Hello and welcome to the Central Hub of SteamGifts Magazine!

I have sort of taken the role Atomic had with the magazine last year, so here is our new location for the Central Hub!

We are the (unofficial) SG Community's own digital gaming magazine, which ANYONE ACCEPTED can join for a chance to win a game and review it, putting down their thoughts on "digital paper" for the whole community to read!

We are also highly active on our Discord, so feel free to join anytime! You won’t be given a respective role until you’ve been approved by staff! Here is the link: https://discord.gg/KZG4kpF5XG

SteamGifts Group Link: https://www.steamgifts.com/group/X4YE7/sgmonthlymagazine
Steam Group Link: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SGMonthlyMagazine
Link to Old Thread: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/sjQKU/central-hub-unofficial-steamgifts-magazine

Steam Group Rules and Member Roles

Please make sure you have read and understood the rules linked below for each role before requesting to join our group! When applying, please list your role and talk a bit about your favorite game you’ve won on SG! If you don’t do both, then we’ll know if you read this section or not ;)

Also, staff has the final say on anything done. Doesn’t matter how much you try to justify your actions via the rules. Just don’t be stupid, and you’ll be fine.


Magazine Format

You can find a rough view of how we construct our magazine at the link below.


The Rating System

You can find our rating system at the link below. Please be sure to read this carefully if you plan on reviewing.


List of Reviews in Progress

Below is an up-to-date Google Sheet featuring all giveaways and reviews that have been done with the magazine. This is also where anyone can find up-to-date information on current reviews being done, prior reviews that have been done, and more.


Finished reviews can be submitted directly to me (BeeBee) via Discord. However, if this is too inconvenient, please feel free to message any staff member, and we'll take it from there.

How to Join the Group?

If you've read the rules and want to be part of the team, please leave a comment here with your desired role and talk a bit about your favorite game you’ve won on SG. Once you do this, then request to join our Steam group here.

Join our Discord!

This is the main place where you can meet all of the staff and wonderful members of the magazine! Feel free to interact, lurk, or simply stay there for various updates. This is also where you can submit your game screenshot for the "Screenshot of the Month" contest and music recommendations.

Screenshot of the Month

Do you have a cool, artistic, or funny game screenshot that you want to share with us? Then submit it to us on Discord in the submission channel!

For each issue, we set up a vote poll to select the best submission. The winner will be added to the Magazine's "Screenshot of the Issue" section!

Submit your favorite screenshot on our Discord channel.

Additional Info

When an issue is released, we’ll have a vote on “best review,” which will grant the winner the option to choose from 3 games. The won game can be reviewed for the next month's issue, but it is not mandatory.

Magazine Index

Issue # Month (2023) Thread Magazine PDF Version
1 March X X X
2 April X X X
3 May X X X
4 June X X X
5 July X X X
6 August X X X
7 September X X X
8 October X X X
9 November X X X
10 December X X X
Issue # Month (2024) Thread Magazine PDF Version
11 May X X X
12 July X X X
13 October X X X

List of Available Games (Current Wave Still In the Process of Being Created):

Game Genre Deadline
[N/A]() Rhythm Survival November
[N/A]() 2D Metroidvania November
[N/A]() First-Person Puzzle November
[N/A]() Action Roguelike November
[N/A]() 2D Metroidvania November
[N/A]() Third Person Swordplay Action November
[N/A]() Strategy RPG November
[N/A]() Open World Sci-Fi FPS November
[N/A]() Open World Superhero Action November
[N/A]() Horror FPS November
[N/A]() Dystopian Adventure Platformer November
[N/A]() First-Person Action Slasher November
[N/A]() Open World Action RPG November
7 months ago*

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You know what, I will throw my hat in the ring. I generally write pretty short reviews but I have written some longer ones so I should hopefully be up to the task. And I have also written a good 1000 of them across BLAEO and Steam - basically any game I complete gets a review anyways so why not request to join I guess.

I would like to go for full member, if possible. And as for the favorite win, uhhhh..... Having played over 500 this is actually a REALLY hard question, but I guess I will go with Vampire Survivor. Why? I have written a review for it ;D (albeit a shit one that could really do with some improving).

