Actually i contacted support about fake -rep i got 3 weeks and no reponse
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guess they don't care about a lot.... I opened a support ticket over a month ago, because I gave away Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse which costs 27,99 € here in germany. When I gave it away it showed me the right game in the giveaway and gave me the cv-value of the already bundled game. Then one day the game was changed in my profile to Sam & Max 301: The Penal Zone. Now I don't get any cv-value, because this Episode is listed with 0 points...
Maybe they just don't have enough time to take care about all the support tickets, but it's a bit annoying to lose the cv-value because the game was simply changed...
Fortunately I haven't payed the 27,99 €. But still annoying
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Maybe they just don't have enough time to take care about all the support tickets,
Once again, another thing we literally can't do anything about. It might be better to send in a ticket to Steam asking them to revert their appid. They probably have a lot more power than we do...
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I see. So it seems that they have changed the appid and that's the reason why i lost my cv-value? If that's the case it isn't your fault, of course. But it would have been nice if you would have said this in my support ticket instead of ignoring it ;) Now I know the reason and that you can't change it, and I'm ok with that. But I though it is a problem on steamgifts, without any explanation...
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Now that's a tricky situation...
You would need to provide support proof that you sent a working key, and that you tried to contact the winner during this week.
If they find out that the winner activated the key, but left the giveaway unmarked to avoid being flagged for "non activation", they could perma-suspend them, for misuse of giveaway feedback.
Or, better yet: contact the store where you got the key, ask them to revoke it and issue you a new one, then ask for a re-roll.
Then I'd suggest you to avoid public Level 0 giveaways in the future, they're to much hassle.
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level 7 - now you are just making me sad :( - one day I will get to level 7 and tap into that well of fun - but funds are tight at the moment - and as for giveaways, I find most who have reached level 7 are not looking for many of my giveaways :)
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I made a public lv 7 giveaway a few days ago (lasted an hour) and got 17 entries. Just so I wouldnt have to deal with rerolls.
Even if you get one entry in a public giveaway, it will still give you CV. Only group and whitelist giveaways have 5 minimum.
Someone is bound to miss the game you are giving away and they will enter.
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I find that things gets much better with public giveaways at level 4 and above, and I usually do level 5 up to my own current level.
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If you do contact the store don't mention steamgifts or they'll nope the fuck out and likely not respond further.
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If the winner activates it, why would they leave the giveaway unmarked though? It doesn't really have any benefit, apart from annoying the creator, right?
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Never underestimate human greed... for all we know, the winner might have activated the game on another account, and left it unmarked to avoid suspension for non-activation.
Or he/she could have done something different, like attempting to regift the key, trading it, or selling it on a grey market.
If, and when, support will have all the proof they need, they'll punish the rogue winner with permanent suspension, according to the rules.
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yeah - I have one that I think is a smurf account for their main, and I think they got my giveaway and activated it elsewhere - but they refuse to acknowledge me on steam, email is fake, and they have not marked it received - so other than bothering support I think I can safely write that one off :) - some people are just rude I think :)
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Hmm you might be able to do a re-roll but theres no telling if he re-deemed it elsewhere
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If you can contact the store where you got it from, and it is not from a bundle more than 60 days old, then tell them that you gifted the key to a wrong account and you would like to get it revoked and get a new one. Ask for a reroll after that.
If you cannot get a new key this way, then try to make screencaps of the sent key and the attempts you made to contact the winner and ask for a received feedback.
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I have one of those for close to a year now. Guy hasn't been on SG since. Can't do anything smart about it as the giveaway had less entries than gifts so re-roll is not possible. and gift is still in my inventory with their e-mail listed in the "sent to" field.
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I've been told that by the support a long time ago, but I still hope the winner will wake up one day and tried to remember "what was that website name were you can get free games" and then call a friend to ask and this one will not know so they will both google and stay shocked when they realize something has been won a long time ago.
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mmmm got the same thing . i see the person is online most of the time but they did not hit received yet and i did send the key .still got a few days to go . only problem i have is what if he sent the key to a friend/sold it and you try give the key to another person ?
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It's very common and normal that people don't mark as received although they are online. It is often just because they are online only on mobile phone and they cannot activate the key because they are not home at their computer with steam client. You have to be patient.
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Not saying it isn't sometimes the case but you can actually see when a user is online from a mobile. They also don't have to be patient as the winner has passed the week they have to activate/mark recieved.
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still got a few days to go
They also don't have to be patient as the winner has passed the week they have to activate/mark recieved.
I was talking just about the case when it is in the 7 days limit because the user did talked about a case within the limit.
No need for panic. That's my opinion.
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Actually someone won and its a week ago that i sent key and he didnt put as recieved added to tell him but he doesnt accept me
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