Errr uh....
You should have received a Steam key to activate on your account HERE -- the same place you clicked Received.
Don't click received until you actually receive and activate the game on your Steam account. There's no need to contact the giveaway creator unless there's a problem with the key -- they'll send you the key/gift or add you on Steam if necessary. Some don't like to be added, and will block you if you add them to ask for the gift. :X
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You shouldn't click "Received" until you get it, uncheck it and try to contact the sender or wait for them to send it.
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You normally wait until you have the game before marking as received. He probably hasn't seen it yet and assumed you were a spambot. I'd remove the link to the giveaway since that could be considered calling out the user publicly, which is against site rules. He has a week to get the key to you, it will likely show on the SG win page.
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You don't mark it as received until the giveaway creator gives you the key or gift. Go and unmark it now. You should not try and contact the giveaway creator until 7 days have passed or there is a problem.
Read these:
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Uncheck "received" until you get the key/gift and activate it. Also, the giveaway creator has 7 days to send the game, so be patient and don't send any invites before this.
Most important: read faq and guildelines. Why do you want other users to spend their time answering your questions if you can't spend your time on familirizing with the rules?
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Received means that you have received the game. It doesn't mean that you will receive it if you click it. xD
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How is it calling out if the user hasn't broken any rules?
It's not exactly something I'd do, but I don't think it's against the rules.
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Use the appropriate avenues for support. If you have an issue with another user....................
that's pretty clear 🌟
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The gifter has 7 days to send the gift, and 7 days haven't passed yet. Lots of people ignore/block random friend requests, so it's understandable for the user to block OP's request - that doesn't mean they won't send the game. In other words, there's really no actual reason to consider this calling out... yet. :P
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Oh, I agree. I was just saying, since I feel people tend to jump the gun a bit with the rules lately. :P
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Nothing new. Last year I saw a couple of people win on day 1 of registering.
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So you added him on steam and he blocked you? That sounds bad. Seeing how you assumed the gift was suppose to be there when you hit received I'm wondering what you said to him.. I'm guessing it wasn't pleasant.
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Most of what I stated is the OP assuming. I came to a decent conclusion based on what the OP stated. I don't think one thing makes it "quite a bit".
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" I'm wondering what you said to him.. I'm guessing it wasn't pleasant. "
Yes, the op must be a rude person.
No-one ever writes anything positive when they try to add someone on steam.
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If you add someone to your friends list and they then block you doesn't that kinda lean toward something didn't go well?
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No it doesn't.
If you try to add someone and they instantly block you/your request all that means is no communication took place at all.
OP wrote: "I apologize in advance for probably noob question - what I need to do now and did I the right thing that clicked on the "Received" button?"
Does that sound like some raging, entitled dick?
It's a new member who just needs a helping hand.
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I understand that the new member needs help and a lot of the community members answered the question and gave some great advice and I would of stated most of this myself to them but it's already been posted and repeated.
I never stated that the member is some raging entitled dick, you blew it up to that extreme. I didn't assume that no communication took place. When someone says, I added someone and they blocked me to me it doesn't sound good. They didn't say ignored my request.
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You can block people on Steam without ever speaking with them.
The option is right there on the friend request page next to Ignore and Accept. :X
It's likely the creator just didn't know who was adding him and blocked him. Lots of people do that.
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Right I understand that you can ignore someone. How do you know someone blocked you if they didn't accept your friends request? What if they just didn't accept it?
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As Tzaar said, you can see that they ignored your friend request if it isn't in the pending friend request section. You can check it by scrolling down to the bottom while you have the 'show online friends only' ticked off, and at the bottom you'll see the "invitations sent" :) Then you know they didn't respond to it yet.
And if someone blocked you it looks like this image:
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If you want to contact a giveaway creator, do so through by way of commenting on the giveaway page. That can be especially important in certain circumstances, as that's the first and primary place that SG support will look to if any issues arise. However, you shouldn't attempt to contact the GA creator prior to the 7 day wait period expiring [you'll know when this has occurred as the 'Not Received' feedback option will become unlocked, allowing you to toggle it at that point], as that's against site guidelines and considered rather rude (in a "Gimmie NOW, and screw your own RL considerations! MEMEME!" kind of way).
Moreover, contacting someone through Steam is likewise typically considered problematic [unless they've said that you should do such in the giveaway description], and should generally only be utilized as a last ditch communication method. If they go past the 7-day period, it's typically best just to leave a polite message on the giveaway and mark Not Received, rather than nag the GA creator.
Finally, you can click 'Received' again to untoggle that feedback- which is something you'll want to do, as currently you can be temporarily suspended for not having the game in your game library, despite claiming you do have it there (as "Received" has the meaning of "Received the game from the creator and successfully activated it on my account"- not having it in your account with Received marked implies that you misused the game you were given, ie by trading or selling it off, or activating it on an account other than your own).
When you've gotten answers you're satisfied with in this thread, you can close it by clicking 'Open' in the top right corner of the page.
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if you win a giveaway, you should wait because those who host giveaways might not be online at the time a giveaway ends . I usually get my keys in couple hours , please know that few keys giveaway aren't instant so you might wanna wait till you get the gift key/link or whatever. Enjoy your winning.
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like me first win gift key here xD
but if you blocked by OP (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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I just hope you get it
If you don't, don't worry you can always try it
There's always next time
Joining invite-only GA from forum might be better than public
But he blocked me.
Pretty sure you won't receive it... forever
You can just mark not received after 7 days though, if that can make you feel better :D
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Wow, nice assumption.
Just wanted to remind you that the giveaway creator has 7 days to provide the game and the winner shouldn't send any invites earlier (unless the creator asks for this in the description). I'm also ignoring friend invites in such cases (but not blocking completely).
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Cool, it was not offending (at least to me).
I think it's not rude - some people don't like getting invites from strangers. For me more rude is sending invites when the rules say the createor has a week to deliver the game and he shouldn't be bothered within those 7 days. People have to learn patience...
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Yeah, still weird enough for me
I mean you can ignore, instead of block
Except if you get friend req from same person more than once, I can understand it
Oh well... I just hope XBoy360 receive it soon, it's a pretty good game for a first win :D
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Yesterday I won at this giveaway:
Then I pressed the "Received" button.
Nothing happened and Gift didn't come.
Then I tried to add the author to friends in the Steam.
But he blocked me.
So that's it.
I apologize in advance for probably noob question - what I need to do now and did I the right thing that clicked on the "Received" button?
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