Yes, if you have the time to, of course. You can put it on YouTube or something and e-mail me the link.
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I really like the idea, and since i'm on vacation, its a good way to spend time and polish the drawing/writing skills (or lack thereof, if you prefer).
I'll be waiting for the first word :D
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They would have to be very artistic screenshots, such as this guy's stuff. I understand that screenshots can be just as much an artform as real photography, but it would need to be a very good one still, just so I don't get a wave of crap thrown my way. I would also need some proof it was your own screenshot, though what that proof could be, I don't have a clue.
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I considered making people use the Steam Screenshot feature, but it's possible to upload random pictures from anywhere with that, isn't t?
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Thought so. Thanks for the confirmation. I'm going to bed, so I'll think on this some more while I sleep. If anyone can think of a way to make screenshots provable to be yours, please suggest it, because I would love to be able to accept any form of art.
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photoshop entries: you provide the base image to use
Stories: search them on google like a teacher would
Film: steam name in the credits - faith
music/youtube: steam name in credits - faith
REAL Photography: it will say the date in the file properties someone needs to attach to an email
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also to make it fair you might as well separate these "talents" like picture contest or music contest. so everyone has a fair chance. some ppl might be writers and want to shine in that. this filmmaker and me might compete but we will eat the other possible entries alive with a film. a gradn prize should include all arts at a time
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If you eat all other entries with a film, then that's what happens. But a clever and witty doodle of two guys in a rowboat with a cat could still win my vote.
I'd love to do a set entry type (this week writing, this week film), but there's a good chance given the number of people who use these forums that I'll get just a single entry if others prefer to use other forms of art. If the response of a particular type of art is overwhelming, I'll consider it, but I think everything is going to have to stand up to it's own merits. Just because I am a slave to the idiot box doesn't mean I don't appreciate a good read over it sometimes.
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You might do a search to see if you can find their particular image. It's not guaranteed to find everything, but it's pretty good.
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Pfft. I've tried Tineye on the most basic pics and it doesn't show up a single result.
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Such discrimination against uncreative, untalented individuals is despicable! :P
Sounds cool. The only problem that could arise is if you get a handful of professionals in each field taking the cake with average joe/jane only being invited to lose (viz a viz dA), but that's how skill contests go I suppose. It's a nice idea. :)
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I'm pretty sure if thats the case he'll realize with time and take into consideration other entries, either that or the lucky bastard will actually win everytime hehe, either way its ok for me.
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Yeah, if someone likes to dedicate lots of time to create some really awesome painting - i feel like he earned it fair and wouldnt be pissed if he wins often.. thats kind of the point about those giveaways, just like the puzzle ones. I'm bad at puzzles and even after 2 hours thinking couldnt solve it, so smarter people deserve it more, i think. Not pissed about that either.. thats just the way it is.
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I may post limitations on winning too often in a row if it comes to it, but while I will obviously be biased towards the higher quality works, the point of this is to get you to practise on creative things, so any effort that shows through is a huge part of what will affect my end decision.
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Let's use your cornfield as an example. Would a sex tape in a corn field fulfill the conditions in step two, or would I actually have to make feverishness love to said corn field for my entry to count?
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There's no limit on what counts as art. Mature things are acceptable (I'll readily accept smut fics, for example) as I'm not a prude, but it would have to be a very pretty cornfield. ;)
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I would. It may take a while, but I should be able to handle it if I take regular breaks.
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what about a part finished minecraft texture pack =]
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Updated Step 1 a little and added a section on potential ties to the bottom.
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Awesome idea. :-) A few points:
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Don't worry, time limit was always going to be a week, even if it's only for a $1 game. And yeah, I was going to figure out a way to host all of the content. Wikis are free to set up I think, so I may make one for them, provided, as you say, they agree.
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(Also, carefully with adaptations of copyrighted material blah blah, one cannot be too cautious these days.)
