Which Game Series gave you more ENJOYMENT/Fun Time?
I put more time into GTA games, but Saints Row (especially The Third) gave me more concentrated enjoyment. It's GTA that doesn't take itself seriously. Pure fun and stupid good humor, in my opinion.
Hopefully you'll get a chance to do both.
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I never really got into GTA, I guess with it being more focused on “realistic” crime kinda thing, but I ended up playing Saints Row 3 for some reason and LOVED it. I played 4 later and really loved that, too. I guess it’s the “goofy” story, gameplay, and characters that hook me.
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GTA peaked with SA,after that it was up to Saints Row to bring back the fun IV sucked out from the GTA name.
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I thought GTA 3 was fun for the time, but I feel a lot of that was driven by hype.
I tried GTA 4 twice, once on PS4 and once on PC, and didn't really enjoy it either time. I was so disappointed by GTA 4, so confused by the praise heaped upon it, that I actually thought that maybe I just didn't like open-world games in general.
Then I played Sleeping Dogs based on people's recommendation and loved it. It was unfinished and rough around the edges, but I had fun from start to finish, and way more fun than either GTA game I played.
I loved Saints Row 3, with the exception of the side content. But the main story campaign was great from start to finish, and way more fun than either GTA. The DLC was rather rubbish, though.
I loved, loved, loved Saints Row 4. I loved everything about it, from start to finish. I even enjoyed the side content and ended up doing all of it. Not only was it pure, over-the-top fun from start to finish, but it was consistently funny from start to finish. The DLC was rather a letdown, but the main game was amazing!
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gta2 was good for its time. extremely hard, though.
gta 3 was my favorite, played it several times and finished it twice.
san andreas was fun, but i can't rememeber if i finished it. same with vice city.
i still have to play gta5.
i played SR 2 and 3 and found them super boring and over the top (SR suffers from an acute case of edgelorditis).
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i played SR 2 and 3 and found the super boring and over the top
Thank effin goodness for that.
SR2 was a huge technical mess on PC even after mods.
SRTT is one of the most overrated games I've had to endure praise heaped upon, and I effin hate the word "overrated" and try to avoid using it, but can think of no better.
It's one ot these games that's built its fortunes on being mostly like another game, but not entirely not like it and not nearly as popular at one point in time. I get why for some it felt like a breath of fresh air and to others it was important to their sense of identity, but it doesn't change my experience of it one bit.
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🤔 I haven't played either one. I watched streams of GTA 3 and watched my friend play GTA 5 at his place. Neither one really looked like something I'd enjoy playing. I guess the appeal is being able to do anything. Just looking at the screenshots of Saints Row, I feel like that would be more fun. I've tried the Yakuza 0 game and I thought it was pretty fun.
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The multiplayer for gta is miles ahead but saints row has more freedom in singleplayer.
Saints Row 2>GTA 4>GTA SA>Saints Row 3>GTA 5
Both games are great and 1000% better with a friend. Modding for gta 4 making giant slides and going in ragdoll mode was very fun.
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I think you should check out GTA: San Andreas. It's kinda like a middle ground between the other GTA games and Saints Row when it comes to ridiculousness. ^_^
GTA 1 and 2 are also very fun, although they are much more arcade-y than the latter games. They may as well be their own thing even though the general concept is still similar.
Saints Row 4 is more Prototype (the game) than GTA or Saints Row, but it's still a ton of fun and still has that Saints Row brand of humor in it.
Overall I like both series. Haven't really been too disappointed by any of the games I've played in them (yes, even GTA IV's grey blandness; though Saints Row 2's port did get on my nerves). I'd say I like Saints Row more since I greatly value humor over "being realistic".
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IMHO, SR series is better than GTA 3D series. I don't compare it with GTA1-2, because they was created in good old times, when god damned hypocrites didn't try to ban violence and etc. in computer games.
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I'm not sure which one is the better, haven't played enough. I know I like SR3 a lot more ( today) than GTA 3 (today). But there is so much time between the two games, QOL features and better control makes the comparison unfair.
Loved GTA 3 about a decade ago but I kinda sucked at it/following the story, I've been playing with the idea of giving a try to the good old 3-VC-SA.
I think it boils down to what one prefers: grittier realism or edgier laidback ridiculousness.
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All I can say is that the Saints Row series eventually embraced its wacky side and no longer wanted to be regarded as just another "GTA clone". Good for them and for us, gamers which can enjoy more flavours of the open world genre, which didn't begin and it certainly won't end with the Grand Theft Auto series.
Comparing these two franchises at this point, would be like deciding if you prefer apples over oranges. Still, the socio-political satire from GTA IV and V did amuse me more than SR 3 or 4's more basic jokes. There is a time and place for all types of humor.
