Other solution could be the owner will have the privilege to delete their giveaway within a certain time threshold, and point will go back to their respective owners. Conscious users will take thin opportunity to set things right.
SG support lacks man power already.
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Gee, I don't think there's enough "+1" replies to this comment.
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And as well bann users that are/is inactive, spamming or braking any other rules.
(+) Invite only registration. Every user on the site gets one invitation to share to a friend, to gain more "invites" you need to giveaway games
(e.g everytime you hit $30 in gift giving you get an extra invite). In that way there will "only" be trusted users (i hope).
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...or lots of people harassing existing users for an invite...
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All I am saying is obnoxious behavior would make them more stupid. This will take it as a tradition. Rather pointing out where it went wrong might give him a chance to learn from their mistakes.
Don't know dude, this is frustrating and I just want to play a small role before leaving.
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no wanted to anser
i thinked i get anser not give anser
pls no ban me i no good engilsh
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I have something in mind, what if its set as a prerequisite to start with a game that's in your inventory so SG can check it before creating the giveaway. Once, the gift has been delivered and the user has a contributors badge then he will be able to create other giveaways, like keys or anything else.
But, first one has to be from their inventory so they have to make a conscious decision, and this will give them an incentive to look into the process more carefully.
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His idea wouldn't rid the site of giving away keys completely, just the first giveaway any one user does.
However, the indie bundles serve a purpose in that they represent a low-cost method of participating in the site, which may increase the odds that they keep on contributing and visit the site more often. And clearly, people want those games in the cheap bundles.
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It can be modified : if when someone creates one with a key, and he didn't deliver the game after the deal was over, that will result him a temporary ban form creating a new 'giveaway with key'.
The whole point is to educate users about the purpose of SG.
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I'd support that, IF steam allowed you to add cd-keys as gifts. At present, the only way to have a game in your inventory is to purchase it on steam. Now I'm not saying that's bad, but some websites offer good deals on steam redeemable games, not to mention if you want to gift indie bundles (I do, hey... I'm a college student) Currently, the system allows for fake giveaways, and the support team (since this is a private website) is back-logged to no tomorrow.
I'm not claiming to know the answer... I'm just throwing out something to observe.
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I pretty much agree with this, it's most of the users are that ungrateful, they come across so selfish and act self entitled and look like complete dicks, it really pisses me off. But man, that feeling of relief I feel for the human race when I see more logical people on this site, it's good to see them.
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i agree with you. some people says "i'm not english and i don't know what a "giveaway" is. i wanted that game and i don't have it".
i'm not english too, but it's very stupid filling a form where you choose when a giveaway ends without having a clue what is it. when they set the date for the end of the giveaway what they are thinking? the date when they will magically receive it? And the entries are for what?
i really hope that this kind of users are kids who don't know what to do and are still learning this language on school
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+1 for OP. You need click 3 times to confirm the giveaway, and stupids do it and say "I dont have the game" :P
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I still say they do it to get some free points to enter for a game they want that is ending in 5 mins.
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And/or do it like a forum i used a long time ago. When you are registering have the FAQ/RULES at the botton just before the FINISH/REGISTER or whatever button, but that button is actually a fake and if you press it, it takes you to a page "YOU DIDN'T READ THE FAQ!". The actuall button is hidden in the FAQ text, and maybe make it every time to be in a different word. This will eather make people scroll like idiots clicking every word for 20 min or make people actually read the FAQ for 2 min and then use the site. XD!
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Very clever. Even better, it takes you right back to the very beginning, so you have to retype your name and password and relink your Steam account, etc.
Those who stubbornly refuse to read stuff will give up and not bother, saving everyone the hassle of fake giveaways, referral spamming, etc.
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That's what happens when you go public. Public = idiots.
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Speaking as someone who only ended up here due to the fact that the site was public, I'd like to point out that it has also surely caused many fine community members to join.
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Considering that the total population will always be greater than the amount of people with proper brains, you're almost always more likely to find idiots, and that is further amplified in the internet.
Although it is baffling how folks don't read the create giveaway page... I'd never encountered such a blatantly awful giveaway as of yet though.
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If people have to do some sort of quiz, I guarantee you'll just get idiots rapidly clicking their way through without paying any attention or bothering to find out the real answers.
As long as the internet and free will exist, there will be stupid people. It pisses me off just as much as it pisses you off but sadly bitching about it won't do anything. Stupid people will find new ways to be stupid.
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It was an obvious joke, note the ":D" at the end.
Sort of a "pun" of the "thank you" comments some people give and other people rage about i.e.: "why bother spamming a worthless thanks?!" (spoiler: Because taking a few moments of your time to let someone know you appreciate their giveaway isn't too much to ask in return for an opportunity to get a free game and it's not meaningless to everyone.)
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That really sucks. Thank you anyway for being so nice to give away the game and even two extra copies for the unlucky ones! That is really nice of you. Too bad one douche can ruin the mood...
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I just ignored, show move on
I added you in Steam mate, you are one of the lucky unlucky ones, your comment here has nothing to do with it, you were randomly selected yesterday along with eden2812 which is the other lucky unlucky guy!
none of you have the surprise game
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1) don't tell anyone
2) get game so you can do the giveaway proper good
3) get away with it, no one will ever know you made the mistake
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buy game and spank your ass for chooseing time of the start and end of give away. + choosing game + choosing if public or private etc. + accepting GIVE AWAY. How can somebody accidentally do all of this.. I mean guys this is really absurdistan in here.
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You'll get a limited edition set of Steamgifts collectible cards, and a pack of Wormy branded cigars.
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There were two giveaway yesterday, one for MW3 and one for BF3. Both said in the description, that it's not the game, but the steam community beta... Seriously, what the fuck?!
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People who win those fake giveaway's should never set it as received since they will get nothing out of it, just more fake giveaway's.
Also people can make private giveaway's and maybe get another account or a friend to help them get more value in steamgifts.
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Definitely. These people also open themselves up to getting banned for not activating the game if someone spots that it's not in their account. Very unwise.
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204 Comments - Last post 42 minutes ago by Deyalleft
Guys im sick how really stupid people can join this site, and create simply giveaway...and then later on get to know, its not "Asking for free game" but "giveaway" site....and the only thing they can do is write in comment : "pls dont report, its accident" , "I dont have the game, i want instead..." and such things. Its just disgracing this site....So far i see more of those " Fake" giveaways considering better games, then real giveaways. Id recommend some quiz during signing in to fully understand whats this about. Im just annoyed , so i gotta talk it out. Now its fine. Ty
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