Gaben confirmed! I, for one, am very excite.

12 years ago*

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Can't say I'm surprised. Seems like it's been coming for years.

12 years ago

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It did too for me, but I thought it's duration would be closer to 1 hour.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Seems good.
They made an excellent work on every meet the team video.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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15 minutes long and with source filmmaker, meet the bots maybe?

12 years ago

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15 Minutes is a bit short for a movie, I don't think this will be a good one.

12 years ago

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If you've only got 15 minutes of story, then making it any longer than 15 minutes is a very bad idea.

On the other hand, Valve time

12 years ago

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I just thought they'd have more than 15 minutes of story, that's all.

12 years ago

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It's rare for a movie to have more than 15 minutes of story. Filmmakers are just very good at needlessly stretching their story, making it seem more substantial than it is.

12 years ago

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it took 15 minutes to write. I thought it would take 15 minutes to read!!

12 years ago

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I don't follow...

12 years ago

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Maybe they changed it to a short film i guess?

12 years ago

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I will never understand why people care so much for TF2's characters and their backstory or whatever you want to call it.

12 years ago

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Every Story is interesting
And Red And Blu's back story is Good.

12 years ago

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Because, in just a few minutes of total runtime, the first 8 Meet the Team videos told a better story and had more awesome action scenes than almost every movie ever created.

12 years ago

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The same reason you care about the backstory of every game-figure. It adds to the immersion of the game.
Probably also the same reason you care about the backstory of comic book characters, other film's characters, and, well, characters in general.
This also extends to other people; you want to know about the guy you've just befriended. Sure, the past is the past and all, but the past is what shapes you (or other characters).

If what you're insinuating is that "they're just random FPS characters", then I agree, however. It's not like I'm interested in the background story of terrorist #243 (from Counter Strike) or similar.
But that's where Valve went out and made it interesting: by actually adding a backstory to each of the characters, you get to know why they're so different.

12 years ago

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Yes, I was insinuating that they aer just random FPS characters. I play the game to kill stuff and have fun, I couldn't care less if the pyro is a woman, a man or a gorilla.

12 years ago

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This isn't really news, they have made several short films in tf2. This will be the longest one but still...

12 years ago

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The TF2 story is excellent, no doubt. A movie shall be nice, as long as it's free to watch, like Youtube or something.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

12 years ago

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What's with that? They have made TF2 comic for years.
Also almost all events on game always has backstory on them.

12 years ago

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You must be new to TF2.

12 years ago

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15 mins? I was expecting it to be a 90 mins long movie :p

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Juicestain.