If there was a dev giveaway, surely their site, facebook, twitter or forums would have something about it. Arcen Games is an US-based studio and the guy giving lots of copies is from Ukraine.
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Taken from their blog, about the recent PAX Prime event:
"As noted in the trailer below, A Valley Without Wind will be playable. There may be some new artwork stuff to showoff there as well. I'll be chatting up the Ancient Shadows expansion with those who want to talk about it, but I doubt anyone would get much out of a short floor demo for a game like AI War. We're also planning some giveaways of our titles both on-sight and online; plus we may have something else to debut. Not sure yet, we'll see."
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I checked. If it's by the dev, it's not on reddit.
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Do you two actually talk to each other (maybe you have some little friendly rapport I'm unaware of) or are you just one of those losers who starts fawning over every girl they see online because they're pathetic and haven't spent enough time outside to gain any real social skills? Do you honestly expect that to get you somewhere with a girl in some way? I mean if someone did that to me I'd instantly think they were a moron and laugh in their face, but maybe I'm missing something.
Go outside and say that to every girl you see and see where that gets you.
TL;DR - you're an idiot
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As a girl, it gets a little old. If you had to deal with it you'd probably get a bit tired of it too.
I honestly don't care that much, I'm just genuinely baffled as to how people think that's supposed to work in some way. It's rather pathetic.
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Hello cute rainbow bunny. Bet that you don't get that often.
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I've been wondering about this too... It looks interesting, but it's not on GOG or available retail, so I can't buy it.
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If you're not keen on getting it from Steam then try from Desura.
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Never used Desura before, though I have a lot of games from the HIBs I could claim there... I'll consider it.
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It is also available direct from the dev. http://www.arcengames.com/w/index.php/arcen-store
You get a key that will make the demo turn into the full version (can be done offline, to play together every person must have a different key)
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So... basically, piracy and I should treat it like we treated Legend of Grimrock, where people abused it by giving the Steam key and taking the DRM-free version for themselves?
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I think pretty much all keys can be considered exploited. From what I understand you only get the demo from Steam, which is unlocked with a key. The key doesn't act as a real DRM though, you can pretty much enter any key as long as it's in the correct format. The devs only use them to keep track of their sale numbers but there is no online verification or whatever.
Maybe someone could confirm... I read something about this on the official game forum, the devs were explaining that the game wasn't on GOG because of these keys, despite the fact that the game was pretty much DRM free. You might want to contact the devs directly to sort this out though...
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Yeah. There is also a keygen around, which I assume creates keys which can now be activated on Steam.
Could be bad news for people who have unknowingly activated a scammy key if and when these fake keys are purged.
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Well, if the developers are smart, they'd release only a few hundred keys to third-party distributors (and Steam) as needed, making it extremely unlikely for people to generate "legitimate" keys (though they would still be able to unlock the demo).
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You would think this would be the case, but AI War by the same developers also reportedly had a keygen which worked on Steam. For whatever reason, these guys are not having much luck against piracy :(
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Haha. Those damned exploiters, eh? After the whole Guns of Icarus beta key farce, you wouldn't think they could stoop any lower.
You stick it to them, Jossy :D
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Saying "people are giving away exploited keys because I did first" is absolutely ridiculous logic. If there are means of getting free Steam keys and getting contributor value for giving them away, people will be giving them away regardless of who else is.
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Sweety he said "giving away the keys the developer gave me". Ask him bout that first ;)
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Trawled all over the internet and can't find anything, o.o; secret underground keygen
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Need jossyhadash to explain it to us, if they are exploited, knowing how they are exploited (proving they are) can mean we can put it on the exploited list asap
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It sounds like people that bought the game on the company's official website and thus own the DRM-free versions just got their steam keys, as promised a while back.
Whether or not giving them away is against the rules is up to the developer that gave them the keys, and if there is nothing from them against doing so, then it is legitimate and people need to stop complaining. Hell, for all we know, the developers outright said "If you don't want it on Steam, then just give it to your friend." If there was any limitation given by the developers, it was seemingly given in private only to the people that got the Steam keys.
I've only seen a few giveaways for AVWW so I don't know why people are getting their panties in a knot.
That all being said, after further investigation, I did find some people talking about a supposed keygen. From what I read, people either couldn't find it or couldn't get the one they found to run. Chances are it was malicious and not an actual keygen. If it was legitimate, then it looked like it was not for the Steam version of the game, but the DRM-free version.
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Unnatural public spike without an accompanying sale somewhere to give it a reason.
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This thread on the official forums says quote: "As of August 29th, 2012, AVWW keys purchased from a non-steam source are successfully registering on steam!"
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But if you look at the spike, there is an odd fluctuation in the last 1 day
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+1, which is why I replied to him asking that. I also suggested that they should make a developer giveaway instead of giving random people keys to giveaway. Here's what I got as a reply to that.
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I'm sure he just purchased a thousand copies to generously donate to SG. What a guy!
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You should blur out the link in that pic so more people don't exploit keys.
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i can confirm that it's a keygen i've searched for some info too.
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the devs themselves pretty much said they did not give it out.
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