They're trying so hard to undermine the obvious card, achievement and +1 library farming tools non-profitable.
Wonder if the effort spent on trying to get the market to curate itself is worth it, or if it were better spent on doing actual curation.
I mean, if you don't want them to sell anyway (by crippling the motivators for buying, other than being an actual playable game), why keep them on the store at all?
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They have to pay valve a listing fee, so they're still making money
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Ah yes, I forgot about that.
Might as well squeeze free cash from the asset flippers as they desperately try not to crash & burn.
Well, until said asset flippers find:
a) the next silly reason people will flock in to buy their stuff, or
b) the next loophole that allows them to sell enough copies quickly enough, thus defeating the learning algorithm, allowing to reclaim the listing fee, and continuing business as usual.
If this comes off as cynical, it's probably because seeing how the steam store has changed over the past 4-5 years has warped by expectations and assumptions.
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I suppose we can only wait and see how people react and use this new system, whether they actually use it to clean up the store front or to try and continue to exploit it.
But this being the internet... i dont have much faith in this system working, it'll just turn into greenlight 2.0
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Really? It does say 'until more players have interacted with it' so i figured user feedback and maybe community discussions would be taken into account to judge whether it 'passes' the learning process
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AFAIK that only takes into account the number of purchases and the average playtime. Where playtime can be spoofed by idling, which is pretty much impossible to detect without implementing actual spyware.
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Yes, this is the only real reason behind their "we allow anything" policy. Not free speech or a free market. If Washington would tell them that okay, whatever amount they ask as a Steam Direct fee is now 100% taxed, Valve would become the most-censored digital video game store in the universe.
But right now, each asset flip is free 100 dollars for no work at all. Their favourite kind of income.
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I'm pretty sure it has less to do with you joining Steam, and more with Valve introducing stuff like Greenlight and later Steam Direct.
Unless you work at Valve and played a role in those decisions, but even then the color of your skin has nothing to do with it.
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They already made changes to trading cards last year. These are more changes.
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It does look good to me as well, but I can't help but think of really small indie games that I enjoyed - like Amphora or Whispering Willows - that sold around 5,000 copies. Would the copies sold floor be low enough for those games to count as 'real games', or would they also be affected?
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That's not what I said, Mdk.
I'm wondering if they still would be counted as 'real games'. Not passing steam's confidence metric, and not being able to have full access to all the side benefits of being on the steam storefront (cards, coupons, achievements - presence in library, even) would still be a kind of black mark against a game that would inconvenience the devs even if it remains unchanged to players, especially people who don't care about the side shit.
Since the change isn't retroactive (I don't think), I'm keeping an eye on a few recently released indie titles in my wishlist and we'll see from there.
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same here :D
i actually love how aaa games dlcs are counted as fake :D
I actually only have 19 "legit" ones left lol :D (had some 600)
As for games, I kinda feel I have lost some, but I don't know how many :D thought I'd lose half a library tho.
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Well, don't care for the game count much but I would have hoped that they somehow correct the inflated achievement numbers and ACG rates obtained by stupid means. But they never went against SAM or broken achievements so it is hard to believe that they see it as important.
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Interesting approach, but I don't have much hope on this working long term unless they make an effort in obscuring the parameters that the system takes into consideration (or just straight up cheating in the back end and actually making it manual, but this is valve we're talking about, they always do whatever takes less effort) because people are going to crack open the secret to abuse steam again sooner or later.
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Yes, that's true, most got screwed in that source of revenue thankfully. But they then moved to another strategies like spamming achievements, I can't help but worry that a new issue might pop up somewhere as soon as they find a new way to abuse the system.
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No wonderful new memes and gifs from you on this occasion?! I'm shocked
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You can link this to the thread madjoki!
In my opinion (assuming the algorithm will be the same as the cards) this will kill fake devs AND real small devs, that didn't had the luck to sell well or the luck that its players review the game..
In one way i'm ok, in fake games dying and their profits on the other hand it irritates me that valve can't hire 5 people to review the games (in 15 minutes you can tell if it's a real game or a fake game/asset flip, that would make 32 games each person reviewing per DAY, 32x5 games releasing per day is way too much already, and most games would get denied).. back to the point it irritates me that valve can't curate games into their store, even if it's a simple check (this game isn't an asset flip + it's not an achievement spam = OK) and this will likely hurt newcoming devs working on solo projects that won't get recognized, it's a shame in my opinion, you either find a nice publisher or pray.
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"Valve software is seeking video game tester to play 30+ mostly-awful games for at least 15 minutes each, every day. Must have bachelor's degree in boredom resistance, and 3-5 years professional experience in the field of finding and calling out asset flips."
Would love to see this job post.
