So i was wondering how many of you here uses Steamrep and how do i increase my SteamRep reputation. It seems like my reputation on SR is.. well i have no reputation.

Obligatory Giveaway

9 years ago

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Do you know the existence of SteamRep?

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Yes. But i don't care
Yes and I use it on a day to day basis
No i don care.
I just want to vote for the sake of voting

Do u mean steam rap? :D I dont know if anything like that exist on steam :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Yeah I want a steam rap :3
Maybe like the pokeraps but with all steam games D:

9 years ago

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Maybe like the pokeraps but with all steam games D:

Song length : 9001 hours

9 years ago

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Ok maybe just the good games :3

9 years ago

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or just the really bad ones :O

9 years ago

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I don't really care about Steamrep. In my opinion it's useless. I've never been scammed before on the internet nor in real life and I know what kind of people I can trust. In fact I trust very few people. If a guy wants to trade keys for keys, I let him go first if he has less games than me or has a shitty profile.

9 years ago

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I don't think you can increase your rep on SR, you either have no rep or bad rep

9 years ago

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This. You can have pending reports or the scammer tag. Some do have a donor tag though, if I remember correctly. Basically, no rep = good.

9 years ago

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IIRC they only deal with scam that involve the Steam trading system though, so if someone scammed some game keys, they won't be flagged a a scammer.

9 years ago

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i see. so i wouldn't know if someone that i am trading with is a good trader with no negative rep or it is just a guy who doesn't trade at all.

9 years ago

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Pretty much, yeah. But if they are registed here you can check if they have traded or not.

9 years ago

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Yeah, you're right. It's pretty much just an additional tool to everything else.

9 years ago

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I suppose you could technically improve it, as certain admins of particular sites get a special reputation tag. If a person set out to become an admin and succeeded they might appear more reputable than your average user on Steamrep. It would be a strange motivation to become an admin just for that though.

The donator tag might give a person a bit more credibility too, although the cynic in me says that someone could donate just to appear to care about policing scammers when in reality they are one themselves. Or maybe they could just turned rogue after falling on hard times etc.

9 years ago*

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What is steamrep and what it is good for?

9 years ago

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steamrep is a website in which you could check the reputation of a steam user to determine if they are a scammer. Users who are scammed could report the scammer and SR will verify it before labelling a certain user as scammer. Hope i explained this well

9 years ago

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Ah ok. THX a lot :-)

9 years ago

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as far as i know, steamrep has a huge backlog of scammer reports... it's easier to stick to reputable traders in forums like this or any other 3rd party site that uses a rep system.

9 years ago

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Yes I do know about it, but pretty much only use it to find the steamID64 for someone when I am including them on my blacklist (I keep a text file with reasons why someone is on my list so it makes it harder for them to just vanish)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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