So am I the only person who thinks Mass Effect 3 is actually a really good game? I know it's heresy, but I didn't even think the ending was that bad. It wasn't spectacular, but I found it to be satisfactory.

By the way, I respect everyone's opinion, but please try to keep the ME3 bashing to a minimum. I'm well aware of how rabidly despised it is among the passionate.

11 years ago*

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11 years ago

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Haven't played it. Those games are nearly unplayable with mouse and keyboard, they need controller support added.

11 years ago

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I'm the kind of person that tries to use a controller for every game though I thought they were very playable with a mouse and a keyboard. I made shots I doubt I could have made with a controller. I couldn't even imagine playing them with a controller at this point. Give it a try again. If you still hate it, then fine you hate it. See if you can get the console version because the games are quite good.

11 years ago

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I couldn't even play ME2 due to mouse sensitivity, until I found a youtube video explaining how to change the files without breaking the install. I loved ME1 on console, it was one of my favorite games. I got it for free from Origin and it completely ruined my memory of the game. It's awful, I don't understand why every other developer can offer both choices, but Bioware wouldn't. Unfortunately, after 2 dead 360's I'm not going back to consoles.

11 years ago

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I played ME1 on mouse keyboard, still not played 2 not 3 they changed the controls?

11 years ago

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I don't know, but I could not play 2 until I found the mouse fix.

11 years ago

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Yes. Controls are changed. ME2 (and ME3) can be almost played only with space bar. Btw i like ME3 too.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

11 years ago

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A lot of people had the problem, but not all. People who have adjustable sensitivity on their mouse could fix it easier. The biggest annoyance was any changes to the games files rendered the game unplayable. I had to use a specific program and change things so that the file size was the same, otherwise it wouldn't run.

11 years ago

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I played all 3 with m+k and aside from when I was playing them in a row and forgetting from 1 to 2 what certain buttons do changes, I had no real problems as well.

11 years ago

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Unplayable, huh? I played through all three with K+M, never had any problems at all, and it didn't cross my mind even for a second to use a controller. Then again I'm one of those people who find playing games with a controller extremely hard unless it's a platformer/fighter (and maybe racers) - now those are games you can't play without a controller. Don't know why, people sometimes give me weird looks when I say I can't play games, especially GTA, with a controller. Playing GTA with a keyboard + mouse, I can play perfectly and with zero problems. I try with a controller, and it's like I'm playing it with my feet.

11 years ago

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As I said, the slightest mouse movement threw my aim off by a mile. There was no option in the menu to fix it, and changing the cfg broke the game. I had to find the special way to fix the cfg to make it playable for me. Also, after I got it working, I played it for 10 hours straight, so I'm not bashing the game. But, if you Google Mass Effect 2 mouse sensitivity you will see I'm not the only one who had this game breaking problem.

11 years ago

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That's weird. I played through ME2 twice, never had any issues. Seeing there's SO many results about it, guess I was one of the lucky ones

11 years ago

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It's a good game. I liked it.

11 years ago

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I found it to be quite entertaining, while I agree the ending was weird, since the story didn't affect it much I still enjoyed the game and I can't say my money was badly invested, especially since I enjoy the CoOp MP.

11 years ago

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Why would it be a "heresy"? It's just the dumb kids who didn't get what the ending was about and expected an "epic" bossfight were, as usual, the loudest and so the myth of "bad" mass effect 3 was born.

11 years ago

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Woah... Take a chill pill dude.

11 years ago

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He seemed pretty low key about it to me, and he's probably right too.

11 years ago

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So the fact that the ending was illogical, and outright wrong in it's argumentation, makes us players dumb? Not sure if trolling...

11 years ago

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No, the fact that some players are outright dumb in their "argumentation" makes the ending seem "illogical" and "wrong" to them.

11 years ago

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Perhaps you could enlighten us on how the ending was logical, good and fit what they promised (ie. no simple "choose a, b or c")?

11 years ago

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If you expected an "epic" bossfight then i could not enlighten you even if i tried.

11 years ago

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And what about people not expecting a boss fight (like me) and still being disappointed? Perhaps you could try for those?

11 years ago

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ok, what exactly wasn't "logical" or whatever about it?