By the way, you're making me want to revive my Star Trek parody-logs. They're written in Czech, so nothing for these contests, but damn, I really should continue with them... #writersblock
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I've been on a writers block for four years now... feels bad, bro... o.o
As for the third point you made, which I completely neglected by mistake, I'll have to consider that one. I'd prefer not to limit people's abilities to enter, but an occasional diversion might be fun.
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If you can write a 50k word novella in four weeks (say it's a $60 giveaway), you're highly impressive and I'm going to read that.
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I have and I could never do that. I am way too much of a perfectionist and my writer's block likes to appear at the worst moments.
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that sounds cool, though I'm not very creative :S
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Wonderful Idea. I'm in! :3
Perhaps every once in awhile, you could accept a few people, let them give you game suggestions, and let them all enter, if their works are all of equal, high quality. :3
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I love it!
Also, for a Tie situation, you can do a poll, so people could vote which one's better. I understand this is about your personal preference, but if you cannot decide, this might be another solution.
One more question, are you going to create a new thread for every word? or are they all going to be in one?
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Update: The response to this has been overwhelmingly positive, with not a single "Piss off, ya damn n00b" that I've noticed. Very well then, let the games begin! Give me a few days to sort out the rules, get an e-mail set up, get a wiki or something set up so I can post the entries at the end and wait for my first giveaway timer to end in about five days. First giveaway of this type will appear within about a week and a half, I think. From then on, it will be the first of every month, provided I don't get nuked in the bank account. /update
Just an idea that occured to me earlier today to encourage people to be creative with their writing, their art, the poetry, whatever at the same time as giving free stuff to you all. This is just an interest thread for now, just to see how many would be interested in such a venture first.
Here's how it would work.
Step 1: I will give you a key word to use as a prompt for your work. In this example, it shall be "Cornfield" but it will be totally random with one exception (see below). Alternate word meanings are accepted and, in fact, highly encouraged. If I choose "duck" as a prompt, if half of the entries use it in the form of the cute little bird, and the other half have someone dodging a brick, both are acceptable ways to interpret the prompt.
Step 2: You make something creative that relates to a cornfield. This can be anything: it could be a painting of one; it could be a story about aliens making a crop circle in one or two lovers taking a sunset stroll around one; it could be a fanfiction or original fiction; it could even be a papier-mâché if you can figure out how you'd do that with a cornfield. It can be as simple as a stick figure or it can be a fifty page epic (please try not to go to either extreme though). The only thing that is certain is that the centrepiece, the major plot device or a key line is centred around a cornfield.
Step 3: Send it to my e-mail, which I will give out in each thread, in some sort of file (.doc, .jpg, .png, whatever your format of entry happens to be). Leave your Steamgift profile name and address in the e-mail so I can contact you if you win. Tell me if you don't want me to post your entry to the wiki.
Step 4: Wait.
Step 5: I will read/view all entries and pick the best, based on personal preference. You may be an incredible painter or you may have simply made a funny limerick up that made me laugh loudly and lose six years off of my maturity level. Note: it would have to be a incredibly good limerick to stand up to a quality piece of fiction or artwork.
Step 6: Winner gets the game. You are happy. The rest of you wait until the next contest.
The games: Unless clearly stated, the game will be your choice in whatever price range I set for the giveaway. Any funds not used will likely go towards the next giveaway (hopefully, though the decision will be based on my personal finances at the time). The higher value of game, the longer the giveaway lasts.
The condition on Step 1: Occasionally, I will give away a specific game with the funds I have built up. In this example instance, I am giving a copy of Skyrim. Since I am giving away a set game, the prompt word will be based on that game. In Skyrim's case, the prompt would obviously be "Bugs."
Ties: Draws between two pieces are theoretically possible if I absolutely cannot decide between two entries, in which case, I will discuss what to do with the winners at the time. Possible solutions: send each winner the other person's work and see if one of them is kind enough to bow out if they believe the other should win; split the prize money in half; go all out and get both the prize they want within the original price range if they accept that it will be a while before I can build up my funds to gift both of them.
Is everything clear? Would you be interested in this form of giveaway? It would provide a nice change of pace from speedy giveaways or puzzle giveaways, however fun those are, and would get your creative juices flowing.
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