So basically my friend gave me some name tags in tf2, and spy is my favourite class, I have a full strange set (except for the sapper, because i'm still too fucking poor for it.) Any suggestion for a good name?

10 years ago*

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Ronald Reagan.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Probably make more sense for it to be Barrack Obama then?

10 years ago

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Name the knife "helmet". Cause, seriously getting stabbed by a helmet? Spies are sneaksy and all, but, dang, backstab by helmet? That's impressive.

10 years ago

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Yes, it's true that spies can disguise as a totally different person just wearing a paper mask, but naming a knife helmet, doesn't make it an helmet.

10 years ago

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know, but it's just the idea of it. It's incredibly funny... at least, I think it is.

10 years ago

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I second this.

10 years ago

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Veni vidi vici

10 years ago

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The Poopsock. When you're busy gaming and don't want to get up to defecate, just break out an old sock instead.

10 years ago

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Made in china
Designed in california

10 years ago

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Oh damn, this can get complex quick, especially thinking up descriptions if you have tags for those. Way too much fun, albeit frustrating sometimes. Anybody can feel free to swipe these.
edit : Okay so many I should stop coming back to edit in more, haha.

Strange Knife :
"The Dirty Hand" - "Not all steel is stainless, as this organ-fluid soaked slicer can attest"
"Sweet Spot" - "Nothing like a spot of Italian acupuncture to cure what ails you"
"Heartbreaker" - "Better to have loved and lost than to have never bled out from your spine"
"Surprise Surgery" / "The Scalpel" - "While you were busy I decided to make the first incision"
"Can-opener" - "And by 'can' I mean 'spine'"
"Ribtickler" - "Perfect for reaching those terminal itches"
"The Messenger" - "When you get to hell, ask them to book me a reservation"

Strange Ambassador :
"The Tryhardian Tactical" - "You would be surprised how angry people get when you actually aim."
"Pocket Sniper" - "For touching gray matter on the go!"
"Duellers Choice " - "You sir have besmirched my honor. I challenge you to headshots at dawn!"
"Kevorkian Roulette" - "Like the russian variety, but fully loaded and for acquaintances only"

Strange Dead Ringer :
"Red Dinger" - "While identical to a Dead Ringer, it adds the pain of vague innuendo"
"Invinci-ringer" - "They can't hurt me if they can't see me!"
"Pocket Possum" - "Watch what I do and follow my lead... permanently"
"Spinebiters Stopwatch" - "BRB, killing you"

10 years ago

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All my yes.

10 years ago

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It's a shame really. I get so picky that the names I settle for on my own weapons really suck in comparison. The ones we come up for my brother tend to be amazing though.

I have a huntsman simply called "Skillsman" as a half-taunt to people who raged at the weapon, while also mimicing tryhards. Also a set of the heavy's bear claws named "Tummyrubs". Neither have descriptions.

10 years ago

Comment has been collapsed.'re welcome? :V

10 years ago

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Even if you didn't use any of the suggestions, mind if you update us on what you went with?

10 years ago

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