I like games like Battlefield1, Call of Duty WW2, also I like simplicity, which means that I hate RPG and I am not really patient to play any kind of Puzzles or Strategies, so basically what I value in a game is Graphics, Single-Player Campaign... I play shooters both 1st person and 3rd person, but preffer 1st person, also I like racing games if they have extremely good graphics (but I hate simulations with lifeless tracks), I also like games like BeamNG, sadly that game is never cheap enough for me to afford, just as Call of Duty games... Anyways, any good games under 5e on sale? I bought recently alot of cheaper games, Metro Exodus, Need for Speed games, Battlefield games... So, surprise me :) Have a beautiful day everyone, thank you for taking a time to read my post. <3

1 year ago

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Titanfall 2 is always a good pick.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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idk, thought about it, but looks lifeless in terms of graphics and gameplay, by what I seen, reminds me of Crysis3 kinda...

1 year ago

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It has one of the best singleplayer fps missions ever. Don't judge it by the screenshots.

That said, recent Pray is on sale, Dishonored 2, doom 2016, battlefield 1 and 4... all under $5.

1 year ago

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I played it for the first time this year. It became one of my favorite games! :D

PS: I played only solo campaign and talking about solo campaign. Have no opinion regarding multilpayer.

1 year ago

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Interesting, I will look at more gameplays, maybe I didn't spend enough time checking out that game...

1 year ago

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To add to the previous comment, I haven't played it yet, but I bought it during the sale and I plan on playing the campaign soon. That being said, 2 of my friends finished the solo campaign and they said it was extraordinary and one of the best campaigns they have ever played.

1 year ago

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Not under 5e, but you should grab Halo: Master Chief Collection. Fits what you're looking for, and that's a lot of games for $10.

1 year ago

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isn't Halo more Multiplayer orientated game?

1 year ago

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Halo MCC contains 6 games, and every one of them has a campaign. It worth $10.

1 year ago

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I played Halo MCC for 50 hours and it was all single player.
It requires a fricking Microsoft account though.

1 year ago

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The MP is definitely the main draw for most people, but the SP campaigns are fun & worth playing at least once IMO.

1 year ago

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single player campaign for all of them is great, multiplayer is always the main thing for popular shooters though isn't it?

1 year ago

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Generally yeah. I think I'm in the 1% who doesn't give a rat's ass about the competitive multiplayer and just enjoys the single-player/co-op campaigns haha. The Halo campaigns were definitely fun.

1 year ago

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Does it have to be a "AAA" game? I mean, if you want a good simple action game you can always go with Hotline Miami 1 and 2 or One Finger Death Punch 1 and 2.
(Yeah, not exactly "loot at 'da grafics" kind of games but I'm a gameplay person so obsessing over graphics is honestly incomprehensible to me... :/ )

1 year ago

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Unless I play nostalgia game like Sega Mega games or Super Nintendo games, or some childhood PC Games, then I don't see a reason to play something that is 2D or with a bas graphics... Game is about what you see and while I play I really want one of factors to be "wow, this is so beautiful" and sometimes it doesn't even have to be a new game, for example I play Serious Sam 2 for nostalgia sometimes or Far Cry 1, both graphically beautiful games... Gaming my whole life, now about to turn 28, so obviously I cannot change the way I perceive games.

1 year ago*

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Gaming my whole life, now about to turn 28, so obviously I cannot change the way I perceive games.

Heh you are not even 30 and you already decided to stop learning new things about what you love? That's a pretty dim way to see things.
I am about to turn 50 and I find new things to like every day in games, music, food, etc.

You'd be surprised by One Finger Death Punch. It may be 2D but it's pretty wow and it's very fun.

1 year ago

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If you really need visuals though, there're plenty beautiful 2D games. Some are beautiful as screenshots (Hades), others just in motion (Dead Cells).

Also, there're 3D indie games nowadays that would totally look a lot better than old AAA games on many aspects, like Roboquest, Trine franchise, and many others.

1 year ago

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Also, there're 3D indie games nowadays that would totally look a lot better than old AAA games on many aspects

Yep. And that you can get when you are poor without having to starve for a week, unlike most AAA even after a couple of years

1 year ago

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Fun fact, I happen to already have that game, since I have about 850+ games, so out of curiosity I will try that game :)
About me and my dim way to see things... I suffer depression and anxiety and who knows what else, so I am really trying here to awaken that child inside me, but it's very hard to do it, I guess I have to change my lifestyle for starters if I want to be happy again in my life... Thank you, I am glad that you know how to live a life, guess I will learn that one day too... Basically a teenager has lived more than me, has seen more than me... But, let's not go off-topic, thank you for your time...

1 year ago

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Reading your comments, I believe your self-awareness and willingness to respect others' opinions show great maturity and I genuinely hope things will get so much better for you.

