Which of the following do You find detrimental to the experience of puzzle-solving?
I am glad You think so! Thanks for sharing your opinion!
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Anything for the village of hidden leaf! :D
It felt tough? Was it bearable at the very least?
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What made it take so long? The many pieces? Or were the pieces not distingiushable enough? Or some other reason?
One more question: are you used to jigsaw puzzles? I ask becuase i noticed, that by solving some puzzles, slowly struggling first, these experiences helped me to come up with methods that help in solving the jigis faster.
I started to selectively arrange pieces with the same shape into groups around the jigi-in-progress. So when I see a certain piece-shape missing, I know where to search for it, findig the required piece significantly faster.
In short, with some practice I got intuitively better at it.
I estimated poeple to do my jigi on an average of 1 hour at maximum.
By the way, I watched the Naruto anime a long time ago (also not really a manga-person, with a few exceptions), did not even finish shippuuden because of all the fillers. So no worries, I am not that much into Naruto myself. This profile pic. was chosen for my steam account at the peak of my interest in Naruto, at around 2007-8. With time, it kinda grew on me and Minato is a chill guy, his smile kinda cheers me up a little, so I dont feel the need to change it. :)
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Never thought my profile pic. would ever garner any attention. With this forum discussion, two of you already mentioned it.
I get that Naruto is a very popular tilte, but since the time I started using this pic. for my steam profile (~14 years), only once did anyone ever mention it, and that was in a Rocket League match some years ago. xD
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One final, shameless self-bump is here, good folks of Steamgifts!
You still have around 9 hours to do the jigidi in order to participate!
Good luck!
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First things first, the jigi: LINK
No level restriction, ENDS on December 12, 4:00 PM.
I wanted to do this for some time now and finally got the chance to give away a game for a jigidi.
I have not heard about that puzzle site before I started to browse the SG forums, but after solving some, I found this method of gifting quite pleasant, as solving the jigis proved to be a calming, relaxing experience. Even better if some nice music goes on in the background.
Aside from contributing back to the community which already gave me more than I expected, I wanted to provide the same relaxing experience for others.
So this is my first try at that. I hope some of You will find at least a little joy in it!
In theory, it should not be region restricted, so I did not set any for the GA. Bought it from a Fanatical bundle with a hungarian account. If thats any indication, it may be tied to Europe. If it turns out to be restricted and You cant activate it, I am honestly sorry, but forseeably cant provide another key. Please keep that in mind!
While i found solving jigis generally relaxing, puzzles with scarce visual cues on their puzzle pieces (eg.: half the pieces are pitch black) proved to be rather frustrating. Its exponentially true if its a larger puzzle (I'd say more than 180-220 pieces). It can turn an otherwise nice experiment into an unnecessy eye-torture and trial-error fest.
With this in mind, I'll try to lead by example and create mid-sized jigis (yes, I plan to do more), with relatively detail-rich pictures, to make the experience nice, or at leats bearable, at least from a perceived effort-result ratio.
I am aware, that the GA itself is a chance for free stuff, so if the creator wants the potential recipients to "work" for it, its well in their right to demand some commitment. Also, it could be an additional filter that ensures that only those would supposedly take the time, who would really like to get and play that title, not just the backlog +1ers. So I can see these reasons for hard puzzles and to each their own I guess.
I am curious, what do You think?
Hope that the above jigi feels reasonably difficult to You! If not, or have other thoughts, feel free to discuss in comments!
Bumps are welcome!
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