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Ah, you beat me to it, nice. Wish you linked the developers videos too for the others.
My initial opinion and feels and reaction is that it looks exactly like xcom 2 except generic with realistic weaponry and uglier with the characters and "aliens". Geomap is exactly the same and the functions and mechanics seem the same with just some minor new things like rations. Combat and movement grid, vats usage, it all looks too ugly for me. Behemoth missions sound disappointing and not epic, the immersive atmosphere the description and teasers were ruined by finding out there's actually alot of surviving humans, I liked the near exticction feeling I initially got. Problem is it's too much like xcom, it exactly as xcom, THE creator of the genre is simply copy pasting fireaxis game and uses it as a foundation to built upon it way too similar ideas and concepts that don't feel different and unique apartly from xcom. I know it's going to be a good game and I'm too poor to back it but...IL just see but for now, I am not awed....I look forward to seeing the different mutations as the virus goes inside the mainland though, the concept arts look brilliant but the ingame graphics , art and visual style, and animations destroyed the whole gritty and grim dark feel they were going for, for me, the mist doesn't look dangerous enough, this close to it and it didn't do anything.
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I dropped 25 bucks on it, only because it promises a GOG key. I realised that the stress of 100%-ing games has ruined the fun factor for me, whereas playing fully offline without a client can still spark interest. And who knows, maybe it manages to find that something I missed from the new XCOMs. Like a proper soldier inventory…
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Yeah, oversaturation, age, 3+ year forced break from games, fatigue, doesn't go well with games. Fully offline? I'm sure it will have that, for whatever reason you might need it. Yes, maybe,because it is the creator himself and will surely try to find all kinds of new approaches but I have my doubts, like proper inventories that of Wasteland 2? No way is that happening in my thoughts, not that the game is that similar to Wasteland 2 anyway. Either way, 2 years is what we got to wait...
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Very interested, but not pledging. Will wait until a year after release when price drops below pledge level needed for game.
Poll option missing.
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Nope. I have lots of big huge games to play. No need to ever buy on release or early access or pledge ahead of time ever again. For the rest of my life I can safely wait until a year or even two after release and get games cheap. That is, if I don't win them for free here first.
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My mistake, I just looked at screenies when I posted I hadn't read the summary! A virus would be interesting so long as they avoid a "zombie"-esque virus as that's soooo overdone.
Anything turn based like x-com has me in anyway, I'm just a big hater of horror games and characters, sometimes they seem ugly rather than scary. I particularly hate human faces on spiders or things like that.
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You should really read everything and watch all of the three current developer videos before coming back here to comment. Well if mutations, adapting to your strengths and harnessing your technology that they will eventually steal, them I'm sure you're safe from most zombie tropes at least. Turned based squad tactics die hard, I hear that. Shouldn't have on horror games bro, I'd take horror over sport and spaceship simulators anyday. They are indeed ugly, everyone and everything in this game so far and I too don't like it, you're not the only one, me, you and management more express their hatred for the human faces and I have already the generic mirelurk enemies, probably just starter ones though. Anyway, you will have to get used to it as will I, just something for us to remember that these were humans once I guess, with still human thoughts and brains functioning , but the mist\sea\waters\ocean took them and now it's a battle for the land.
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Mr. Gollop got me at "...body-part targeting..." . I was surprised with the notification from Fig last week, because I'd had no knowledge about the game before 18th April. So when I got the fig-note, saw the above line, I instant-pledged the game (with the $20 backstage pledge only though).
I'm sad the in-game extra items are not available as Pledge Extras, but well...maybe I don't even really miss the crab-armor and the freak-gun.
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No, they are not pre-order bonuses, they are available in packages Deluxe ed. and above ($50 and above I think), among other extras of course.
Well, if the game will be moddable, it will be another hell of an alien-smasher chess game :) (Just like XCOM2 is my opinion...don't need to agree with me LOL )
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Yes, I also tend to count them as one game :)
The other in the series I never played that much. I actually enjoyed the first game in the reboot and have XCOM 2 on my backlog. Still, the magic of the original game(s) was not there...