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Of course, you're accepted! I just accepted your Steam group request, and feel free to join our Discord whenever you get the chance. That's more or less where we do everything :)

2 months ago

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Thank you! ^^

2 months ago

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I'm willing to join as a full member, but I don't know if my english is trusty enough tho

My favorite game won here on SteamGifts was The Walking Dead. I actually played it for entering in the Playing Appreciated group, with low expectations and spoiled ending (like, who don't know what happens in the end of the first game, right?)
But I got genuinely surprised of how much I got involved in the story, i cared so much about the characters and some really made me GO MAD
Sleep too much on this title, as a TLOU fan of story driven games, definitely should played it sooner.
I loved it so much that I bought the sequel and played right away, and waited for a promo to buy The Final Season too (A New Frontier is still on my backlog tho)

As a side note, i would like to say that i play CS2 competitively in the Brasil Scene, I loved the magazine and i'll try to use my tiny influence to share it with the community. I can see how much love and effort are being thrown at this project

2 months ago

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That's perfectly fine! I noticed you joined the Discord before I was able to give a reply and saw there that you said you'd just lurk for now before possibly becoming a full member.

If you still would like to become a full member, then let me know, as I'd like to see a sample review from you since we don't exactly know how well you'll do reviews at the moment due to not much evidence supporting so on your Steam profile and based on what you said regarding your English. However, we have many non-native English speakers from all over the world in our group, so don't think we are all consisting of native English speakers :)

2 months ago

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Hey hey! I think I'd enjoy being a Full Member.. I like giving just as I like receiving :)
I've always had a knack for writing and like reviewing games / reading through other reviews.
I also love the kind of group that makes you play your wins and turns it into something more productive, really love the concept you guys.

My recent favorite of the games I won on here is Loddlenauts! Granted, it's a pretty short game but everything about it is so calming and funky in a way that really resonated with me while playing. Doesn't have much in the way of story but the vibes are immaculate and the artstyle as well as the OST really put you in such a calm mood.. Not to mention the cute Loddles and their evolutions :)
I fully 100%d the game in about two days, fun little adventure :D

3 weeks ago

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Hey! Thanks for wanting to join us and giving me more reason to play Loddlenauts! I've accepted your group request, so all you have left to do is join our Discord for updates!

(Also, we are currently undergoing changes with the magazine, so don't be alarmed of the announcements or anything)

3 weeks ago

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You definitely should! I'd say play it when you want to really turn off your brain and relax.
Also thanks! :)

3 weeks ago

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I'd like to join as a reviewer. As someone generally frugal with words, I think i will enjoy the challenge of thinking deeply about what I play/experience and to express that in pages! It will also help me be selective about what games I enter for and will also help exercise my mind, improve my writing ability.

The best game ive won would be Chained Echoes. It wasn't something I was aware about, nor was I aware of the genre/type: Turn Based games. And JRPG as genre didn't leave a good impression on me based on gameplay videos online for numerous reasons. Anyways in my initial SG days, I solved some puzzles of a famous SG truck driver and thought hmm why not... ill enter for this game, it has good ratings! Many months later, I eventually started to play and I absolutely HATED it. I spent some months trying getting past the initial 15 something minutes. I couldn't, due to its slow lacklustre start and also because it was pixelated, the gameplay seemed uninteresting to me then. But then I eventually forced myself to sit through it thanks to a cute PAGYWOSG theme (games where u can pet animals) .

I gave it a chance and fell in love with the game! The story was so well written, the characters were so thoughtfully created. And there was something very intelligent about them, like they felt very self aware....I loved it! The exploration and music was on point as well. And the turn based fight, so addictive! I would have never imagined playing this game for 20hrs, but I spent like 60 in it.

While this SG win was a pleasant surprise, other wins where i was mildly curious about the game didn't end so positively. Overall it has made me be very careful about what I would want to win and play. Perhaps that is a good thing.

Edit: Done and done!

3 weeks ago*

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Thanks for your desire to join us! Honestly, I've had some unpleasant experiences with wins in the past, so I totally understand the hesitance toward entering giveaways, and I'm glad Chained Echoes was an enjoyable experience for you despite the rough start.

We'd be happy to have you, so all we need for you to do is send a group invite and join our Discord :)

(Also, we are currently undergoing changes with the magazine, so don't be alarmed by the announcements or anything)

3 weeks ago

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Hello! Your group caught my eye and I think this is what I need and got very interested. My favorite game is probably v rising, from what I won, it’s a pretty good survival game, even though I played it on brutal difficulty and everything burned out for me. But it's still an unforgettable experience
I complete games only at 100% achievements xd)

3 weeks ago

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Thanks for being interested and sharing your favorite win!

