Looks like Gearbox kept it's promise about raising the level cap, and on 2nd April, we will see a new Playthrough called "Ultimate Vault Hunter", a Level 61 Max Cap and the Pearlescent Rarity Weapons. For everyone that already has the Season Pass this will be free, whilst for the other it'll cost 4.99$

Also the 6th Vault Hunter appears to be a melee-focused character which resembles alot the Bandit Psychos. The character as the mechromancer won't be free for those who purchased the season pass and it'll cost 9.99$

Sources :

Borderlands 2 Level Cap Increase Announced

Borderlands 2’s New Character is a Psycho

Personally i am not pleased, even if i own the Season Pass to add those things as a separate DLC ( I mean the level raising and rarity and playthrough ) and charge for them ... Gearbox's greed might have gone too far in this case ... And others too.

11 years ago*

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All the more reason to wait for a GOTY edition.

11 years ago

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Damn, I thought the character was going to be included in the next story DLC. Now I'll need another US$16 (stupid local markup, I hate it).

11 years ago

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That guy looks pretty badass.

11 years ago

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I see they are still milking us. Mediocre DLCs, overpriced skins, characters and pre-order stuff...? Fuck this.

Don't take this the wrong way, I used to love GBX and Borderlands (2), but this is really fucked up.

11 years ago

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+1 This is cancer. At the very least people who purchased the season pass should get it.

11 years ago

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Got it for 5€ so where is the problem? I mean a season pass for 19€ or buy an addon like Zombie Island ><

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Still can't believe some people are defending the characters/other DLC for not being on the season pass...

They haven't been told no yet, so people will continue to support this. Feels bad.

(I said this in my thread.) It's only a matter of time before games start getting multiple season passes. One for single player, one for multiplayer . One for cosmetics.

And I bet people will defend that as well...

11 years ago

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Of course they will defend shit like that.

11 years ago

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A season pass season pass. Three season passes for the price of two and a half! Come on, this is a good thing, you're still saving money by buying it! (/sarcasm)

11 years ago

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BUT WAIT THERES MORE! Order now and get a Season pass for the Season pass for the Season pass and a broomstick shoved right up your arse free from Randy Pitchford!

11 years ago

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I'll take eight!

11 years ago

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I'll defend a Season Pass as long as it's crystal clear from the beginning what is and isn't included. When Gearbox first announced the Season Pass, they made it crystal clear that it would include four campaign DLCs and that any additional characters would not be a part of it.

If some people bought the Season Pass thinking otherwise, well then they were misinformed and/or morons. I'd rather Krieg be the 4th DLC and forget whatever was planned, but that's not what was promised, so no loss.

11 years ago

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Gearbox are on my blacklist after the shit they pulled with Borderlands 2 (that and Randy calling people e-terrorists on twitter which is always nice.) so this bullshit is no surprise to me.

11 years ago

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I missed that. What was the context for what Randy said?

11 years ago

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Basiclly he went nuts when anyone brought up the bee nerf in a negative light. That was only one of his many insulting tweets. God damn.

11 years ago

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Ah yes, good ol' Randy

11 years ago

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Yes good ol' Randy and his trip into PR suicide.

11 years ago

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weeee, really glad I got the season pass, QQ moar for those ppl that doesn't have the season pass and doesn't have the mechromancer character (which was a bonus for pre-orders)

11 years ago

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Nice to know some people are really easily pleased and like being fucked over by game companies.

11 years ago

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Its not that I PAY those new extra dlcs and 11more levels. And fucked? how do they fuck me? the only time I payed them is back then (when I pre-ordered) they didn't get any more $$$ from me since then.

11 years ago

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Exactly. Haters are gonna hate. I own BL2 (pre-ordered so I got the Mecro) and the Season Pass (bought on sale for a measly $10.50!) and both have been well worth the money. Gearbox has given me everything that has been promised.

11 years ago

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Forgive me for not wanting to spend over 120 dollars and still counting on a single game and not wanting to support a company who thinks charging that much is okay.

