Sorry @MeguminShiro if you were going to create a topic, message me if you want to make this one yourself and I will close this one. After all, you are being the Epix/Gamescon MVP

Creating this fast topic, so people don't flood the Epix Rewards forum with Card Trading Requests.
This way we use the main @MeguminShiro topic) for updates on the quests.

Fast stuff I found :

Google Sheet for list of cards

Template by @MeguminShiro
No template provided while I get a SG MOD approval (if that is even possible)

Note: you can use the Gamescom Discord channel for trades.

Please DO NOT POST any lists for trade! For now, this is just an information topic. Since trading of games or any other item is not permited on SG.

6 months ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

6 months ago

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This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

6 months ago

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Hi! I changed the topic to "information only"
Since I don't know how far the trading of the cards of this event is permited in SG, I ask you to delete your list. So you avoid any kind of trouble. If you also have lists on the main @meguminShiro Discusion/topic. I would also advise you to delete it for now.

6 months ago*

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Have no idea what this is. But I would assume normal trading rules apply, which is not here.

6 months ago

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Yeh, I also thought about that, but so many lists were being posted on the Epix/Gamescom topic here o SG, that I tried to help.
But you are totally right.

6 months ago

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6 months ago*

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Hi! I changed the topic to "information only"
Since I don't know how far the trading of the cards of this event is permited in SG, I ask you to delete your list. So you avoid any kind of trouble. If you also have lists on the main @meguminShiro Discusion/topic. I would also advise you to delete it for now.

6 months ago*

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Farbenfuchs x2
Howl the prophecy
Led by looting
Viet, die verbotene Quiz-Legende
Officer Donny

Aria Addams
Baba Kalle Koschinsky
Cologne by night
Cozy Layna
EPI - Slayer of the Beast
EPI enjoying the tutorial
Early Access-Assassassin’s Creed Shadows
Edda, your guide through Pixopolis
Mach Köln-EPI
Secret Cow Level
Yami Yugi
awesome indies
cards & boards area
cosplay village
family & friends area
gamescom Opening Night Live
get stranded in the gamescomVerse
indie area
retro area - people in front of arcade machine
EPI 0.9
EPI Pew Pew Royale
Fabian Siegismund
Game Master EPI
Lover of sweet, sweet Loot EPI`

6 months ago

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Hi! I changed the topic to "information only"
Since I don't know how far the trading of the cards of this event is permited in SG, I ask you to delete your list. So you avoid any kind of trouble. If you also have lists on the main @meguminShiro Discusion/topic. I would also advise you to delete it for now.

6 months ago

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Closed 6 months ago by FateOfOne.