As for suggestions, I recommend Spec Ops: The Line :)

1 year ago

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Thank you for such a kind words! :)
I have that game, I vaguely remember playing it and it left a good impression, but since I always used to have a crappy PC and was forced to play games up to 2012 year, I really don't feel like playing something that much outdated in terms of graphics, now that I have much better configuration than before... Hence I focus on graphics, I guess that wouldn't be a case if I didn't spend my entire childhood and teen-age dreaming about having an up-to-date PC... I remember playing Call of Duty 4 on a 128mb gpu Radeon 9550, also managed to run Crysis 1 on it, maybe 10fps with graphical glitches, that was long time ago... Anyways, years and years of being left behind in terms of technology and now as an "adult" in terms of not being able to work because of my Anxiety and Depression... All of that led to me being so obsessed with graphics in games, because I didn't have it when I was suppossed to have it, as a kid and as a teenager... It's kinda like trying to imagine that I am still that kid, but when the moment comes, there is just no happiness....

1 year ago

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I feel you. I have struggled with anxiety for the better part of the last 25 years and I rely on gaming a lot to get out of my head.
I find that when you feel stuck in a groove, trying new things is a good idea. Even when you don't like it as much as you were hoping for, it actually helps on a neurological level.
Trying the same old things over and over hoping to recreate what you once felt is only making you more nostalgic, you can trust me on that

I hope you do enjoy OFDP but more importantly I really do hope you learn how to manage your anxiety and get in a better mental health state.
Sending you good vibes.

1 year ago

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Thank you, all of you are so amazing here, thank you for a huge support!
My view is that if someone has Anxiety or Depression, it is not just on a mental level, but it is also about physical activity, lifestyle...
If someone spends alot of time alone in front of a screen, like I do, that can have a detrimental effect on their mental health and cognitive abilities, as well as eyesight in my case... I guess I have to get out of my comfort zone...
Anyways... Will let you know about my opinion on OFDP as soon as I try it out ^_^

1 year ago

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Just put 200€ forward to latest max edition of cod and play it till next one...

1 year ago

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I have no job, I am poor, if I had 200e in my pocket I would rather use that to buy something that will make my life easier.

1 year ago

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If Titanfall 2 is lifeless in terms of graphics and gameplay
and something like cod ww2 is op
Then we have bad news :D

1 year ago*

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Confused me, but I get your point, that I am probably biased or wrong, that my perspective differs from most people :D

1 year ago

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I can only recommend these type of videos on youtube then for you
Hope you find something in the end.

1 year ago

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Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus maybe?
Or not AAA but really fun: Black Mesa

1 year ago

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Wolfenstein is a good game, I have 1st ones, but I checked gameplay of this one and it is too creepy for my taste I guess... But thank you! About Black Mesa, I don't know, it doesn't make any sense for me that someone remade Half-Life instead of Valve doing it... Not to mention, I didn't even finish Half-Life 1, played only few levels and now I am trying out Multiplayer, modded servers, etc...

1 year ago

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It's kinda indie, but quality wise is better than most AAA. Subnautica is below 5

1 year ago

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And the expansion is below 0

Edit: the game is 10€ though?

1 year ago

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Sorry. My bad. LATAM prices. Still worth the price but, yeah. Sorry again

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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Subnautica's a good one. For anyone who might have forgotten, it was the first thing given away for the Epic free games promo thing so some people might already have it.

1 year ago

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Yeah. I finished that one.

1 year ago

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you can view some great deals for under 10$ or under 5$ in the deals section at ggdeals using the filters
i definitely recommend Horizon Zero Dawn if you can run it

1 year ago*

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Fyi: the website isn't allowed to link here, since it also advertises key sellers. Not judging, using it myself, just a heads up. :)

1 year ago

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you are right i forget about that

1 year ago

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12,49e, thank you bro, but that's very close to what I have in total on my Wallet... Maybe I will grab it on Winter Sale...

1 year ago

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Titanfall 2 - it has one of the best single player campaigns in any FPS I've played.

1 year ago

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I am so confused, everyone saying that Titanfall 2 is amazing, but I watched again some gameplay footage on YouTube and I simply don't like it... I mean, it is not terrible, not even bad, just not my style... Battlefield 1 for example is much better than that for me and that makes me wonder why to spend money on that.... Kinda liked that in-air gameplay footage, but game seems like it requires of me to focus on storyline and missions/goals and I really don't like when a game is complicated...

1 year ago

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I mean, you're complaining about "focus on storyline and missions/goals", in a campaign mode. Listen to yourself. Battlefield does the same thing in it's campaigns. The game isn't even that complex, definetly not more complex than a shooter like Battlefield 1. It sounds more like you're looking for suggestions, and then looking for every excuse to ignore those suggestions, you can't have both.

1 year ago

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I am not doing it on purpose or to disrespect anyone here, I am just not feeling well lately, so basically I am getting games to play them when I start feeling better... Sometimes I make no sense at all... Either way, I don't like Titanfall, I bought in the last week maybe even 10 games, like Metro Exodus, almost all Battlefield games, 2 Need for Speed games and the rest I forgot... But basically that proves that I can choose game that I like and Titanfall 2 at this price-range simply isn't it. If it was 2,99 I would buy it... But I am thinking about the other suggestion where someone said to buy Prey + Dishonored 2 bundle, but I am waiting to feel better maybe tomorrow or in upcoming days before the sale ends and to buy something, must choose carefully because I have a little bit over 10 euro and on top of that I don't want to spend it all on games, so I can probably buy up to 2 games...