11 years ago

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yes forgive me too for paying 90$ for a game which absolutely gave me so much enjoyment, not only to myself but also to my friends. (You only need 1 steam copy so you can play 4 local coop w/ steam on offline mode)

11 years ago

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I'm just saying it's getting kind of ridiculous. I know I don't want to pay 60 bucks for a game, and then 30 bucks for a season pass, and then another 30 bucks and counting for things not even in the season pass, and if I don't, I get a gimped game.

11 years ago

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Unfortunatly there are people stupid enough to support this practise. it's sad really.

11 years ago

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Yes calling stupid on people who has the right on how they spend their OWN money makes you look cool.

11 years ago

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You're supporting a practise that can only bring harm to the gaming community at large thus it is stupid.

11 years ago

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Sure harm, its not that I'm FORCED to buy their game even they add stupid DLCs (EA)

Stop crying, buy what you think is worth it for yourself, don't force your ideals to others just because you don't like what they are doing by calling them stupid. What you are doing is stupid

11 years ago

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Wow this is like talking to a five year old who just can't understand what the grown ups are saying so let me narrow this down for you. By buying this shit you are supporting the companies misconception that all gamers love paying for more shit that should have been in the game.

11 years ago

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not gonna argue anymore if there's flamebait included.

11 years ago

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"I lost the arguement time to bail out!"

11 years ago

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nop, my 3 points still stands and you haven't disproved these points.

  • calling stupid on people who has the right on how they spend their OWN money makes you mature
  • Forcing ideals to other people is very mature
  • I'm harming the "gaming community" by supporting extra content which is worth it IN MY OPINION (subjective)
11 years ago

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sorry? How is the base game in what way gimped?

It is not like dead space 3 where they basically strip the game so they can sell those stripped parts as DLC.
The base game alone will kill you 60+hours (lvl 60 max 2 pass campaign vault hunter diff)

30 bucks cosmetics doesn't change the gameplay/gametime in any way, its not that I'm gonna buy those cosmetics.

11 years ago

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No pearlescents and a lower level cap for non season pass owners. Two less characters if you don't want to pay. It's certainly not as big of an example as Dead Space or something, but it's proof of concept. If they can take out the good end game stuff and charge for it, why not take out the last mission and charge for it with Borderlands 3? No one complained when we came out with 2 new characters outside the season pass, so let's only put two in the base game and make a second season pass with the other four!

Oh, and the cosmetics are just the start. They already got away with 1 actual gameplay DLC outside the season pass (that five dollar one that came with a preorder or something) so why not make more?

If people are happy and willing to pay, (which you obviously are) then there's no problem with it. Unfortunately, it's really annoying for me since I'm not paying over 120 dollars for the game, but I still want to play it so I need to wait a year or two for the GOTY edition, which may not even include everything at this rate.

11 years ago

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You sound as if TVHM never existed.

Borderlands 2, without it's DLCs is a full, standalone game, and a good one at that. Deal with it.

11 years ago

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Did you actually read my post?

I'm not saying it's not a good game, I'm saying it's terrible business practice that harms the industry and hurts consumers and that voting with your wallet doesn't work because if you don't buy everything, you still get screwed by not getting the full product.

11 years ago

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Did you actually read MY post?

Borderlands 2, on it's own is the full product. Your idea of "good business practice" is having the developers works weeks and months on hours of additional gameplay and provide it to you free of charge. That's never gonna happen buddy.

11 years ago

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It's never going to happen except for the hundreds and hundreds of examples where that exact thing happened. Team Fortress 2, Killing Floor, and Borderlands 1 (level cap was raised, pearlescent weapons were included, and the additional runthrough were all free) are three examples of this right off the top of my head. They're charging for what was free in the previous game in the series, so your point is completely invalid.

11 years ago

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I'll be honest, I never played or even took a look at Killing floor, but as for Team Fortress 2, In-game cosmetics and keys generate a LOT of income for valve, so you can't compare it to Borderlands.

And the original Borderlands? I believe people paid money for the DLC containing the level cap raise, so it was in no way "free".

11 years ago

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Every major TF2 update was given for free before the idea of a store even existed. Originally, classes only had the base weapons, but up until the game went free, there was no store, and there were dozens of free updates, including adding different weapons, so I can absolutely compare it to Borderlands.