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In less than 5 minutes you can find if the game is an asset flip and find that asset
They even name the game equally to the freaking asset, and I would apply just for the steam badge eheh
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Seriously, Valve could allocate one employee which has one job to curate the store for crappy games, it's not that hard. Think about it, it takes maybe 5-10 mins to realize a game has zero substance or is an asset flip, times that buy 6-10 hours and you've kept tons of shit out of the store with minimal effort.
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SidAlpha will be one of the first people to sign on.
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My friends like to gift me 10+ games from various locations a few times a week because they know I'll actually play them for 10 minutes. 4 a day is about all I can stomach. Within about the first minute I know if a game is bad or an asset flip. You can usually tell from the trailer if its an asset flip.
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I'm not sure how it will kill real small devs. The assumes that people wouldn't buy a game by a small dev that doesn't have trading cards, more than 100 achievements, or contribute to increasing their game count - and I don't know about you, but I primarily buy small indie games for the gameplay, and if the gameplay is good then I could care less about trading cards and countless achievements.
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You may be a 'pure gamer', but you would probably at least acknowledge that there are achievement farmers / card hoarders / gamecount collectors out there, who may not care as much about quality as long as games are cheap and offer cards + achievements and a +1 library count. Given this, small/niche indies may be hurting after losing these customers.
Say for example, there are 500 people on Steam who would buy any game < $2 that offered enough cards/achieves. (Purely fictionalized numbers for the example).
AAA devs with 100,000+ sales really don't care if they lose those 500 buyers. Established/popular indie games with 10,000+ sales still would do alright without those 500 buyers (and would probably get them anyway once they reach Steam's 'confidence' metric, which enables cards/achieves).
Then there are the niche/experimental small indie games that might sell <1,000 copies, unless they happen to hit the popularity lottery and make it big. Losing 500 card/achieve/gamecount-farming-customers out of 1,000 total really hurts, which greatly reduces the incentive for solo/tiny-team devs to even take the chance on making a game.
Hopefully this will be somewhat offset by greater visibility on the store for quality games (once the completely rubbish achievement/card based games are mostly eliminated), but I can still see how smaller indies will take a hit.
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I think it would be good to kill those cards/achievements together with fake games, so it's altogether a good move. Sure a lot of people like them, but does anybody think they make for better games? Do we want games where gameplay matters or where the collection of virtual stuff matters?
Sure indies will hurt, because there's one less marketing tool they could use, but if what made people buy these games in the first place is cards and achievements, are we really benefiting from their success? And are the devs really benefiting from these? Sure devs want money, but more than this, like any artist, they want people to like what they've done, and actually play it.
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Personally, I couldn't agree more. It's gone so far with all this meta game social stuff that I'm actively trying to avoid this. I just keep replaying my achievementless games most of the time or pick games up on other platforms/stores where achievements are less intrusive if they are implemented at all.
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I assume real small devs would be promoting their games to make them successful.
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There's an achievement community on steam that's incredible and buys games from steam (not waiting for bundles) just to play and complete!
In my experience (my own small project which isn't really good by any means, but just a comparsion) 80% of the sales were from collectors and achievement hunters
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The community is also responsible for this. I think we still need a lot of bans in Steam, and less ironic positive rewies in just trash (like "GOTY").
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We need an "upvote ironically" button. Maybe a thumb's up sporting a handlebar mustache.
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true, but it needs more hipster added in to it, put a handlebar on that funny button, then we can talk.
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funny hear this, because in real life, I have a awesome handlebar! .
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but without the silly sod how do we get our wacky tobacky?
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"take control of devs, gamers and the entire pc industry"
Valve already has a near-monopoly when it comes to the PC games industry, I highly doubt this will change that one way or another. However, if you want a truly open platform is probably a lot closer to what you're looking for. Become an advocate for competitors that more closely align with your views if you really believe Steam/Valve is such a destructive force towards developer and gamer rights.
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You open a store. Tell me, how is it decided what is sold at your store?
a) You order the goods from the sources you want, and then sell it to the public with the usual markup we expect in the distribution chain.
b) You open the doors and tell that anyone can bring their goods in and even attach the price tags, all you do is that before they leave, you take their wallets and take 30% of their earnings, otherwise they are free to do whatever they wish in your store.
Think really, really hard on the answer. Because if you chose b) and you ever went into a simple convenience store, mall, or a supermarket and you did not immediately complain to your local government representative that free speech and free market is suppressed because you could not find a specific brand of an item you were looking for, then you are in a serious cognitive dissonance.
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Steam is a store. It sells the product of others. Still waiting for an opinion because you did not answer the question. How will be goods sold at your store? And if you say that the store has to sell all goods others want to bring it there, why don't you apply the same stance on all stores you visit, why just Steam?
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I don't see that bit of info anywhere on the game's page. Is it gone already or am I looking in the wrong place?
