Would you like to have mobile games on Steam?
I agree that movies are unneeded, just an addition trying to expand their dominion.
Perhaps I didn't state clearly my point, where I didn't want to focus on "let me buy android games on Steam"; this part could be non-existent, if they manage to reach the goal anyway.
What I'd like to have is the possibility to continue the same game both on PC and smartphone/tablet.
Steam reviews are full of "poor android port"; well, let me play it on android then! isn't it just another version of linux?
Not trying to make you change your mind, just wanted to make sure I hadn't conveyed the wrong message to you :)
There are a lot of games on Steam which are suited for being played on smartphone and I don't like the idea of restarting the game (or playing it twice in parallel), while I'd surely like to have the possibility of compatible savegames instead :)
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Would be cool if you buy games like Kingdom Rush or Plague Inc. you could buy it in a bundle for both PC and Android.
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Of course it won't be a feasible thing for every game on Steam.
Basically good for:
I'm also thinking of some sort of (totally optional) complementary games that devs could realize.. like minigames you can do on your mobile to progress in the "main" game.
first thing I can think of: puzzle games. Every puzzle game you solve gives you a certain amount of currency/material you can use in the game :)
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Oh, yeah, another thing i'd like to add is just the ability to have steam profiles linked for games that have a mobile release. Marvel Puzzle Quest is one i remember playing a while ago. You're able to have the mobile profile linked with steam but not the other way round =(
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I think it would be fine if the game is multi-platform so you can have a copy form all the platforms on the same place. If it's just to turn Steam into something like Google play for Android or Appstore for Apple phones with games exclusively for phones then HELL NO!!!
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I'm really not a fan of any smartphone games. I often grow bored of them really fast, on top of the micro transactions that the majority thrive on.
Only exceptions that I'd understand are the mobile games that unlock items for the actual game. i.e. Injustice, Mortal Kombat X, etc. I wouldn't have a need for it now as I own a smartphone, but I did know the struggle of not being able to get costumes just because I didn't have an eligible phone for the app.
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As said, I don't own a smartphone so I don't know which kind of games prevail in the various app stores.
My reasoning is based on Steam games (paid ones, let's put F2P aside) that are also good to play on smartphones/tablets. (think of those LaraCroft/Hitman/DeusEx GO that have been published recently).
heh, here's a paste of what I wrote some comments above:
I'm also thinking of some sort of (totally optional) complementary games that devs could realize.. like minigames you can do on your mobile to progress in the "main" game.
first thing I can think of: puzzle games. Every puzzle game you solve gives you a certain amount of currency/material you can use in the game :)
didn't know something like that already existed :O sounds cool to me! :)
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The progress from mobile mingames to main games does sound good, assuming of course they are able to allow users on pc to play the minigames via alternate route. Fallout Shelter is one of those that was released for PC users, but not on Steam. Yeah, suppose if you do find the gems (like the GO games you mentioned, and Plague Inc I believe started out on mobile as well). Perhaps there will be deals, that will allow you to own them both on Steam and android. On steam and not just random bundles on humblebundle. Nice thread ^_^
The minigame idea you have is not terrible. Like you could have a hacking mobile minigame for a espionage based steam game. Maybe it unlocks you credits, or access to bonus content or secret rooms :o
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i think steam should either replace google playstore and have all mobile games or none of them.
at the moment there are lots of poorly translated mobile games on steam which aren't marked as such and in my subjective opinion mostly pay2win.
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Don't think Steam will ever be able to replace google playstore, and this may be a good thing :)
I don't usually play pay2win titles (or I do until I become aware that they are P2W) but, wouldn't it be better (for your wallet) if you could share between pc and smartphone all the stuff you bought? :)
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I think that would be the developer's job to do, as there are already quite a few games on Steam that already has an android/iOS version out as well, but having cross-saving (essentially cloud saving, or utilizing additional DRM as the info has to be identified somehow) wouldn't be too beneficial. I would be more happy if I could complete already existing games on Steam by playing them on my phone (like LYNE is great to play on the go)
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I was thinking of LYNE and similar games when I started this thread but forgot to mention them ^^;
Those are a perfect example :)
wait.. you said that they "wouldn't be too beneficial" but then that you "would be more happy if you could blabla".. I think I missed some bit of information inbetween. :\
first part is supposed to be a negative aspect and the second a positive one.. don't we need cross-saving to be able to do it though?
can't tell if you are pro or against this :P
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I would personally be happy about it, but it would be offputting for a lot of people. There's google play that also stores your progress, there's Steam that stores your progress, to carry these over it would require a link between the two, or even a new type of DRM, not to mention if it would be a developer-made one. (Like register their site so you can carry over your saves) - while Steam itself is a DRM, as far as I've seen people are really, really against any more DRM than that one (and it wouldn't be that good for the devs as it would cost money to keep up the system)
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Thanks :)
I'm basically talking about an argument I don't know anything about (that's why I said I don't have a smartphone right at the beginning)
This thread's purpose is, of course, to know what you think about it, but also to get to know why they aren't moving in this direction..
Your answer added an important piece of info (for my knowledge, at least); in this case, it should be google's part to release some sort of connection-to-Steam API to ease developers' job, right? Assuming that most app-developers uses google-store as starting point (they may not even know about Steam)
oh, that is another thing I hate! where is the ISO when we need it? just create a standard telling them to put savegames in user/savegames/ (or something similar) =P
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This is nothing to do with Valve, it's down to the developers to choose to implement such a feature
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Interesting. So bacially everything I suggested below is already possible many devs are problably just not aware of it or haven't recognized the potential yet. But I think a complimentary Android version would make a nice addition to Collectors Editions (aditionally to the usual artbooks and soundtracks) of games like Terraria, Don't Starve and many other small Indie games that work well on phone or tablet.
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Crossbuy with Android would be a nice idea but I think they should only allow it for games that are on Steam and then offer developers multiple levels of participation like:
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This is a thought I've had time ago and that those recent thread about the Steam client (supposed) improvements made me re-think about it.
First of all, I don't own a smartphone (nor a tablet) so I don't know if this is a feasible thing, I'm just thinking things :v
I'm referring to games that are already on Steam; sites like Humble Bundle give you the android version of certain purchased games (not mentioning those android-only bundles).
They are working towards full mac and linux support, so why not android?
imho it would be nice to have savegames and progress synched between phone and pc :)
also, it could generate more money for them as they'd be entering a new area of market where many of their users would probably follow them. I mean, they pestered us so much with that smartphone apps of theirs, why not include the possibility to play games?
Not saying they have to gift android version to pc users.. should be devs decision, whether to sell both together or separately (maybe as DLC, a bit like they do with soundtracks which I'd like to see always included for free in games, but this is another story)
It sounds impossible to me that nobody at Valve never thought about this, so the answer might be that is not convenient for them..
Perhaps there aren't enough players, perhaps is not easy as I imagine..
What do you think? Can someone enlighten me?
Original title was
Games for smartphones on Steam?
, renamed 'cause I realized it was misleading.Comment has been collapsed.