Borderlands level cap increase was given for free to people even without the DLC. So were the two additional playthroughs. I think pearlescent rarity was added for free, but I'm not positive about that.

Oh, and just for your knowledge, Killing Floor is class based like TF2. They added an entire class for free, along with dozens of extra weapons and maps, and even a new difficulty.

11 years ago

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Borderlands has 2 level cap increases. 11 levels were in a paid DLC, 8 were free.

11 years ago

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KF has characters DLC's and some weapons, BL1 level cap increase and weapons are added right after DLC3 came out, TF2 is free because it promotes the steam service and also its possible make money that way because the itens shops and itens market

11 years ago

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KF characters are cosmetic - weapons are only added recently to pretty huge fan backlash. BL1 level cap and weapons were added when the DLC came out but were still free if you didn't buy the DLC. TF2 used to cost money, and had no item shop and when it did - still free updates.

And there are still plenty of other examples - Awesomenauts (in fact, every Moba stlye game) - free characters and maps with only cosmetic DLC. Zeno Clash - free tower survival mode. Torchlight (1 or 2, can't remember) - free expansion. Space Pirates and Zombies - New faction and loads of other stuff. Sanctum - Many map packs and weapon packs became free. Nation Red - free maps and game modes. Hard Reset - extended story mode DLC.

And these are just some of the games that I own. The point is, you can't use "You seriously expect them to give it to us for free?" as an excuse because countless other developers have done just that for more content.

11 years ago

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You are WRONG. There were TWO level cap raises in the original Borderlands. Only one of them was free to everyone, the other required the General Knoxx DLC. So those without Knoxx had a level cap of 58, while those with Knoxx has a level cap of 69. And the other DLC had similar additions that were not given to non-DLC owners, like new items and storage. So stop acting like it's different.

MOBA is a completely different genre and its business practices cannot be compared to any other genre because gamers have come to expect those games to be free to play with microtransactions.

There are no expansions for Torchlight or Torchlight 2, so not sure where you got that BS from.

Every game you mention is an indie game, not a AAA game.

11 years ago

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So you don't get extra weapons and an additional 11 levels and 2 less characters, that doesn't break the game in any way. Taking end game IS game breaking though which it didn't happen.

If its annoying then don't buy it, easy as that. Wait for GOTY version. Do you really want to play it but annoyed with them? then sail to the seas and actually try it for yourself.

11 years ago

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The thing is, the 11 levels, extra weapons and extra runthrough weren't a separate DLC in Borderlands 1. They got away with charging for what was once free. Now they can easily do more.

And suggesting piracy is the stupidest thing in the world, but I'm not getting into THAT argument here.

11 years ago

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I can't talk more about this now, I didn't have BL1 before and know its existence when it was released. But reading on wiki's, it has some DLCs on it and they actually charge for it

11 years ago

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They had the standard (at the time) 4 DLCs for 15 bucks a pop, but a lot of content was included for free, such as two additional playthroughs and an increased level cap - content which BL 2 is charging for.

11 years ago

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Stop talking about something you know nothing about.

Only one level cap was given for free, the other DID require DLC.

The "additional playthroughs" is exactly like what shipped with BL2 at launch. You have Playthrough 1 in both, then Playthrough 2 in BL1 is like TVHM in BL2, and then there was Playthrough 2.5 in BL1 which simply denoted that you beat the storyline missions in PT2 and thus enemies scale up - which is exactly what happens if you beat the story missions in TVHM in BL2. Thus, UVHM is technically a FOURTH playthrough (if you actually want to count PT2.5 and TVHM+ as third playthroughs, which I wouldn't). Either way, it's something that DID NOT EXIST IN BL1.

11 years ago

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I think the same like you.

I pre ordered the game on 60$ , and I don't regret any cent I spent .

The only time I payed on the game is when I bought season pass on 10$ on gmg/

They can't just give us this content for free , even though I would like to get free skins , but I don't mind to buy them in some pack.

