Not a bug. Once activated, both show up as the same item in your library, Life Is Strange. As you will notice, the Complete Season doesn't show anything like a DLC as part of the pack.
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I'm aware of what it is. But Steam only shows one item in the Complete Season right now, the Episode 1 purchase. Which SteamGifts has listed as owned for him. It would need to show at least one item he doesn't own (or isn't shown as own, such as DLCs) for him to enter.
As for entering for a pack despite owning part of it, that is up to the gifter. They can reroll, they can gift, their choice. I'm not going to argue about it in this topic, just explaining why he can't enter this.
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Sort of. It has additional content, obviously, but it isn't listed as included in the bundle like Episode 1, just in the description. So when SteamGifts checks to see if you own the content, its only checking for that one item, which the topic creator does own.
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Do have any idea if I would be able to activate a Life is Strange complete season steam key if I own the episode 1 ? I'm asking this because Nuuvem only sell first episode and full season, but not the episodes 2-5 pack
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Probably not a problem. Pretty sure it will act like a complete pack when you already have the base game, giving you all the DLCs. When I go to purchase it in Steam, I get the below text.
Life Is Strange Complete Season (Episodes 1-5): According to our records, you already own one or more of the items included in this package on Steam.
If purchasing for yourself, you will not receive an extra copy of:
- Life Is Strange™
It isn't popping up the text saying I can't activate it at all.
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BTW, there is 2-5 pack in the Steam Store. (China, ...) (Russia, ...) ROW?
Also, there are keys just for episode 2 but they are not available in the Steam Store and sold in different stores.
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Sorry for bringing back the old thread, but I couldn't find a newer thread about this issue and it's still relevant.
It is a bug though, because ESGST can correctly detect these packages as not owned, so it must be something in the way that SteamGifts syncs the owned games from Steam.
Here's an example: SteamGifts says that I own Just Cause 3 XL, which has the subid 76709. This subid is nowhere to be found in the list of packages that the Steam API reports that I own (, but I do own Just Cause 3, which has the appid 225540 and appears correctly in that endpoint.
So SteamGifts is marking these packages as owned, not Steam.
And if SteamGifts is comparing the games that are in the package, then it should be able to know that I don't own any of the DLC contained in it:
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It's still better to not necro a thread unless it's a developing topic that you're updating the status of, since it's better both to have an active OP and to not dredge up older subtopics or dramas.
And it's presumably not a bug, but rather a misconfiguration on the part of the publisher. They don't properly list DLC content in the public data for the package, which means SG doesn't receive contents outside of the base game, from which the site then assumes means anyone with the base game owns the entirety of the package.
Note that internal data like what is listed in steamdb doesn't seem to have any direct correlation to what is listed within public API information (as subs regularly don't fully visually list their steamdb content), and even the visual listing of content doesn't always seem to match with the API info (as seems to be the case for LiS).
Also, if you're referencing any specific script, it's generally better to bump the thread associated with that script, as you can generally best get information there (even if your intention is to talk about something tangental). That is to say, in this case, you'd be better off asking within the ESGST thread why it can detect such packages.
If it's anything like SGT, it's actually going to be due to a manual configuration on the part of the script creator- which, yes, is something cg theoretically could do as well; There have also been scripts that somehow* directly make use of you being actively logged into Steam Community while using SG to pull up additional data, so there may be a similar occurance happening here.
* [Presumably it's down to the difference between calling on your own library via your personal user access versus a site using its developer access to do so.]
Of course, it could be that there's a misconfiguration on SG's end for a change, but given rare it is to see manual overrides on SteamGift's end of things, it's rather unlikely. In any case, it's pretty certain that what is happening isn't a bug, since it's a consistant trait of how SG and SGT and similar sites receive data from the API.
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Yeah, sorry, I should have opened a new thread.
I'm the developer of ESGST. It uses the API that is available while the user is logged in ( along with the regular API (, since, unlike the regular API, it reports package ownership.
But I also make use of the store API ( to get information about which games are contained in the package and check each of those games for ownership.