I'm glad they're doing something to help curb the numerous trash/fake games and asset flips. This sounds sensible, but it remains to be seen how much effect it will actually have and how fast shady developers will adapt.
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Not seeing it here either.
Wondering if it just went into testing for a short period for now (visited another "game" page that really should have that message on it, and it doesn't have it either.)
In any case, very good to see some sort of action being taken to improve the store.
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I don't see it there either. This may be something that's not rolled out to everyone at once, or they're just testing it and it's flickering on and off here and there.
Edit: It shows up now
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ikr, it seems they always try new features right before a big sale.
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I can get behind everything there except the "will not give +1 in library" part. I understand how one may think the "+1" meme falls in the same category as exploiting achievement count, but it's totally not the same thing. A game is a game, and if it's being sold it 100% should count in your total games amount.
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Why do you care if a game increases your "total games" count? Honestly, I'm curious. Unless you're actually trying to compete for top regional game owning bragging rights, I don't know why anyone would really care if it increments their total owned game count.
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Why does buying a game increment the game count in the first place
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So when steam launched this wasn't the state of affairs. I don't think many had thought it through that far in advance and it simply was a measure of showing what games you had access to.
When I created my steam account in 2003 it was to play Team Fortress Classic when they changed from using WONID to Steam. I had to move to steam to continue to play my bought games in multiplayer mode.
My first addition to the profile count proper was 9th oct 2007 then a gap of 6 years ensued
I only started collecting in 2013 and by collecting I mean collecting so it's a thing, so every game I buy is a thing that adds +1 to the existing number, the profile that displays my library count.
Steam selling what It deems fake or bad games then restricting end users profile that buys it is hypocrisy when they take a cut of the money generated and also discriminatory. I'd much rather they don't place, allow games on the steam store that they are going to restrict. I'm sure a dev could sue them if any game they make is placed into a sin bin as unfair aggressive discriminatory biased action unless they were to place every single game newly released into this category given the criteria to place any game into this probationary stage is based on a subjective opinion.
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The point is not caring about total games. I particularly don't care. The point is you buy a game, the game is your account, so it needs to count towards the total games. Otherwise it's like buying a game that doesn't even exist.
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Excuse me for being blunt but you do care and so you should. Steam clients account is set up in such a way that each time you buy a game it adds 1 to the game library count of the buying profile. My point was why have it setup this way from scratch if they then subsequently add rules which obfuscate the process many years later.
Library how many books do you have? dunno, no one is keeping count.
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Your Steam library still shows all the removed games (and these not-yet-+1-games too). They are just trying to remove incentives that promote buying a game other than the game itself - as fake games really ride all kinds of metagames to sell shit, so Valve is limiting their options to show that shit, and not the sugarcoating on it when trying to sell.
(personally, I don't care about my +1s, and I don't mind how others treat their +1s, so I'm not fully pro- this change, but I see Valve's point. But I don't really believe it will make a proper change)
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It does fall in the same category since it motivates people to buy trash games merely so they can increase a meaningless number. You obviously do care, I can tell since I truly don't care about my game count, and don't even know what it is. If you can play the game that's the important part, saying a game doesn't exist because it doesn't add to your count is just wrong.
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The game is being sold on the store. If you buy it (or acquire it through any means), it should count in your account, otherwise it is like buying a game that doesn't exist. The truth is this is a lazy and unfair way to deal with the problem of shovelware that doesn't make any logical sense.
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For everyone who keeps saying they should hire curators/reviewers, they're trying to set hard rules, rather than making it arbitrary. with a curator/reviewer, they may invalidate a game on a whim, or they might let through false positives, or what have you. And then they'll still be getting a boatload of complaints for every mistake that gets made. Human judgment isn't infallible.
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Or Steam and Unepic (pre-greenlight)
But they should still have someone taking a quick look at the games to make sure that they are functioning products, that it starts and has something in it, and that it's not just another copy-paste of the exact same GameGuru hospital map. With this standard, Kumlator, as absolutely dreadful as it is, would still get through, but Black Screen Simulator would not have.
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Haha... classic "because reasons"...
But they realized their fuckup because it's apparently on GOG now:
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Yes. Nearly broke my browser double checking, but games with this tag appear to show up on our end as well as on Steam profiles. I'll keep double checking for the next lil' bit to make sure Valve doesn't change their mind but, for now, new games that launch with this tag will not have any effect on how Steamgifts operates.
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Looks like you can enter giveaways for those games despite you own them, example , I have it and can enter giveaway.
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Sorry for the late reply, been a bit busy the past lil' bit.
The tl;dr version is that you are correct: The site will not recognize ownership and therefore treats newly launched games in the exact same way as dlc. You will therefore have to manually hide all new titles that you happen to own. However, staff will still be able to confirm activation/ownership of all affected games. So if you happen to win a game with this tag, we will still be able to check if you are in compliance with site rules and apply the appropriate suspension if needed.