Xenonauts I've never played and have it on my wishlist from before it was on Steam... should get it someday. And now Phoenix Point is on my watch list. I really hope they make something great!
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Yeah, just saw the video and read the FAQ myself. Thanks for the bump, now I did not have to search for my topic to update it. :3
As for refund: I'll ask them if they will honor my GOG request a year later. I can wait. If they do, I am staying. If not… well, I am okay with Epic, I am not okay with a bait and switch. I was looking forward to a DRM-free version.
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The Kickstarter is listed on Fig at the bottom page of the Fig Kickstarter listed above stated.
"All investors using the Site must acknowledge and accept the high risks associated with investing in the Securities. These risks include holding your investment for periods of months or years with limited or no ability to resell and losing your entire investment; you must have the ability to bear a total loss of your investment without a change in your lifestyle."
Basically, as a Backer of a kickstarter, you are backing an "investment". As far as I know, such investment does not promise returns. In the event that the project is cancelled or the product goes unreleased you'll lose your investment. Thus, in case the kickstarter decides to refund the investors, then you'll get your returns. Correct me if I am wrong.
Its a blow to EAs and Kickstarters though, Cheers, Cruse~
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rip, p.s. thats a disgusting attitude to customers.
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Given that the game's official Community Manager for the game said:
If we had to refund 100% of currently pre-orders, we'd still be in the black.'s for a minimum guarantee - which means Epic will guarantee that we will sell X number of copies. Even if we don't hit that number, they still pay us.
...Reddit has contrasted these statements with pre-order & fundraising totals to ascertain that one-year exclusivity on the Epic Store is worth at least $2 milllion USD.
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My question is, how are they going to use the extra funds? Will they go beyond, develop and release, "Floating Phoenix Base" and "Underwater Missions" that hadn't reached the stretch goal? If they are using the extra funds for the future development left out by the stretched goal then I will say it won't affect too much in this instance. As we know that period could be use for bug fixes especially in a Strategy game with calculations involved. Therefore, i see sense in the backers waiting the yr out and with the Free-LCs.
Recently ordered a new PC with 2070 RTX and I chose Exodus as the game of choice, which will be an Epic Store code, NOW!!! That's something I can't avoid but at least its a Free-key lol~
Warmest Regards, Cruse~
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16,703 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by wigglenose
162 Comments - Last post 46 minutes ago by Trancephyre
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41 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by mmm29
Looks like the XCOM remake in 2012 really started something. First Xenonauts finally left the endless beta stage to recreate it in a more faithful, two-dimensional way, and now one of the old XCOM developers popped up to take a shot at the turn-based tactical genre. (Not to mention that last year Shadow Tactics also contributed by reviving the old Commandos—or, more precisely, the Desperados/Robin Hood—formula.)
Phoenix Point promises many things, but it seems to be closer to an XCOM remake + Wasteland 2 hybrid than trying to recreate the original. Probably it will also loan a few things from the studio's previous strategy game, Chaos Reborn (Steam, GOG), which was met with an "okay" reception.
The Fig campaign seems a bit short and the goal surprisingly low. Still, they promise Steam and GOG release, so it seems the current builds were good enough to pass GOG's quality control. You can check it out here:
So, any opinions?
UPDATE, 2019-03-12:
The developer studio released an announcement that they are moving the game to Epic store for an entire year after launch. They are not sending out Steam or GOG keys to those who backed or pre-ordered the game.
Edit: Seems like they added it to the FAQ: if you bought the game before this announcement through their website or as a backer, you will get your Steam/GOG key once the one year is over (sometime around September 2020 with the current schedule).
I know Epic Game Store is a sensitive topic for some, so I am just cutting out some steps and link the official refund request page:
(As for a personal opinion: I do not mind EGS or even a game going there as an exclusive, all the Steam-only games throughout the past 10+ years made me jaded about it. What I do not like is buying a GOG key and receiving something else. If my GOG key would be converted to a Steam key, I would feel the same.)
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