One of the girls featured on the report complained about the coverage
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well just like all sports, its about what draws the crowds. if less people wish to watch chicks game than they do guys, why would they think they deserve equal prize money when theyre not helping generate the same attention or income? The ONLY time they should be complaining is if there is verifiable proof that they draw the same levels of interest and are every big a drawcard as male gamers.
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Its just funny how the world works, I remember that before any person that used play alot
on the computer was considered a loser.
I hope it doesnt sounds rude, but back in the earlys 2000
I dont remember seeying any girl on a cybercafe playing any kind of games, seriosly
so yeah I think that it is logical to say that it is just a reflection of the past.
on my point of view, e-sports scene "right now" is just like real soccer,
you dont see Messi, Neymar, Cristiano Ronaldo playing with womans on the same team...
also I dont think theres any woman playing soccer receiving the same amount they do
ps: " right now".
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And there is proof, most notably in women's soccer:
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I know I will get crucified, but maybe they are not as good at what they do? By no means am I saying that women should get paid less for doing the same job, however, if a woman just isn't as good at a video game as man, should she get paid the same? Also I am not saying that a woman can't be as good as a man in video games in general. And overall, there are probably far less women in e-sports as men.
If we take "woman, man" out of this equation, and just "the player" is left, then a player who performs better, gets paid more.
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I don't see why would you make this topic. It's bullshit BBC article and funny thing is stupid people bandwagon everything they read on news.
Also if you wanna talk about gender equality in e-sports, Thorin said it all
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He also made a video on the topic of females in esports:
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They want equality let them play vs men teams on tournaments simple as that mouse and keyboards are the same its not shovel so they can say "its to heavy".
"women earn on average much more than men at their level of ability." Thorin
If they dont like it they can go to twitch stream their silver 3 games with boobs covering 80% of stream screen and earn donations.
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Dont know about mixxed teams but they want equal share make it equal simple.Men teams get more earnings since they bring more fans with their names simple in every esport game you know couple of players for example in CS Neo,Forest,Get_right and many many more now tell me how much esport girls you know from Girls Tier1 teams in csgo?They want equal play vs men teams who always bring fans and pack whole arena where tournament is.Its just another feminist bull**** nothing more.
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I'm really not sure if there are male only competitions by definition, but after almost all of them got filled up with them, one maybe can get the wild idea that females are rejected.... I think it was with Heartstone? when they wanted different male-female competition. Or in League of Legends they started a girls only team that went on the "gurlzzzzz" bandwagon until they got destroyed in a proper match xD I really doubt that it's about inherent skill and talent differences, but girls are indeed underrepresented. But what if they... just don't want to go, or learn and practice on the level that would be required? :\
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If there is no restrictions then there really is no issue. If advertisers are paying more for otherwise equivalent athletes of a specific gender, then there is an issue to be addressed. If compensation is tied directly to performance (you win, you get paid) and there are no gender-specific barriers to entry, there can be no wage gap, only a performance gap.
Perhaps it is only a case of media sensationalism.
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100% of me didn't get any earnings from esports #unfairEsports
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To be fair is based on the popularity of the game/contest and how much revenue is brought it.
its the same reason on average men are paid less for porn (dont ask me how i know that )
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to be fair to the BBC reporter, the reason he ignored it (ironically) is that controversy = more views and a bigger audience.
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but it would paint men and earning less than women so they wouldn't bother covering it.
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That report is quite off the mark. Noticed how there is no autor in the article, someone didn't want to take the backslash of false reporting...
The females quoted have came out and stated that they were taken out of context and complained about the report.
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well... I think the bullshit article award of this year goes to this article.
the reason are pretty well written by previous comments.
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dont see why there are male and female competitions.. just combine it all, in the end there all gamers.
prize money should be based on popularity of the games and sponsors
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must say i dont find it such a strong atricle.
first off a talented gamer is a talented gamer, despite being male or female. the pool of male gamers is currently bigger so brings more players at this point, all can change as the amount of female gamers are on a rise.
the article keeps talking about splitting to male and female grouped and has poor arguments for it. for instance
""You may argue, if they were good enough, they could play in the majors and that’s a fair point, but it’s not all down to natural ability. It’s about training facilities, full-time player roles (most women are part time due to needing to pay their bills with a real life job!),""
the above states that female gamers have less chances because they have less time, because they might have a job, well welcome to the real world that goes for both male and female.
I can find myself in the argument that the top male gamers get better pay and dont need a second job, might be. but in order to get the pay up for female players, i will come back to my first point of throwing them all into one big pot, mix the male and female and the talented players will flow to the surface.
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In CS:GO males and females used to be seperated, then the females complained that they should play in the same tournaments. After sometime males and females we're put together again, but the males well just rekt the female teams they were just messing around and the females didn't stand a chance, then the woman complained that it wasn't fair and they we're seperated again. And about ''prize money should be based on popularity of the games and sponsors'' this is true, that's why males make more then females.
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didnt knew they tried this in CS GO, but still i believe in this case the females are to blame, instead of complaining work harder, because as gaming for a big part consist of hand eye coordination and reaction time, male and female should be able to perform the same
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Well it was some time ago that they did this like 2 years ago, nowadays only small tournaments are sometimes mixed. Back in those days male and female pro CS:GO teams used to play against each other and the male teams would win almost every round. Here is a good example, titan vs a female team, titan was just joking around not really playing seriously and they won really easily, BMonkey only got 1 round.
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Your thread is disciminating me... I wrote a long post, clicked sumbit and it didnt post it.
P.S Less imporant tournaments with few thousand viewrs pay less than the top tournaments that are watched by millions, that's why there's a salary difference, not cuz the gender.
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Same thing happened to me, I wrote wall of text shitting on Silly and BBC and it's gone :o
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Your thread is actual shitpost the way I see it, what I was writing is that you posted the thread with no any research at all only banking on BBC article.
Please go back to said article and find a name of the journalist who wrote it. Let me save yo the trouble, there is none. That should say everything.
I have no desire to offend you in any way, I just find this thread laughable because BBC created something and everyone is jumping on bandwagon.
/edit Maybe not laughable but I don't like that it's spreading fake articles :p
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My judgement => BBC article (shit) + new thread (post) = thread about BBC article (shitpost) :D
Yeah I see that, good job on that!
On the topic of twisting words, there's this older article where she's also saying the same thing, so people are wondering did BBC really twist her words. Also, there is good conversation in the comment section of said article.
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So, anyone old enough to remember the Crackwhores and PMS?
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Double negative, confusing :s
Also, why do you think that? Females have the same chance of qualifying to the event as men do.
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I didn't know bbc did such dishonest reported before. (not that I have the channel to watch)
"Earnings" is way different then salaries. Is there an earnings/salary cap? (like football).
Does this take into account how many games played? How many years was the player employeed? How many games won? Sponsorship? Championship winnings? How often your game was broadcasted/streamed (streaming revenue)? etc. etc.
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