11 years ago

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For starters it was a binary choice of A, B or C (which they said they wouldn't do) with all of our choices being reduced to numbers which needed only to add up to a certain value. The Catalyst (as in an outside force controlling all of the Reapers) came out of the left* (unless you've bought the Leviathan DLC - though that one has its own issues, like trying to solve the problem of AI-controlled synthetics destroying organic life by making an AI and giving it basically unlimited freedom and resources. Yeah, can't see how that could end badly...), the Mass Relays were stated to blow up violently when damaged (as seen in Arrival), here they break down harmlessly. Why does the Destroy option affect all synthetic life? Control allows us only to affect the Reapers, their destroy mechanism should act similiarly. We also have Synthesis, which somehow, using only human DNA affect each and every single species in the Galaxy modifying them on a basic level to be a hybrid. Even those that have no DNA to change - I guess that changes their alloys? "Space magic" seems to be the only answer to how is that possible and how a beam of energy sent out through the Relays does that. It also doesn't guarantee solving the problem - there still will be reasons to create completely artificial life (since the organic parts will limit what the hybrids can do) and it will be able to rebel.

*though I'm not sure if they'd changed that in the Extended Cut - after the original version I couldn't d find myself watching it

11 years ago

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-Every choice in every game is ABC, even in real life. Also the effect of "choices" throughout the game is one of the most misunderstood things about the game. Anything you did before, who did you choose to shoot or not shoot, who did you give money to and what did Conrad Verner do etc., is not supposed to have any effect on a "machine" operating in the scale of millions of years. The player's choices throughout the games are only supposed to affect people around in certain situations at certain time and to affect the construction of the device, which is in fact also a product of millions of years and the player only happens to be present in the cycle in which there is a possibility to complete the device and use it. There is no way any of the previous choices could affect the all life for the many years to come as does the final choice of deciding what to do with the device. The player themselves, not the videogame character, is supposed to reflect what choices they made before and what were their reasons and what is their personal view of the situation and then they choose. The game is not supposed to choose the ending for the player. So for example it is on the player's own thoughts and conscience to review their own relationships with the geth, with EDI and so on and think about whether the destruction of all synthethic life is worth it and is justifiable. The game is actually quite demanding on players ability to think about what are they doing and why are they doing it instead of choosing something for the player or telling them outright and explicitly "this is good, this is bad" and letting them just watch as the game basically resolves itself.

-Mass relays are supposed to channel the signal from the device and they presumably overload during the process and they "fry" and break down, it's obviously not the same thing as ramming the relay with an asteroid.

-Destroy option is breaking the cycle completely giving everyone "freedom" at the cost of death of synthetic friends and allies and a probability of complete destruction of life somewhere in the distant future because there is no "control mechanism" provided by reapers. Control is taking over the cycle and adjusting it to new system of a "big brother" selectively controling the cycle. It can't "act similarly" because it has completely different purpose. Many times i've read stupidities like "why can't i choose to control and then drive them all into a black hole?" that don't make any sense because choosing to control is accepting a new role of an artificial godlike figure directing the way all life is supposed to go in the future, that is becoming one with the essence of the reapers and adding your mind to the system and therefore committing suicide doesn't make any sense even though in the extended cut they added the option of choosing to lose because there were a lot of paranoid whiners who were crying all over the internet that the catalyst is "lying" to them and they miss the option of not choosing anything which basically means giving up, dooming everyone to die and finally watching the cutscene of the civilizations of the next cycle utilising the databoxes Liara hid around and dealing with the cycle even before the purge started. That's actually quite admirable that Bioware tried to make giving up a legitimate choice by playing it like "no one person can choose over all life blahblah" even though it was clearly the case of trying to appease the paranoid whiners who were the loudest.

-Synthesis is making the cycle obsolete by erasing the basic difference and subsequent complete inability to understand from the very basis between organic and synthetic life. Every of the three choices is of somewhat transcendent nature although synthesis more than the other two. It's not supposed to physically change people, it's supposed to merge the two life forms in their very essence, so it's not about DNA and "alloys" because synthetic life is software, as said in the game itself, not "alloys". That's probably one of the most mature themes to appear in videogames in general and yet it's still so hard to get for some people most probably because they just don't even want to think about the nature of mind and "soul" or the primal ideals etc., the foundation of all philosophy in the world. Anyway there's actually a lot of works of fiction centered around the idea of artifical intelligence taking over human body or a human becoming one with the machine and so on and as for the actual physical change there's the nanomachine thing and so on.

It doesn't really matter though when some people still go on about "space magic" in a game where a giant hairclip teleports them over the galaxy to a planet of doped up teenage mutant ninja turtles with shotguns.