So even if the method that requires the user to be logged in on Steam cannot be implemented (which I don't see reason not to, as we're all constantly logged in on Steam anyway), cg could at least use the API above to see if a package has DLCs, and if it does, it should show something like "Could not verify ownership" so that the user checks manually if they already own all DLCs.
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I'm the developer of ESGST.
My tagging script was offline, apparently. :P
as we're all constantly logged in on Steam anyway
Well, there are days when Community logs me out every 5 minutes [thankfully SG usually doesn't require relogin so long as you remain active on the site], but yeah, we're probably mostly all usually logged in.
Yeah, you're less pointing out a bug and more questioning a potential solution, so it'd definitely be better to make a thread for it.
I mean, I'm not holding my breath on cg paying it any mind, but it seems like it'd at least have better odds within its own topic, over being tucked away inside of this thread.
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I changed my username recently (used to go by revilheart), so that could have messed up the script you're using.
But I just remembered that it's not possible for cg to implement the method that I use on ESGST, because of CORS. Requests to and would be blocked when made from SteamGifts. The reason why they work on ESGST is because the requests are made in the background page of the extension in the browser, and there are no CORS restrictions there.
Looks like the only option is asking for a better Steam API that reports DLCs and packages, but I don't know how realistic it is to expect that to be implemented. :/
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Rather, if you own 100% of all non-DLC components in a package, it is treated as owned.
If the package has any DLC components whatsover, since DLC is never properly marked as owned, you will always be able to enter giveaways for the package.
In this case, the issue is that the package was made when only the first episode existed, and it was never updated to reflect the IDs of subsequent episodes. I've noticed a few packages like that.
Since there's no DLC in the package, and you own 100% of the listed content, it assumes you own everything within it.
That sound about right? :)
I'm not sure what you meant about it not being listed as a subID, though. :)
Are you saying because it's not listing as 'items included in this bundle', that's part of the issue?
I hadn't noticed that component before =O
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I meant where the subID itself is more of a part of the store page. I don't know how to explain it better. It's the same thing that happened with New Vegas, this was when I looked into this more, and where it is still a frequent question that has this answer.
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Look Life is Strange Season Pass (Episodes 2-5) 11,38€
The botón to buy is down
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since this was bumped...
if you really want to enter GAs for life is strange complete and you didn't win the 1st episode here, you can delete the game from your library on steam.
sync your account after that.
it's a bit extreme but it will let you join GAs.
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As I noted, this falls under [giveaway creator has full control over what portion of a package entrants may have to enter].
Creators that want to open up the giveaway can already post as 2-5, if they wish to do so.
The issue isn't the block itself, it's that so many people aren't aware of it existing to begin with, so they don't consider it as much when creating giveaways.
(Though, in fairness, I doubt too many individuals would think to lose even that $3 CV when they can already get the game to people who can make good use of it without needing to do so.)
So, since the option already exists to post as 2-5, forcing people to take that option even if they want to restrict to people who own none of the content anyway, is rather distasteful.
Rather, the better option would be a backend "twist"; That is, reconfigure the site structure to allow for hybridized package information.
In other words, it'd pull from the 2-5 package for entry restrictions, but it'd pull the pricing from the complete package.
Coding wise, that ought be quite easy to do, since you'd just be doing two checks and picking out the relevant responses from each data pull.
Even editing the framework to include the toggle shouldn't take much effort, and the manual updates should be pretty straightforward as well.
Therefore, that seems a much better option to promote. :)
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Someone who doesn't own the base game can't enter for the Season Pass (or at least, shouldn't be able to)
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Swapping the individuals affected is clearly a valid solution.
We'll just, like, reactivate/deactivate the complete season every few months to swap around who gets the short stick.
I guess we could also just try and poke the publisher and get them to fix their sloppy package formatting, but that's clearly a silly idea by comparison~
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As already said, that would remove the ability for those without Episode 1 to enter at all. A terrible idea.
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I have Life is strange episode 1 in my steam account.
I can't enter in a group giveaway of "Life Is Strange Complete Season (Episodes 1-5)" because "exists in account".
Thank you.
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