Users can get Community Ban and block for buying and activating games SteamGifts mention in Steam. ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ‘

Nothing foreshadowed trouble. After giveaway finished, I sent friend request to winner and write reason in his profile. After request was accepted I bought and sent a gift in Steam.
Translation for first screenshot: "Hi. You won on SteamGifts. Accept the friend request."

Two days(!) later I got Community Ban. And it's wasn't simple comban. I was even banned from buying games and activating keys.

It's been two days since giveaway, so it wasn't an automatic ban. Someone in support hates SteamGifts so much...

After contacting Steam support I was unblocked (my request was considered for eight hours).
Mistake, just All my messages for the last two weeks are gone, all Market sell listings and buy orders are gone. Steam support didn't even apologize for their mistake, they only "will be happy". ๐Ÿคฎ

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5 months ago

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It's more the "you have won" part that triggers the anti-spam than SG, or just call it SG if you're concerned.

5 months ago

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yea, best to say SG space cat has arrived or something.

5 months ago

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Honestly, with how many people I see get banned for SG or trading related words, it seems that it's better to just stay safe and communicate on the outside platforms themselves, and only add the specific person :P

5 months ago

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I was even banned from buying games and activating keys.

Steam: "it appears that a mistake was made."

Our digital landscape is a Kafkaesque hell.

5 months ago

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I'm not sure why you expect an apology. One of the very first things you learn, using the Internet, is to identify spam and scammers. And "you won!" is the one most obvious alert trigger.

5 months ago

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I see this in the terms and conditions on the Steam side.๐Ÿค”
Steam Online Conduct

Engage in commercial activity
Examples of such prohibited behavior include: posting advertisements; running contests; gambling; buying or selling Steam accounts; selling content, gift cards, or other items; and begging.


It seems to me that Steam may be penalized by a certain threshold (internal Steam evaluation) in their โ€œword-huntingโ€ with AI, not for the purpose of policing SGs, but for policing other malicious activities.๐Ÿ™„
At any rate, glad you were lifted.๐Ÿต

Other factors include...
Recent changes include these.

Google restricts creation of new accounts in Russia, news agencies report | Reuters

Valve will see you in court! No, really, Steam's just updated its subscriber agreement so that 'all disputes and claims proceed in court' | PC Gamer

Accounts come with Android smartphones...
As for people in the Russian region, there may be more Steam-related issues related to payments and authentication.
(Talk about possibilities)

5 months ago

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Back in the day my comment only got immediately deleted, learned to avoid the "you won" part. In a rare occurrence I gift from Steam, I go with "spacecat visited you" and such, as others mentioned it.

It sucks to having to do this, but every topic like this makes some new people more informed at least. (I'm happy you didn't get stuck with a permanent block/ban)

5 months ago

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Now I'm starting to understand what might have happened to me.

Absolute morons. My account is almost 20 years (!!!!!) old, 15.465 games, thousands of euros spent on their platform (even more on bundle sites) and they ban me for an automatic A"I" filter because of a motherflipping keyword?

I sent a support ticket but I'm still waiting for an answer (and account unban).

4 months ago

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I once had a community ban for posting an URL from a review of a game, into the discussions of that game.

Let me repeat. I copied content from a Steam place to another Steam place. I got banned.

I explained the situation, linked the review, but no one read what I wrote - or that was the perceived effect, every time I interact with Steam support. I got the ban lifted tho, and I got warned to not post URLs to suspicious sites. I guess boilerplate reply. But you got it for years in that review, morons!
(I don't remember exactly what it was, a link to a forum with the solution for a problem an user was having, or maybe to a patch or util.)

4 months ago

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i posted in a support ticket the link to the steam community hub page of the game
and steam support answer
"we are not allowed for security to click on links"
my response
"so your community hub is unsafe and unsecure?"
steam support
"thank you for letting us know about this"

they crazy.

4 months ago

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Sounds 100% Steam support.

Steam support staff go to a restaurant together. The waiter asks to one of them: "would you like to choose the wine now?"
To that, the person replies: "We'll investigate that, thank you. A support staff member will contact you with more information."
Later, at closing time, they were told to go out and never come back since they stayed eight hours silent without ordering anything. When the door slams behind them, one of them says: "oh, so that's how it feels."

4 months ago

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Considering how some companies have leaks; is not surprised the instruction is to not click on links. If you tell them they are allowed to click on community links; then they can be subject to the usual practice of sites with subtle misspells.Then ALL it takes is a human error to cause major damage to Valve in leaks and such.

4 months ago

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Good news, everyone!

It appears that your account has been locked for suspicious content. I just checked the content in question, and it appears that a mistake was made.
We've gone ahead and removed the lock.

They didn't tell me what the suspicious content was, so I don't really know what happened.

Oh, and I appreciate their apologies (they did not).

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4 months ago

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Welcome back! This is the danger of our digital "ownership"...

I read many stories of people banned by Google for no specific reason. Don't realize how many things tie into google's systems (and getting the maximum pain-in-the-ass ReCAPTCHA every time).

4 months ago

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I guess I should read these discussions more often. :D
Oh well, let's see if Steam support lifts the ban that I just got handed.
Only gifting games that I can get keys for from now on, I suppose.

2 months ago

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Seems I was very lucky and it was handled within an hour. I even got an apology.

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2 months ago

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The lesson here is not to say anything about winning anything. Their system likely flags that as a scam.

2 months ago

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Absolutely, I'll just stick to giving away keys though. I had other problems with gifts before, like Steam locking me from using my balance to buy gifts because I gave away too many...

2 months ago

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I gave out like 20 gifts in the past week. Just add the winner, don't say anything on their profile.

One person had a full friends list so I said "Hi, your friends list if full. Please make some room and add me. I'm from SG"

2 months ago

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How you were able to lift the lock of your wallet after the "too much gifting" locking?

2 months ago

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I wasn't, I still have that to this day. I can buy gifts when using one of the other payment options.

2 months ago

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