11 years ago

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I am well aware that life itself tends to work like that. However when the development team hypes up the fact that their work is different* and you get only that you can be a bit irritated, no? And while expecting every little detail to matter in the ending itself is idiotic, there are some things that could very well have a meaning bigger than +10 to your war effort. Thinking about the way we helped the Geth and Quarians find peace is one thing - but I always felt we should be able to mention that little thing to the Catalyst...

As far as the Relays go, the endings did show a very violent explosion. I've heard they did change that - but perhaps it shouldn't be that way since the beginning?

When it comes to the Destroy/Control I am well aware these are fundamentally different choices - but why does the Crucible allow us to take over the Reapers (and only them) but not to fry them alone. After all, they are unique at that moment, being the organic-synthetic hybrids. That makes them more unique than synthetics, which are basically AIs with mechanical bodies (does the beam also target things like VIs? They are similiar enough).

I'm not sure why do you think Synthesis wasn't about a physical change - while from what I can remember it could be argued that way from the original ending, the few shots from the EC I've seen** prove it is not the case. With eyes starting to glow green and "circutry" appearing on the bodies of all races, the change must be physical (and since the ending begun with showing DNA spirals and such, it is certainly that). Transhumanism can be a very mature theme, even moreso when the base for it would be changing of the mind - but we are shown the basis is getting an altered (in an unspecified way) body. I guess nanomachines could be a possible explanation - but still, we have the fact that human DNA allowed the creation of nanobots which work on all races, regardless of the fact that some are extremely different from humans in what their DNA code is. And even with the change of mindsets, one of my points remain - the creation of purely synthetic life is still a possibility, and with that comes the chance for another war, though the Catalyst might think differently.

*"As Mass Effect 3 is the end of the planned trilogy, the developers are not constrained by the necessity of allowing the story to diverge, yet also continue into the next chapter. This will result in a story that diverges into wildly different conclusions based on the player's actions in the first two chapters"
"This story arc is coming to an end with this game. That means the endings can be a lot more different. At this point we're taking into account so many decisions that you've made as a player and reflecting a lot of that stuff. It's not even in any way like the traditional game endings, where you can say how many endings there are or whether you got ending A, B, or C."
"It's more like there are some really obvious things that are different and then lots and lots of smaller things, lots of things about who lives and who dies, civilizations that rose and fell, all the way down to individual characters. That becomes the state of where you left your galaxy. The endings have a lot more sophistication and variety in them."


11 years ago

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Well, the canonical ending is the true and logic one for me, as it´s the only one that I can truly support and understand via Good Shepard game.

I agree that most people goes apeshit because the ending doesn´t involve a macro-fight with a ultra-hyper-mega legendary boss, yet we also have to remember that, being partially a shooter, a great percentage of its players are dumb teenagers that have CoD as reference for everything (I´m not saying CoD games theirselves or their players are a bad thing).

It could have been a better finale, maybe, but I am truly happy with it, and despite the horrible service that Origin offered, it was, by far, one the best role experiences I´ve ever had.

11 years ago

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I liked it aswell and I think lots of people nowadays are so easily affected by the opinion of others that they adapt it as their own.
I had this as a child, when my sister hated on mushrooms, so did I, but that's long over and I feel like a lot of people are still in that phase ^^.

11 years ago

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Yeah, people should definitely get over their phase and have some shrooms. :)

11 years ago

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exactly xD

11 years ago

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Is it on Steam yet? No? Okay, bye.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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But it is...

I should know. I have it installed.

11 years ago

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You should have tried Steam when it came out. Now THAT was a huge steaming (løl) pile of poo.

11 years ago

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I did try Steam for a little bit back in 2008 on another account which I discarded and forgot about until it became an alt.. It was, yes, terrible, although that may have had to do more with the quality of my computer than Steam itself.

11 years ago

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Notional's talking about 2003's Steam.

11 years ago

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When Steam came out in 2004, it was basically just a window with shortcuts to the games. I believe it could auto update or something like that, but really it was just annoying. I tried to ignore it as much possible, but when HL2 was coming and demanded it, I decided to get it back in 2005. Was awful then too. :p

11 years ago

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Back in the day when Valve, a small independent company, was the only one around trying to build the first online game marketplace, it may very well have sucked. But they improved on it and made it something good. Now EA does have an example of what to do or not do, and a lot more resources, and they still managed to build something that sucks balls.