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GTA 3 has a special place in my heart and Vice City was easily my most favourite, but I enjoyed Saints Row 2 + 3 a lot as well. Hard to tell which games I like more, though I loved the character customization in Saints Row.
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Is this Donald Gaming? INCREDIBLE!
Different strokes for different folks. Although GTA has more detail.
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Honestly, each franchise has it's high's and lows. Personally, I prefer the older games from both, Saints Row 1&2, and GTA 3, Vice City, San Andreas. Though the newer games are better from a mechanical aspect, I find the stories weren't as good, or they either took themselves too serious, or not serious enough. GTAV does seem like a good game though, however I've not played it entirely as I'm not huge on the switching between characters. Really, I'd just like both franchises to go back to what they were earlier on.
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I stopped playing gt vc at helicopter mission xD Had three attempts in last 10 years and always it ended the same way.
With SA i stopped at train mission.
Agree with your opinion about gta4.
What about sr series? I had great time with 3 and 4. Also Gat out of hell. They simply found their own way - and for me at least it's just more fun.
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Vice City is probably my favorite game out of all GTA and Saints Row games. I just love the 80s/Miami Vice theme and it was also the first 3d GTA I played.
But other than that Saints Row 3 is the most fun I've had. It's hilarious.
I like all of them though, even GTA 1+2 were great for their time.
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I mean Saints Row: The Third is one of my favourite games so I might be a bit biased.
I do really enjoy the GTA series though.
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I think SR2 was the best of the series. I still remember fondly throwing shit at houses to drive the price down. 3 and 4 went full on stupid and while great for sandbox play, it affected negatively on the story (for my taste).
The problem I see with gtaV (the same happened in rdr2) is that there's too much to do, and everything has to be done slooooowly. Great games, excelent games both, but the amount of padding made it hard for me to finish them. Gta4 was boooooring and San Andreas was the best for me.
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hi, first! i didnt came up with a better title :/ (and this is no what game is better topic, just my 2 cents and i think i g)
i was raised in the time where GTA 1 was fresh, didnt play through but i loved it, then 2 came out and didnt play through it too, only GTA 3 started to get me totally in and i finished it also VICE CITY, 2 awesome games and on ps2 i also played with love the spinoff. lovely. then i didnt play a long time another GTA and then i came across SAINTS ROW 3, i was really addicted, the HUMOUR, the GAMEPLAY (weaponplay etc.), the DRIVING (more arcadey), all the optional xp earning and the rewards kept me completing it 100%!
then i was like wow, this was a big awesome ride and fun EVERY minute. so GTA 3 was a long time ago when i played SAINTS ROW 3 and i started GTA 4 some months later. wow the presentation etc. i was back in the GTA mood but then i realized that the game has a TOTAL different approach, realizing more a realistic apporach, less arcadey, more complex looking world but not being complex at the same time, the optional stuff, activities were feeling non-rewarding and often boring shortly so i enjoyed the story + the mission packs. nice game but i got still SR3 so much better and more fun in memory! soo i started to play Saints Row 2 some months later on PC as i read it had some user patches and was back in the Saints Row 2 fever. this gave me so much more joy and i was like why? why? i love gta 3 etc. why didnt i enjoy GTA 4 so much?
i still didnt play Saints Row 4 but i recently started GTA 5 and am around 25 hours in, after maybe 3 years i finally started. and wow i enjoy this one MUCH MUCH more than GTA 4. the movement, the driving, it all feels much smoother. then i realized that there are a lot more? activities but are not again so rewarding (golf, tennis, darts, shooting range etc.) i know and see that GTA tries to be MORE realistic (i dont mean the superpowers in saints row) and the LEVEL OF DETAIL of the world IS JUST INCREDIBLE!!!! bt the fun gameplay of Saints Row 3 is still not captured by it. something is missing for me, the rewarding gameplay, that you get xp and get rewards like a new gun, some more outfits etc. also the GTA 5 world is SO lovely detailed the same time there is so less to explore in the citywith shops and so on. i thought you could enter this time more rooms, more shops but it just looks nice without being enterable.... a big bummer for me.
overall i think SR3 is still the most fun i had in such a open world game (im curious about SR4) but GTA 5 is in the right direction and is just differently focused which is not bad!
again this is no topic to find the better game as i love both series', gameplaywise i justhad more fun with SR3 still!
what do you think? what series/game do you think is most fun of both series' any why?
i totally forgot to mention that i recently played through SLEEPING DOGS. this is right to Sants Row 3 my 2nd favourite so far! made so much fun and was also unique itself and again much more rewarding for the optional stuff!
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