1 year ago

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Maybe your best bet in that case is just to save that money for something else, or another sale? You've already bought 10 games, play them, have fun. And then come back, maybe try something out of your comfort zone, have fun. These sales are gonna come back, but your time spent commenting here isn't ;)

1 year ago

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That is wise thinking, but I have that fear that some game could get removed from Store, or that sale won't be as good in the future... Could also be just that I am obsessing over it because I am running from myself, my problems, so my mind tries to focus on anything just to feel some purpose...

1 year ago

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Could be, i can't really comment since everyone deals with everything in their own way. There is no one miracle solution, you just have to find what works for you. But, i can at least satiate one of your fears. If any game is removed, there's always a friendly face out there ;)

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1 year ago

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Except I am perfectionist so I like to have those games as a collection, that explains why I have so many games that I never played :D
Thank you and have a nice day/night! ^_^

1 year ago

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I don't think the problem is lack of games but lack of enthusiasm on your part.

Some of the suggestions people made are solid but you always seem to find something negative about these games for some reason.

Maybe you're burnt out on games and need to quit them for a while?
or possibly the problem runs deeper than being burnt out on games?

1 year ago

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Not burnt, since I paused a loooooong time, if we don't count Counter-Strike that I play once a week.
Simply Depression, Anxiety and a hard life... Have to fix my life first obviously...

1 year ago

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Maybe you have anhedonia. Not enjoying what you do. With it comes apathy often, so you want to X, but in the end you find reasons to actually not to X. E.g., getting a good semi-classic during the sale.

I know some people have been judging you based on feeble premises, but I know what I'm talking about, as I do have anhedonia myself and I'm in treatment. I don't say you have it, you just sound as you might have it. It might just be that there have been few recommendations.

1 year ago

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Anhedonia comes with Depression and my mental state so it is not maybe, should of just asked me xD
But also today and last night I managed to literally laugh all the time while played Half-Life1 multiplayer for the first time in my life (zombie mod) similar to CS 1.6 with mods, so many funny moments, reminded me of 2010 when I was 14... Basically this isn't something that medication cures, this is something that a better circumstances help with and a lifestyle change and being surrounded with positive people, not being alone, not spending all the time at computer, that would help with Anhedonia... Anyways let's not go into off-topic, I had too many warnings in the long past here, even been banned multiple times, like 6-7 years ago and if I make a single mistake like talking about illness where I am suppossed to talk about games, I will get perma ban...

1 year ago

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Counter-Strike that I play once a week.

Simply Depression, Anxiety and a hard life

Causal relation maybe?

Joking aside, I'm very sorry to hear that. I suggest socializing more, especially irl if you're not doing that already.

1 year ago

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I am not doing it, because I don't feel well with myself and people are kinda different than me, they don't understand me, I don't even feel safe in my own mind, but let's not go off-topic, this is about games...

1 year ago

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mirror edge catalyst
tomb raider games
mass effect legendary edition
dragon age
horizon shdaow dawn
resident evil games

1 year ago

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Hi friend, 🙂

FPS - Shadow Warrior 2, Chernobylite Enhanced Edition, DOOM, Far Cry 3/4, Black Mesa, Back4Blood, Metal: Hellsinger, Fallout 4, Dead Island, Wolfenstein games, Deus Ex games, Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts
Action-Adventure: Mad Max, Watch Dogs 2, Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, Devil May Cry HD Collection, Yakuza games, Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition, Tom Clancy's The Division, Batman: Arkham games, Bully: Scholarship Edition, Just Cause games, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor/War, METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE, State of Decay: YOSE
Action-RPG: Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, The Surge 1/2, Blasphemous

I put Action-RPGs because they contain RPG elements, but they tend to not be slow games and focus on combat with stats. You'll probably like some of them.

If you need more, let me know.

1 year ago

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More? That was already alot, I felt like not worthy of all that writing and time :D
You kinda made me realize that my main focus is on FPS games, by reading that list... Though I also like racing games, especially if they have a realistic cockpit and I can flip cars... Anyways, I now have this topic full of suggestions and whenever in doubt I can just come here to re-read the list :P btw, kinda surprising how many games from FPS list that you mentioned I already own... Bought Shadow Warrior 2 yesterday, have DOOM, have Far Cry 3 (too complicated because of herbals and other stuff to collect, that's the reason I didn't buy Far Cry 4) I won Metal Hellsinger on S. Gifts few days ago, I have Dead Island (original one, not definitive) I have some Deus Ex game and of course some Wolfenstein games, even Sniper Ghost Warrior games... Yet, most of these games I either played for a very brief time, like 1 run of 20min, or I didn't play at all... Seems like I have to fix myself before gaming, also lately my eyesight became terrible which ruins any chances for having a fun... Thank you for the list, honestly, if I knew that so many people would take their time to write me such a huge lists and to advise me, I wouldn't create this discussion, but on the other hand it might help someone in the future to find a good game... Kinda sucks that I had to explain to everyone my problems... But hey, I just noticed that I can close this discussion! ^_^

1 year ago

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Closed 1 year ago by Indig096.