And when I saw that this is going to cost 4.99$ I said like "Well no problem , I'll buy it when its comes out" , and when I saw that its free for season pass , I was really happy and not just because that 4.99$ I saved , its about that they remember those who paid them , and they not like "Buy this , and after month buy that" , once you paid , you get so many content , that the little payment is not equal to the enjoyment you get from playing the game :)

11 years ago

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I paid $40.50 for BL2 pre-order and another $10.50 for the Season Pass. That's $51 for a day-one copy of a AAA title plus four campaign DLCs, plus a fifth bonus character.

Pretty sure I got my money's worth and then some. But keep being bitter that you don't get to play this amazing game.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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OMG YES! I love Tiny Tina!!!

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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It was probably a bandit who wrote that

11 years ago

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Don't bother me, i am still sticking to my plan of getting the basic game at launch and not buying any dlc till goty comes out and get that. But level 61 seems like an odd lvl cap.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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ITT: More people whining because they feel entitled to get every single DLC for free.

Seriously, what a scam.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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People paid for a season pass and didn't get one. I don't see how that's whining it's more people wanting what they paid for.

11 years ago

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People paid for 4, F-O-U-R DLC packs, and got exactly what they paid for. Hell, they even got another $5 DLC for free.

If you failed to read that part when buying the season pass then, well, you're SOL.

11 years ago

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People paid for a season pass if you're willing to support game companies screwing gamers up the arse then you should really love EA they do it all the damn time!

11 years ago

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No game company owes you anything. You can pay for Borderlands 2, and get a full, standalone game. You can also buy EXTRA content.

Or you can do what you did, not buy the game at all and whine about the DLC prices.

11 years ago

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Just thought i'd point out I did buy the game pre-order and everything. Traded it away when all the bullshit started.

11 years ago

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They paid for 3, got 1 free ;)

11 years ago

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You mean paid for 4, and gotten 1 more free. The first 3 are the "Sir hammerlock Big Game Hunt", "Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate Booty" as well as the "Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage". The fourth is that new character. So the new levels are free for season pass holders.

11 years ago

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ITT: People whining because they don't want to be charged twice for stuff that should have been in the base game

11 years ago

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Was Gaige or Krieg supposed to be in the base game? Captain Scarlet? Torgue? No.

Thank you for proving my point.

11 years ago

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I'm glad we can look at the same data and come to completely different conclusions. Gaige clearly could have been included in the base game, and Torgue should have at least been in the season pass, and the pearlescent rarity, increased level cap, and extra run through absolutely one hundred percent should have been included - they weren't their own DLC in BL 1 and the level cap increase was free. Almost every game ever has a new game+ mode for free. Now companies are charging for it.

11 years ago

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I'm sorry, but I was under the assumption that True Vault Hunter mode was the new game+ mode, and that's still free last I've checked. . And just how did you deduct that Gaige belonged in the base game?

11 years ago

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Gaige was a pre-order bonus and pre-order bonuses are all pretty much ripped right out of the game (From Ashes from Mass Effect 3 for example).

11 years ago

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Brilliant evidence you got there, "all pre-order bonuses". I still see no reason why she belongs in the base game.

11 years ago

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They ripped her out of the game and made her DLC which is purely done for money grubbing reasons. She was being made at the same time as everyone else and they decided to make her DLC.

11 years ago

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Gaige was released a month after release. But you wouldn't know.
If you want to believe Gearbox decided to hold her back a month (even for those who pre-ordered) thats's fine. But please don't go selling your personal opinion as fact.

11 years ago

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Last I checked Gaige was added to the game some time after release at least part because she wasn't done yet. Of course you could argue that they should have held up the game waiting for a fifth character. But as they included that character for players who preordered I don't see why they would need to.

For the record From Ashes was for the Collector's Edition, not preorder. IT was also actual Day 0 DLC, not something partially-to-mostly finished

11 years ago

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Sorry if I wasn't clear, but Borderlands 1 had playthrough 2, and then playthrough 2.5 (both of which were free), which is what I assume this new mode replaces. And above me pretty much answers the other part.

