This game gifted from Germany to me. As a result of this, game is censored, because it is DE version, but I'm living in Turkey. Can Steam Support change game's version from DE to normal version ?

12 years ago*

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You could try asking them. (Yes, they probably can.)

12 years ago

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+1 :)

12 years ago

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Sorarsan söylerler ve daha önce yaptıklarını duymuştum :)

12 years ago

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İnşallah hocam. Mantıken Almanya'da değilim değiştirmeleri gerekli diye düşünüyorum.

12 years ago

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I asked one a suport to change a region on my game, answer? "LOL, nope"

But people claim they can do it, so give it a try.

12 years ago

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I asked in 27 Dec. 2012, but still no answer. If they cannot change I think buy myself, if I do it can they replace my current version with my new one ?

According to DE version I cannot use DLCs, but I want to buy DLCs.. I hope they change its version, because money will come after.

12 years ago

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When they won't change your version you have to ask the support to remove the game before you can buy it.

12 years ago

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Thanks.. I'll buy it, before its deal end.

12 years ago

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Steam support is generally kinda sluggish sometimes(probably even more with the holidays right now). It might take a bit for them to answer.
As far as I've heard when it comes to money(or the potential of getting money) they actually get their shit together and do things properly. So it's in your favour if you mentioned that you plan on buying DLCs in the ticket. :P

12 years ago

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I told my plans about DLCs. I hope they can help. Current DE version good, but a lot of environmental kills locked.

12 years ago

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no replace as far as i know :(

12 years ago

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lol, I live in germany, never buy games here.

12 years ago

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It depends on their mood or something. They did change my DE license for Company of Heroes to regular. But when I later asked them to change my Flatout DE license to regular they told me that it was a one-time customer gesture and they will not do it again. So worth a try, but no guarantees. Keep in mind they can only do it for activated gifts, not for keys.

12 years ago

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Yes, it is gift. I haven't key for Sleeping Dogs. I hope they can make same gesture for me.

12 years ago

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They changed the region for my copy of Fallout New Vegas, so chances are they'll help you too.

12 years ago

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I hope. I won game from giveaway a hour ago, but its key invalid. What can I do for this ?

12 years ago

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Here? You add/mail the creator and ask him, why the key says invalid. Maybe he accidentally gave you a wrong key. Otherwise you just mark it as not recived.

12 years ago

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Finally they recieved and they said to me it is unable to change version. They offered me refund to my friend or add game to my inventory.

I noticed my Borderlands is LV too. It is also gifted from Germany by my cousin.

If someone has regular version of Sleeping Dogs and Borderlands GOTY, please contact me.

As a result, I missed all Sleeping Dogs deals like 66%, 90% etc. I'm totally loser.

12 years ago

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GamersGate has it at 20 dollars right now. 60% off.

12 years ago

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Yes I saw it. I'm thinking over buy it.

12 years ago

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That blows.

I don't think DE copies are worth anything on the trading market. lol

12 years ago

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Thats a real bummer, kinda crazy actually, I mean why not change it, makes little sense since I heard of people getting games changed before...

12 years ago

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They said it is unable to change region restrictions. I hope they can change Borderlands from LV to regular at least.

As a result, I bought SD from GG, and waiting for remove current SD from my library.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Mer93.