"We have been applying a gifting and trading lock of this type on all newly created packages on Steam since mid-2014. Today we have propped a change that will affect all packages on Steam which will not allow them to be unpacked to an account, if gifted or traded from a lower priced region to a higher priced region. This change is not retroactive and only affects new purchases. "

I have some old gifts at my inventory. My region - RU.
How to detect : Does have gift in inventory regional lock or not ?
I want to be sure at 100% In order not to give away a gift with restrictions RU-CIS as ROW.
If gifts ROW - I want to giveaway them as ROW, to all.

У меня есть несколько старых подарков в инвентаре.
Как определить - имеют ли они региональные ограничения или нет ?
Хочу быть уверен на все 146%, чтобы не раздавать подарки с ограничением RU-CIS как ROW.

8 years ago

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Well, nobody knows :\
Then so :
What happens if I'll create giveaway as ROW, but then (after end) it turns out that gift is Region restricted RU-CIS ?

Что будет, если я создам раздачу, как ROW, а потом (после окончания раздачи) выяснится, что подарок имеет ограничение RU-CIS ?

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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There is a tag saying "This is a restricted gift which can only be redeemed in these countries: ..." . It has red letters so there is no way to miss it.
In your case, if the game is restricted, it will be availabe for use only in the former Soviet Union. If they are old there is a good chance that they are ROW.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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it will be tagged with red text.
just be careful with 4-packs spawned copies, they don't have region warnings (for example: gauntlet, hacker evolution).

8 years ago

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Any of my gifts have not a red marking

Some gifts have restrictions/limits in description.
For example, DLC for Fallout New Vegas have marks : (C) ??? (RUCIS) (RU)
As I remember, it was split by regions from the publisher. Here everything is clear, except label (C).
Grand Theft Auto IV have (US/AU) mark.
Others do not have any markings.

As I said, the gifts are old. Most of them purchased before "mid-2014".
Some may have purchased in "mid-2014" - Question, since what time is comes "mid 2014" ?
According to the information, which I quoted at the beginning of the topic, my gifts should not have regional restrictions.

"should not have" - But better really know.

8 years ago

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I've made 2 giveaways with my old gifts as ROW - was not complaints.
Gifts marked as "Recieved".

So there one question remains - When the "mid-2014" began.

8 years ago

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