When I first posted, it appears that the rollout of this change in policy was not fully completed. In the following days, this was applied retroactively to all games within Steam's catalogue to even include games that have been since delisted (e.g. Barbie and Her Sisters Puppy Rescue being one example). However, this retroactive change should not be too much of an issue considering that by their very nature, the amount of giveaways for these games should be close to nil.
Whether or not this will be corrected in anyway by cg, I cannot say. For the time being, treat all new releases as dlc and double check for ownership before entering a giveaway.
From a personal perspective, this change now makes a lot more sense. My gut assumption is that the minimum bar to overcome this new tag is rather low so long as the majority of purchases are done via the Steam storefront, which would be harder to estimate now that libraries are hidden by default. Hopefully Valve was smart enough to have one of the metrics being that no more than X% of qualifying purchases can be from a single region, but experience has me believing otherwise :/.
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+1 to @juzer, I just bought the Go Go Limited 63 bundle and I refreshed my game list, but I can enter this GA despite now owning the game:
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"Yay, Valve is combatting the fake sholveware games! This proves that they are listening to us and that I was right to say Jim Sterling was wrong!
Once my second brain cell starts to function again, I ask my friend who knows what letters look like to help me write this to him in YouTube comments!"
"Okay, guys, we made that card drop regulation algorithm a while back. Once we did that, they switched to achievement spamming, since most of our users have lass than two functioning brain cells and they are easily distracted by increasing numbers. So we just expand the same algorithm to achievements as well!
Boy howdy, we at Valve love algorithms. They are great. We can happily code and stuff. And absolutely not because it still lets us not hire any more people, since these people ask such strange things as salary. Cannot they understand that we get physically ill when our profit margin drops under 18000%?! I mean, we barely survived when some of those nasty EU people made us drop below 25000% as it is!"
Absolutely fucking nothing. Since it is the same algorithm, they will be circumvented the same way. Just drop a message to Salz or any other waste of human existence with a "curator" or "promotional" group, send some keys to GoGoBundle or IndieGala monday packs, and you are done.
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Their algorihm worked fine regarding the farming cards issue. Shovelware will never count as games,no achievemnts,no cards. Who wants these games? No one will buy these games from bundles unless they cost like 1 cent per game. I really believe the flood will stop but they should have done these changes at least 1 year ago..
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Oh, there is still enough money to be had through bundle sites. Just have 1-2 hooks in there and people will still get it for the rest. We said that card restrictions will kill these, now people wishfully think that other restrictions will do the job.
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Who even buys those bundles any more? Cards were the only good reason to do so and now even the desperate +1 people have no reason to. If you want that 1 game with cards, just buy it for 5-10 cents instead of wasting 60 cents on the same game and 9 worthless craps that don't even give +1.
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I did think that the helpful people posting tables for bundles will probably include this info soon.
Will be interesting to see how many of those new-to-bundle games in those are actually real-games-as-per-Steam ;)
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Uhh, it's so frustrating.
What they're doing is just discouraging people from buying newly released indie titles. Just start curating the storefront. What a god damn embarrassment.
Or if they need to have this shit littering their own streets, then just make a premium stores, where they choose the best of the best. 1 new game per day or something that they've curated and made sure is of good quality.
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developers still pay for reviews for example, so nothing will change.
You need to sell, lets say, 500 copies in steam store to get cards and achievements in your game?
Pretty easy with regional pricing. Lowest base price in RU steam 29 RUR. Thats ~0,5$. Developers pay 500*0,5=250$+100$direct fee. So for 350$ u will have shitty game with 100% rating, trading cards and achievements.
Thats why now i stopped buying new games from unknown indie devs - most of them are trash
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there're plenty russian forums around with threads like "Write positive review and get +10 hours playtime - and u will get money u paid back" on your qiwi/webmoney wallet" (thats russian paypal ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ)
Not only this game, i remember also Guards and many-many others xD
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Did you report all the games in the shop (with a link to the "fake writers search forums") ?
Normaly Valve/Steam don't like faked Reviews and take actions against such Developers after e report. My Reports were each time handled to my pleasure ;-D ... i don't think so the Devs would say the same giggling
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That is strange.
I reported 2 because of faked reviews and they took in both cases actions against the Devs i have not checked if they done anythng about the fake users too.
Normal that the people stop reporting when nothing are done. Don't see why they don't do anything by your reports.
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74 Comments - Last post 55 minutes ago by RobbyRatpoison
Steam is still learning about this game.
Until more players have interacted with it, some features will be restricted:
Trading cards will not be available and the number of achievements is limited
Achievements won't contribute to global achievement count, and cannot be shown in a Steam Profile's Achievement Showcase
The game itself won't contribute to an account's game library count, and cannot be shown in a Steam Profile's Game Collector Showcase
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