TY for your input, but I am asking if I can make it a part of the condition to entering one of my giveaways not a system wide rule, but that would be nice I think.
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But there are also people like me who see saying thanks in the giveaway comments is just spam, if I were to win, I would say thanks through a private message on Steam.
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It is true and we know it, everyone says thanks after they get the gift to you in private and you can say that means more than some meaningless "thanks" in the giveaway, I just don't see it that way like I don't think any old "thanks" is meaningless either. I still think saying anything should be the new form of thanks.
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I believe I've seen some rules like this on group/private giveaways before, but it can't be a public giveaway as no rules are allowed. If you want to try, contact Support to request permission.
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TY for that as I swear I read something about it b4 but I actually think the gifter said he wont give it away unless winner had said TY. I am also wondering what would happen if I took it upon myself to just not gift it if the winner hasn't said TY.
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Then you'd get a not recieved mark on your account, meaning you cannot give away as many games in the future until that's fixed and making it likely that most people you win from would ask for a reroll because they don't believe you worthy if you make apparent fake giveaways.
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I stopped entering giveaways bc I can buy what I want and decided I would maybe start doing more giveaways, like you (the part about more giveaways). But I guess my only choice seems to convince support to allow that when I next do a giveaway.
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If you took it upon yourself to not gift it to the winner for lack of thanks, then you'd get in trouble, people would call you out as fake, and you'd have some really pissed off people on your hands. I agree people should have the common courtesy to take 10 seconds to say thank you but you can't just take it upon yourself to make rules and deny people of something they won fairly.
Although I totally and completely agree that people should say thank you to the people doing the giveaways, demanding that it's required for people to do it in order to win, to the point where you'd even message support just to get permission, makes you seem a little self-important. Is this some little ego-booster, being reminded of how nice and generous you are for what you're doing? Huh.
Also, there are 6 letters in the word "before". "TY" I can let slide but I literally laughed out loud at "b4".
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TY for teaching me how to spell. And this has nothing to do with me gaining some sort of respect or making myself feel important. This topic is dead and has been from the start as far as ppl saying thank you. I should know better. Other than that, 6 letters in "people" for those who don't know. Myself included.
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Condescension, fuck yeah. You know what takes even less time than people typing you a thank you? Typing out a whole word instead of being lazy with it and using abbreviations.
Just saying it's a bit hard to take you seriously when your posts look like text messages from 14 year old girls.
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This is not a serious discussion other than me saying it's not hard to say thanks and I wasn't trying to be a jerk man, I was just playing with you. And how do you know I am not a 14yo anything?
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I don't. Never said I did. If you are, that explains a lot. Either way, what I said still stands.
I honestly don't care all too much. People typing like that bugs me but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. It's like a compulsive thing in me to give people shit about it though.
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Yes I concede. I will take more consideration when I comment. TY.....awww I'm just joking.
Thank You.
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Get off your high horse until you contribute. The way I see it, he's actually a useful member of the community and you have no real ground to criticize his request on, especially since it's fairly benign to begin with.
Take your own advice and grow up.
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Thank you for this but he still has good points, at the same time I don't know how other people feel when they make a contribution, as I know I am glad to be rid of something I am not using. That is really about it, makes you wonder why I care so much for people not saying thanks or anything at all. It doesn't matter. In the long run someone got something and I hope they enjoy it.
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Wow you are so right, I'll remember that next time I give money to the homeless and tell them to shut up don't say it, no thanks needed, it's about giving.
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My Bad, I was only stretching or building on his comment, so no I didn't misconstrue what he said. Altruism?
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This I know, and I am not worked up but a 15% of entries saying TY is way low IMO doesn't mean that people are not thankful but they sure could try to show it more, then again who really cares. Oh wait I do.
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For some reason the forum didn't post my message so here it is again.
"This I know" was in reference to leechers not people saying thank you even if they don't say it.
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Most homeless don't last long with that style or they move to another corner.
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Me or him^^ bc we got lots of homeless where I am at and they all say TY so IDK about anywhere else. I've worked soup kitchens and every single one said TY for the food even if they could barley stand or speak. Kind of like SG entrants but without the smell or the TYs. SG says TY silently.
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Him. I'm completely broke now because all the money I make has to go to medical bills but back when I had money I'd always give some to homeless people if I saw any, and they're always so happy and appreciative to get any little thing they can. That's why I'm wondering if he's trying to make a joke of if he has some really rude homeless people where he is.
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Some are rude especially in a altered state but like you said I can't remember a time when they did't say thanks. Now I have found that some who say they will work for whatever tend to avoid it but I still offer food not money to them, don't ask why. At least they got something.
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Ah, I see how I might've come across facetious.
