What a jip.

12 years ago

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..It seems like we're getting opposite morals from this site.

12 years ago

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The site suggests both "moral" tracks. Minimum contributor value giveaways, for example.

12 years ago

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If you could just give it your user profile and it'd do all the magic, that would be nicer. Like, I've given away some games, how am I meant to know which of them were bundled and which not?

12 years ago

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What we really need is to have 3 stats in our profile: Non-bundled contribution, Bundled contribution, and Total Contribution.

12 years ago

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This isnt Linux ready no go for me.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by psbox.