I've got a female name and a female avatar
To be honest a lof of guys have that too :D
But don't worry, we know that some users here are girls ^^
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That's just a quirk of a lot of languages as well, the default way of saying things is the "masculine" one. I've personally been trying to speak in a more gender neutral way when it does not result in awkward sentences, but the languages I know are not always well suited for that.
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I've changed my avatar for that, apparently a lot of people thought I was Arya Stark
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i thought you are arya but you were tired of the attention so you changed your avatar. so... you're not arya? :/
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I don't know what you're getting at bro? ;)
Though I mostly get called mate, which I think is pretty gender-neutral?
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Err, I might be wrong. English isn't my native tongue either xD
But from what I gathered it was just another way of saying friend, without indicating gender?
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To be fair, I use "dude" all the time on both genders.
It might be a regional thing but I picked that habit up in an all girls school.
"Mate" is definitely gender neutral in England as it just means "friend".
If someone calls you "bro", just call them "sis" back. :)
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I think some people say dude when talking to a girl, but I don't think anyone would use it to talk about a girl
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You really shouldn't worry about people misgendering you - it always happens when community is composed majorly of one gender. I saw something like that happen (only in the opposite way) on the lingerie portal, where most users were female ;)
And as for name... You see, we're international here and we're using different languages. At first glance I wouldn't assign any gender to your nickname, 'cause it ends on k and in my language that woud hint more for male (only after conciously seeing Anne in it, I'd start to wonder).
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thats why i don't use mic in fps... if you play good there is something like "wow realy good for a girl", "i can't belive you are a girl" and if you have a bad day you have "girlskills"
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Definitely not my intention as I know what you mean. I mean in general women have other skills and likes, not saying no acceptions. He I drive and park like a god, left school with a 10 for mathematics etc. But in general things are different.
I wish I was a bit better in shooters as I miss out on a lot of great games this way. You are a lucky woman foxpile.
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Of course they do not care. It's only surprising how many people automatically think you are a guy and adress you as such if you play games or acquire for something important in real life. 51% of the total population is female and still it seems everybody forgets it could be a women.
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You can blame guys who act like girls in games, and in mmos I have seen cases where they act like they are actual girls to get free stuff. So as one of my basic rules: everyone with a female avatar and name is a guy until proven otherwise.
No offence, but nowadays you can't risk it, not even in real life.
Edit: This might be feminism, as in you get equality no matter what, is it so bad? I know some women make a fuss about this. :p
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Yeah pretty much everyone who gets free stuff because they're "girls" were actually guys. I can only think of one person I knew who actually was a girl and did that. She got carried in everything.
Treating a woman by default like they're a guy isn't equality though.
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Not really. By that logic if you have treat a girl like a guy then to be equal she would have to treat a guy like a girl. :s
I'd rather not be treated like a guy given some of the stuff I remember back in college being one of 3 girls out of 80ish students. Lads mags... lads mags everywhere. shudders Someone of them were running into each otherwith pseudo macho competitive crap. The farting oh god the farting. Once is funny but force any more it is just so rank. The most disgusting was this one guy, acted like we should thank him for existing, went on in detail about how he was going to take this poor girls virginity. Honestly feel sorry for her because it was obvious she was nothing more than a notch on the belt for him.
Don't get me wrong, the majority of these people were nice people but get that "guy" shit away from me. haha
On the contrary the best thing was a whole bunch of us brought in Nintendo DS and had mario kart races during the breaks.
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Heh, I know how it is if you are in the opposite situation (just finished my masters and this was the situation I was in), 50 class members, 45 girls and 5 of us guys. I had less bullshit to put up with and less d. jokes which is always a plus.
To be honest never gave it a thought, I just acted as if everyone was the same.
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Voice chat usually proves if the person is faking it or not, I know there are programs that let you change your voice, but there doesn't seem to be a better option to check. Anyway I treat everyone the same, no free shizzle unless you are WORTHY or I have known you for a while! ^^
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And then there are female gamers who pretend to be a male in order to not get any shit for being a woman.
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Respect for them, there are some really clingy/creepy guys out there who can stalk you, we even had a guild member in GW2 who only a few of us knew as a female and everyone else as a guy. He had bad experiences in other mmos so I can't blame her. We only used voice chat when only those who knew about it went in dungeons, otherwise she refused using chat.
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I have a Cthulhu themed avatar I must be an elder god...
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It is a bit annoying to be mistaken for a guy but really there's not much to do about it but shrug it off and move on. Less stressful that way.
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Yes, obviously. I feel like dude, guy and bro have become genderneutral words in the gaming world nowadays, as i know even women who call each other guy, dude etc. Mister however i cannot defend, as i've never really seen anyone say that.
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Because in the past the Internet was a place where boys were boys, women were also boys and children were Federal Agents.
Jokes aside, I think many people haven't got used to the fact that girls can also play games (and even beat the living cr*p out of them). Just ignore the haters :).
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I believe that gender does not matter on the internet. That most of the mate names we call each other are male dominated just reflect that gaming is male dominated in terms of numbers. If you get tired of pointing out you are female then don't do that, you get no bonus for being so nor any cookies ;)
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personally im tired of raiding with female characters that have names like "sexygirl" and "cutetinytina" and then having them talk over mic and being a huge burly man voice
its super misleading.
i do get excited when i hear a girl talk though <3
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I do understand you. It'd bother me, too. But please consider:
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This used to be true 10 years ago, perhaps. But nowadays, I think most people online are aware that female gamers exist, and in ample number. And words like "bro", "dude" and "mate" were neutral terms of addressing/endearment even last century.
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37 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by ceeexo
Are you a female gamer like me? Do you also get tired of every body addressing to you as bro, dude, man and mister? I've got a female name and a female avatar, hell I even got female skills in games (not so good :)).
Why does it not even occur to others that we do exist?
This is getting way out of hand. The only thing I wanted to mention is if you thank me for a trade or a GA. Thank me as a person, not as a man!
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