11 years ago

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you depress me

11 years ago

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Worst is that I can understand that, so many games yet to play on Steam, and I'm aways looking at it, so I usualy just forget about games I brough and aren't on steam, to the point of never paying them. Because of that I avoid a bit games outside Steam unless I'm badly scratching to play it.
For a another quick example, I can't wait till GFLW die to I be able to buy Gears of War on Steam (I hope).

11 years ago

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EA game not on Steam? Doesn't exist.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Did you experience it with or without the Extended Cut?

11 years ago

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Edit: The first time was without, as I beat it within the release week.

11 years ago

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To me, the ending of the game as it came on the disc was simply terrible based on what Bioware had promised. The DLC did fix some aspects of it but they're still locked into that ridiculous finale, nothing can change that.

11 years ago

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I'll admit that, from what I've heard about their promises, they probably did drop the ball with that. But to be fair, the idea that many players had in mind was pretty unrealistic. Having so many unique endings would be impossible. I think they should've locked you into a specific ending (out of the three/four possible endings) based on all your choices throughout the game(s), since letting the player choose which ending he gets kind of makes every choice made pointless in regards to the ending, but that probably would've made people just as angry.

11 years ago

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What does it matter? The extended cut just provides a longer cutscene explicitly saying the exact same thing as the not extended cut. It doesn't make anything different, it's just there to help people who switched their brain off from the running around the rocket launchers to the end credits.

11 years ago

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The crappy illogical ending has nothing to do with peoples intelligence or "switching their brains off". It was shit.

11 years ago

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The lower the person's intelligence is, the more "illogical" and "crappy" the ending seems to the person :).

11 years ago

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Post reserved till i finish ME1 and 2.
ETA : Unknown.

Additional non topic info : i find female Shepard voice more human compared to male Shepard emotional voice ( based off beginning 1-2 hours of game)

11 years ago

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You're in for quite the great experience, my friend. I envy you.

11 years ago

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nothing quite like the first time huh? thats the explanation for the envy huh~

11 years ago

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Yep. I'll never again be able to experience that series for the first time; making those choices, getting to know those characters: these are unrepeatable, amazing experiences. Relish it.

11 years ago

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To be honest, the game was really enjoyable, I don't even know ho many hours I wasted on reading logs and doing other optional stuff and just enjoying all the little things... but yeah, the ending totally wrecked my emotional state.

11 years ago

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I enjoyed the whole series, including 3 and I thought the ending was pretty decent. (I had extended cut) I even messed around in the multiplayer and had fun in that. I have no real complaints about the game.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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Thanks for borderlands 2

11 years ago

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N0 pr0bz d00d n33d 4nth1ng 3lse c0m3 2 m3 g0tz all da g4m3z

11 years ago

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I was just mad that the ending cinematics in mass effect 3 were missing all those little Volus ships, Elcor battle dudes with the heavy weapons on their backs, the Geth cruisers, and Hanar frigates I had worked tirelessly to scavenge from the far corners of the galaxy seeing only human asari and turian ships jump into the sol system was just like...

awww what the heck...

the game was loads of fun before then :/ it really would not have been very hard for them to add them in the cinematics at least, just overlay another layer of ships flying around.

11 years ago

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Wow. That's honestly the most convincing "they fucked up Mass Effect 3's ending" argument I've ever heard. The Elcor deserved better.

11 years ago

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The story and general part of ME3 was just as good as the other 2. For me however, there were 2 major problems with ME3:

  1. One button does it all. Every single time I died in ME3, it was because my character did something else than I wanted him to: Cover behind that wall: character jumps over the wall and gets ALL the bullets in the face and dies like a gigantic tard. Cleary EA's dumbing down the game to console tards. So frustrating. ME was mostly a story game, not a shooter, jeez.

  2. Ending! Just absolutely horrible. Made no sense what so ever. The arguments made by the ghost child thing was so illogical, that the choices I had made in all 3 games disproved the little shit in everything it said. The logic was just so flawed, that no one bought it in any way. What a gigantic anti-climax.

The extended cut came out and I kinda tried that, but you had to replay more than I did to get the full extent of the new cut, but I never bothered. Even though some of the DLC's seems very interesting, I never bothered, because a) the ending killed all interest in them and b) none of them ever got on sale (seriously, you could get AAA new games at steam summer sale for less than 1 short and shitty DLC, FU bioware, FU EA).
But seriously, the ending was so flawed, that it kinda killed the franchise for me. And since EA insists on dumbing down the franchise to be a console shooter (what was up with the lame pointless MP part?), I'm not sure I will even be interested in ME4 or whatever they think up. I reserve the right to be positively surprised, but considering the development we've seen over all 3 games, I doubt it.