11 years ago

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If you actually owned it, you would know that there still are playthrough 2 and 2.5 in Borderlands 2. True Vault Hunter Mode is just a name.

11 years ago

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Gaige was made after the game went gold and released. Torgue IS included in the season pass. There IS an extra run included, it's called TVH mode. Now they are another an additional run on top of the TVH for free, if you could actually read. "almost every game ever has new game+ for free" so does BL2, learn to read.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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That's cool. The season pass gets an added bonus, and there's a new class for those interested. I'm happy for developers to charge for post-release additions as long as the game is a finished article on it's own. I rather have the choice of buying more content than nothing at all.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Wow this turned into a cluster fuck. Frankly i'm up for agree to disagree if anyone else is as this is getting boring.

11 years ago

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I'm bored of the game anyway. I wish there was a hard mode for new characters as well, playing normal again and then restarting in tvhm is boring and for unemployed people.

11 years ago

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I'm actually looking forward to play it again after this semester even though I'm working parttime

11 years ago

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Good, go have fun.

11 years ago

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Yup, you haven't read it, it's gonna be a 3rd playthrough : Ultimate Vault Hunter

11 years ago

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And you don't get it. I want it to be harder from the beginning and not playing the same campaign again just to make it harder.

11 years ago

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Paying for a level cap increase -_-

11 years ago

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these dlc - gay

11 years ago

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I don't like this season pass business. I can understand why companies want to make more moneys as possible out of their products, but this is just ridiculous.
I prefer having 1-2 BIG HUGE expansions rather than 10 dlcs.

And it gets worse when you actually love the series, it's like an abuse the company does to yourself. lol

11 years ago

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Whenever someone says he understands, my first thought is to remind them of CD projekt Red. These guys make as much as money as they can make out of their games, want to know how? They do not take out chunks of their games and sell them as DLCs nor do they make 1 000 different skins and sell them to you. No sire. They do very simple and effective thing known as - nothing. They make good game and they sell it. And then, out of nowhere they give you more content FOR FREE! I know, you're waiting for that but... but, there's no but here, only one giant butt (Gearbox)!

11 years ago

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There's nothing wrong in wanting to make money, it's how you manage do it that is most important.
They need to think about new strategies that do not involve f***ing the customers. :D

Regarding CDPR, i appreciate them a lot for what they do.

11 years ago

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There's something wrong when you take a big % out of your finished product and then sell it off individually. Some might say it's cheating people. I won't go that far. I'll just hate them for it, ignore their games or pirate them. Wanting more money is okay. Greed is within our nature, but if you do not control yourself, you'll eventually become an asshole. And boy did they become one giant hole...

11 years ago

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I have to agree with you.

11 years ago

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That's why i prefer good old big expansions instead of this dlc business. I agree with that.

11 years ago

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Next we will have to pay for updates...

11 years ago

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And then we stop buying their glorified cash shops.

11 years ago

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i bet in another 10 years you will have to pay to play the next mission, however gearbox greed hasnt gone far enough, ea already set the standars.

11 years ago

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Dude, shut up ! Don't give them ideas! Who are you sided with ?

11 years ago

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Didn't EA/Bioware do that with one of those Dragon Age games, some npc that sends you right to the store to buy whatever quest he's part of?

11 years ago

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Remember when additional skins, content and characters came in a bundle called an expansion pack?

11 years ago

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We don't need no nostalgics or rebels here! Obey the current rules of game businesses. You have no right to think otherwise!

11 years ago

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Well get 4 dlcs for 20€ or 1 addon, who cares?

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Payed for the season pass but still dont have enough DLC, I swear I'd never buy season pass again!!!

11 years ago

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What are you on about. They have been releasing the campaigns for that well in the time frame.

11 years ago

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still need to get the season pass... lol

11 years ago

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While I understand non-SP (season pass) people are upset they have to pay to get a level cap and new weapons, it's only five dollars. Five ****ing dollars. That's not alot of money at all compared to what other game companies charge for extra content for their games.

11 years ago

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the broken steel dlc for fallout cost 5 dollars too, and they offer you more than a level cap raise

11 years ago

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a reason to start play it again^^

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Nabuhris.