Unfortunately, though, we cannot accept your application at the time due to your past giveaway trends (free and shovelware games), SG statistics, and your review history on Steam (especially the copy/paste cat reviews and most reviews not being in English).

I'm sorry this is the case, but these trends have led to some unfortunate situations in our group in the past.

2 weeks ago*

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Hello, what can I do to fix this? I would like to say that I participate in pop, playwogs and Taleplay. Despite the reviews in Russian, I am Ukrainian myself, I can make reviews in English too

2 weeks ago*

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Maybe an English review on Steam for a game you have recently finished that can showcase your capabilities in a way that is comparable to what we usually post in our magazine. Even then, I wasn't the sole decider of this denial, so this may or may not change things.

2 weeks ago

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I left a review of the last game I played, but I wish it was a different game and not such a bad and cringey one. I will soon do other reviews as I play more games, the reviews will be in a high-quality format as well. I hope you change your mind

2 weeks ago

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Sounds good. Shoot a reply here whenever you have that out 👍

2 weeks ago

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Hello i complete Size Matters and did review check please

2 weeks ago

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Yeah, based on the grammar in the response asking me to check your review and the review showing up as AI-generated via my paid application to check for this (along with our own eyes and knowledge of editing), we will still need to stand on the side of rejection.

Sorry, but thank you for attempting.

1 week ago

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you wrote that every person is welcome so i will continue to try, i wrote another review on the last game call of the sea

1 week ago

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That was more meant for people who are accepted. However, because that was not clear, we have looked at your new review again, and we are still standing by our decision. I don't think this will change.

1 week ago

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I would like to join as a reviewer.

The only game I won on SG so far is degrees of septations, I really liked the idea and had cute visuals. I played it with my partner
But unfortunately didn't finish clicking for us, maybe because we are not that fan of "puzzle" games.

3 weeks ago

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Thanks for your interest in our group and for explaining a game you won on SG!

Unfortunately, we can't accept your request to join the group. This is primarily due to the grammar displayed in this application and the lack of Steam reviews that show your general ability to write a review we would want in our magazine. I'm sorry this is the case.

2 weeks ago

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Is factorio space age gonna be reviewed? It comes out in 8 days.

1 week ago

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Considering we don't really review DLCs, and nobody has given away Factorio for someone to review yet... naw.

1 week ago

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rip space age definitely deserves it

1 week ago

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Definitely. It is a pretty good-looking expansion to an already great game.

1 week ago

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I have requested to join. Even though I'm not a regular game reviewer on steam nor I wrote any review professionally for any game here in steam, I able able to review games in a professional way and I do it outside of steam for another platform (In case you want to see example / proof of my written reviews for any game, we can discuss probably in private message whether in steam or discord and see if I am able to write professional reviews...) I hope I will be accepted! Thank you.

1 week ago

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Thank you for wanting to join us!

Unfortunately, though, you haven't followed the proper way to apply for our group and also haven't truly played any of your SteamGift wins. Due to this, we can't accept you at the moment. You're free to apply at a later point in time but, for now, this is what we will need to do.

1 week ago

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Does it make sense to edit the schedule to every other month or quarterly instead of monthly? Some reviewers get a break from writing as well. During holiday season, it may be tough for some reviewers to committ to writing reviews.

One other thought, if reviewers want to review a game they won from SG, but it was not from the SGMagazine giveways, would there be an exception to allow it to be added to the magazine at a later time? This might increase the variety of games reviewed and even give the magazine certain themes for later editions like Horror or Adventure.

4 days ago*

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While I appreciate the idea, this isn't a big issue for us. The number of reviews we get has never been an issue, as we always have reviews to put into an issue, and we have people entering waves to do more reviews every single time without fail. Our biggest problem is turning the written review into a visual format due to the time it takes to do so.

Due to this, we have no reason to make an exception for games won outside of SG, but we sometimes do anyway for developer-provided games and similar items. In a case where we don't have enough reviews for an issue, then we would allow reviews of games received outside of SG, but this has yet to happen.

3 days ago

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