I said that based on an exact situation three years ago. Of course, no clue if they were actually homeless or just a trying to bum some cash for booze. After I declined to add to what had already been given, they got visibly violent and started cussing me off. Haven't been able to give money or even talk to such people since then; and I feel bad for that, to be honest. :(
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That sucks but it happens and yet at the same time I don't think anyone should feel obligated to help them. But when you do they are almost always grateful in the end even if they can't express it.
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You can do this for private groups and private giveaways if you open a ticket and request it however if its a public giveaway or contributor giveaway you can't do it. I don't even think you can do it for open groups just private ones.
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TY to you and thejadefalcon and I guess I will have to deal with it.
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What's the point of giving something away if you're going to be so nitpicky about everything?
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You are right, no one asked me to make a giveaway, so why should I care when ppl don't say TY. FTW
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Nitpickyness aside I have thought about this too but more as a fun thing to see if people read the description. For example have a giveaway where the winner must be a commenter and has to put their favorite color instead of TY. I'm dead sure I've seen "no conditional giveways" in the rules for public giveaways though, so it doesn't matter anyhow. Makes you wonder what messed up giveaway ended up creating that rule.
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You know whats funny now? Both guys below me make a good point and it's one that has been made b4 but I'm going to use it as an example. Instead of TY people should jut say something, I DGAF what they say but anything at all is thanks enough and it would add humor to a giveaway.
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No, you are not allowed to do that in a public giveaway.
It's silly to try, anyway. Mindless repetition of "thanks" alone in the comments does not really express gratitude; all it does is render the comments useless. Many members explicitly do NOT just empty comments like that for that reason. Whoever wins has ample opportunity to thank the gifter, and that's all there really needs to be.
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Right. I tend to type thank you anyhow but when the word is repeated so much it loses all its meaning. I figure the people who win, if they have a shred of manners in them, will give a more sincere, personal thank you at that point.
Whether they express it or not, and whether the way they expressed it has meaning or not, they're getting the chance to win a free game. Of course they're thankful.
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I dream of a world where the comments under a giveaway made up some sort of a meaningful discussion about the game, the giveaway or the current weather; instead of an ever growing pile of the word "thanks".
While the latter does stroke one's ego ever so nicely, it is also essentially pointless.
But yes, you can make such a rule after making arrangements with support. Your giveaway, your rules, so by all means try and set it up with them.
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This is not an ego trip, put it this way. Do I open doors for everyone entering a building in order to stroke my ego, no.
Or in an attempt to hope someone will eventually ask me to go first rather than I hold the door for them. No. So?
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People here really like the door analogy.
I would never ask you to go first, because that sounds like a real dick move. After all, isn't our goal to get everyone through the door in the most efficient way possible? Why would I waste your time and mine by engaging you in a frivolous argument who has to enter first.
The day human kind realises we only do nice things to people because it makes us feel good inside will be a good day. The day we realise it's OK to feel good inside we'll have utopia.
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Too funny! Great idea, jesus could you imagine. 6 entries (maybe less) per giveaway because no one wants to do that let alone a few words.
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OP, you are being silly. Do you really believe that all "thank you's" are honest? Some people just spam it to look "good" and now you want to make it a rule? lol Personally I respect every contributor and I'm very grateful to them, but I only comment then I have something to say. And let me ask you one thing, OP: why does it matter so much to you? If it makes you feel more worthy them sorry, bro, you have problems with your EGO controlling you big time.
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Ok maybe I need to be more clear, nope I changed my mind, I don't want any more thank yous at all. I want people to say anything, I don't care what it is, something is better than nothing.
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I agree with the fact that you would at least like some kind of acknowledgement but for a website such as this there must be a compromise for everyone... while some, such as yourself, like seeing all the "thank you" comments, others, do not as they see it as meaningless if it is said too much... so the compromise is (just from hearing other people's stories and opinions): if they don't say it after they win, you can get them removed from future giveaways of yours but you can not remove people who don't comment with a "thank you" on public giveaways.
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You are correct for what amounts to being a less meaningful phrase after being used endlessly. I will take anything at all for a comment. I have said "Thanks" in every entry and I even said it in some that I didn't enter, it doesn't make it any less meaningful to me.
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I don't know anything about this, but I am closing the thread.
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Another one of these threads...
People make threads bitching about how people say "thanks" in their giveaways, and some people bitch about how people don't say "thanks" in their giveaways. The fucking world is never happy! Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go play some DoDonPachi and blow shit up...
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Thanks everyone for your input and valued opinions. Thread closed.
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Can I make it a rule that if you don't say TY after entering a giveaway and you happen to win, that bc you didn't say TY I don't have to give you the gift. Can I make it a condition. That's what I am asking? I see it this way, you clicked to enter, all it takes is a few more clicks and you can say TY, not very hard IMO. TY for any info on this.
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