Edit: Oh I would like to add the thing I loved most about ME3: The psychologist/patient conversation in the hospital. Man that story was soo good. I found myself going back to the hospital all the time to hear more. On the other hand, the sex was much less graphical than the others.. more dumbing down to the consoles children.

11 years ago

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Sex cannot exist on consoles, you heard it here first! If you had sideboob in the first game, you must have full frontals by the third, otherwise you're just dumbing it down! It's the law!

11 years ago

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well to be fair... at least they got rid of the dry humping from mass effect 2!

11 years ago

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Of course not, but one of the brilliant thing was the human interactions and relationships you could make in the game. The erotics was just a natural part of such relationships. Censoring them out, is just a typical American thing, where violence, murdering and war is more publicly acceptable than a naked boob. The only other place in the world the mentality is like that is the middle east. We Europeans don't understand it anyways.

11 years ago

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Just because they're not shown doesn't mean they're prudes. I'm hardly a prude, but I'm not asking for gratuitous sex in Skyrim, because why? If it came with it? Sure. But if they developer decided it didn't fit, I'm not going to call them prudes, I'm going to think "Okay, they didn't put that in there. That's cool." There's a huge difference between being prudes and just simply not having an explicit sex scene.

11 years ago

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Then why did they in the first game? They all come with an 18 mark, so it makes no sense. Anyways, that is only a tiny issue I have with ME3 (and a bit ME2). My main points are above and much more important.

11 years ago

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The 18 certificate isn't chosen by the developers and they have no way of knowing what they're going to get until they submit it, by which point, the game is finished. Just because something's 18 doesn't mean it needs to hit every single thing to get that rating.

11 years ago

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Nor have I claimed so. My general problem is that they took a very good RPG, dumbed down the character and relationship development to introduce a semi good action shooter. If they tried to get a lower rating by excluding visual erotics, that just proves my point.

11 years ago

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I've got to say, I'm not getting what you're saying at all. If anything, I found the characters improved from game to game.

11 years ago

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To be fair, BioWare is a Canadian company.

11 years ago

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I played all three together in three weeks in march,with extended cut,so I see all three like a whole game..being a mostly action player,mass effect 2 & 3 were the best if i have to choose;but don't make me talk about the end -.- it is a gaming hurt that will be open forever -.-

Btw,the best gaming experience of my life

11 years ago

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I'm not sure if this is considered a spoiler, but in ME2 my least favorite thing was having to be done everything by a certain point to get the good ending. Is ME3 the same way?

11 years ago

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So you're objecting to having to prepare well for a mission? I don't get it...

11 years ago

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I mean in ME2 after the one mission you had 1 chance to do a ally quest, then if you weren't finished everything you got a lesser ending. Also, my memory is fuzzy but I think I tried following a guide to get the good ending and still failed for reasons unknown. I'd like it, if at that crucial point, they were a little more lenient, like maybe 5 more missions before you have to move on, but you still get the best end.

11 years ago

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I don't remember having this issue, I just played through the game as I normally would. weird that you had so much trouble. :/

11 years ago

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Well I didn't realize I was alone in this issue. I wish there was a mod that would guarantee me the good ending, because I just don't like the other endings. It feels pointless to play through the game and end like that.

11 years ago

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I thought it was a pretty great game, other than the ending. Which got better with the extended cut. Overall it's my favorite series, incredibly good story and characters.

11 years ago

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Honestly, ME3 was perfectly fine in my opinion. The ending could have been better? Sure, absolutely. But the vast majority of comments about ME3 are absolutely stupid, like how it retroactively ruined the last 100 hours they put into the series, which is just sad. I thoroughly enjoyed the game and, while it could have been better and at least part of it came out of nowhere, I enjoyed the ending too. It was exactly what I expected, if not in story but in mood. There was never going to be a happy ending that wasn't bullshit deus ex machina, I don't know why anyone expected there would be. The mood struck me far better than the story did. For me, the ending did its job. Combined with a damn good multiplayer, I'd still recommend ME3 over the complaints.

11 years ago

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+1 yes, and yes.

11 years ago

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Damn. Those games took 100 hours total? It felt like 30, at the most. Just shows how amazing they are.

11 years ago

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I'd say closer to 170 for me, but I take things slow.

11 years ago

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Single playthrough of each or multiple? I probably put that much into ME1 on Xbox through 6 or so playthroughs.

11 years ago

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Single playthrough of ME1 to 3. I've played ME1 about 40 times now. Complete it totally in about 12 hours now.

11 years ago

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Wow! I thought I was a big fan of ME1. If my 2nd xbox hadn't died, I'd replay it again. I wonder if xpadder or something like that would work for the PC version? I'm probably going to pick ME3 up at retail sometime, but I'm saving up for Batman right now.

11 years ago

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I've only played them on Xbox so far, though I own all 3 on PC. I feel bad. I've never had the time to play ME2 more than 4 times and ME3 more than once. :(

11 years ago

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I liked ME2 right up until that ending I got. Still I skipped sleeping the night I finally got the game to be playable. I'm sure I'll enjoy 3 when I get it as well. Maybe when the next xbox comes out, I'll be able to pick up a used 360 cheap, though I already sold all of my games for it.

11 years ago

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I was kidding somewhat. It's just that between Skyrim and the Mass Effect series, I've lost (joyfully) almost one thousand hours of my life, but it felt like half that because they're so fucking enjoyable.

11 years ago

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My feelings exactly, that and the third game had some of the best story moments.

11 years ago

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I love the whole series and actually thought the ending was perfect (even without the extended cut). It all boiled down to a single decision that changed the entire fate of the universe and each decision went along with the central moral crux that existed throughout the series (are machines alive, should different species be aloud to coexist, the nature of man in a universe brimming with all kinds of other lifeforms). All of the minor decisions that you made up to the end didn't matter because the entire universe would evolve in a new way based on your choice. For a split second, you get to be a god. I would love to see some kind of epilogue that takes place after you changed the nature of the universe.

Oh, and the multiplayer was amazing. I still play it from time to time.

11 years ago

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I enjoyed the whole series except how they moved away from the rpg genre (less item customization) and made all guns use cooling clips instead of ammo.... and of course the ending of 3 hit me like a punch in the gut. I played 1+2 a few times each, but haven't touched any of them after 3.

I don't feel like I wasted 100+ hours playing, it just soured me on the series and I lost all interest to replay any of them.

11 years ago

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Yeah I played infiltrator based heavily on sniper combat. It was awesome in ME1, and I loved that I had unlimited ammo for my fav weapon for once. That is so rare these days. Then they introduced ammo... sorry "thermal clips" in ME2, which meant that my widow maker all of the sudden only had 10-11 shots. So I had to run into the battlefield to pick up ammo, sorry clips. No sniper would do that. And even when I did, there would never be enough amm...clips to keep me from running out. So instead of being an awesome sniper with awesome sniping mechanics (the moving crosshair), we went to a stationary dumbed down crosshair and no am..CLIPS.. so I would often be forced to use a crappy handgun or something like that. By far my biggest problem with ME2.

11 years ago

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The thing about the ending... it didn't make sense. it showed party members that died on the last mission alive and well, as well as other inconsistencies. I did read one explanation of the ending that made alot of sense but bioware/ea came out and said that the indoctrination theory was wrong.

11 years ago

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The Indoctrination Theory was brilliant conspiracy BS. It's amazing that such a well-thought out but completely ridiculous theory was developed over a video game.

11 years ago

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Honestly that theory made a lot more sense than the real ending. I had hoped that THAT theory was actually true, and they would build a complete ME4 on getting out of the indoctrination and discover the truth. Would have been awesome and redeeming.

11 years ago

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You watched a different ending to me. No-one was alive who shouldn't be.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

11 years ago

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I said Mass Effect, not Gears of War.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

11 years ago

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Technically, yes. It's widely accepted that Gears of Wars delivers the finest in third person shooting mechanics. So if you're not trolling and you have an Xbox, try those games.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

11 years ago

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Sorry didn't mean to offend :) I'm glad you tried to be positive; thank you. As Sickfarts said, you can find the first Gears of War on PC, but it's Games for Windows Live

11 years ago

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GoW is on pc until GFWL dies in 2014 :D

11 years ago

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You are not the only one. I loved the third game, and even (gasp) was content with the ending (I did have the extended cut). I really don't understand all of the negative reaction to the game. My only thinking was that I had heard so much about how awful the ending was that I was expecting something truly horrible, what I saw was much better than what I was expecting after all that. Plus I really enjoy the multiplayer for the game.

11 years ago

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I thought single player was fun, and I actually had a really good time playing the multiplayer.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by FreddieFiasco.