I was sent the following video today from a fellow SG member, with the request to open a thread about this topic:

In short, the video is about the fact that for some accounts, specific games have been disappearing from their launcher and they are also missing from the payment history, even if they were claimed in the past when they were free as a temporary promotion. Among these are:

  • Subnautica
  • Slime Rancher
  • Super Meat Boy
  • Axiom Verge
  • Satisfactory seems to also be missing (purchased - it was not given for free as a promotion)

and maybe some other titles that were promoted on the store between Dec 2019 and Apr 2019.

Tim Sweeney justifies this issue by claiming that the cases investigated lead to accounts that belonged to the same customer and associated with different email addresses.
Some of the accounts that have missing games are showcased in the video linked above.
According to SidAlpha, it is possible that the games are removed from the launcher because of the missing entries from the payment history corresponding to those games.

It is recommended to check if your account is affected by looking at your purchase history. If you are affected, then you need to open a support ticket to Epic. Unfortunately, there are no purchase receipts for these free games, therefore you can't prove that you claimed them in the past.

5 years ago*

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I had the games missing, sent request last night, they responded with "need more data" in the morning and when I logged in to find the data, I checked the history again and now I can see all of the missing games + Unreal Tournament and items from 2016 too.

5 years ago

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Feature, not a bug.

5 years ago

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It's 2019 and these guys can't get a digital store working right? I could understand if this if it happened 15-20 years ago, but really?

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I could understand if this if it happened 15-20 years ago, but really?

Why would it happen 15-20 years ago? No reason for such trivial data to vanish, it's a simple "user X owns game Y" database entry. That worked fine even before I was born.

5 years ago

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Eh, Steam had some weird problems in its infancy.

5 years ago

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Well... that wasn't understandable either then 👀

5 years ago

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And people complained, and things changed. That's how it works.
Excusing it by saying "someone else did it" accomplishes nothing.

5 years ago

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15-20 years ago, e-commerce was still not very widespread, so a company like Valve having issues with its store is somewhat understandable.

Nowadays, every mom-and-pop deli has their own cellphone app where they can place orders. Epic having problems like this is sad.

5 years ago

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I agree. Your previous comment sounded as though you were saying "Steam had problems, so it's acceptable that EGS does," but perhaps I misunderstood.

5 years ago

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they can't even manage to make a shopping cart on their online storeplace in 2019,, does them not having a store that works really shock anyone?

5 years ago

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it's getting pathetic at this point TBH.

My feeling for this whole epic store situation is shifting from angry to pity. It's sad to see how money and greed can corrupt Tim brain to this point.

5 years ago

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I seem to have everything in mine, but thanks for the heads-up

edit: I never had an epic account until they opened the store, in case that makes a difference

5 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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I have all of mine. Epic should just close it down though since the store is trash.

5 years ago

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There are constant issues with an online store in this day and age? If GOG with their little budget can manage, I don't see how Epic can have problems

They throw millions upon millions to developers to sign up stupid temporal exclusive deals, and they don't even bother fixing their own store?

5 years ago

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GOG with their little budget

That's what they want you to believe, they're the nice, human-size, little DRM-free store. Yeah, sure. They killed abandonware, managed to get everyone to forget that they first stuffed DRMs into The Witcher 2, and now sell truckloads of AAA games (they also managed to get people to forget GOG originally meant "Good Old Games"). I mean, sure they're small compared to Valve, but they don't have a "little budget" either.
Last but not least, it seems they're not a really nice place to work at: https://www.glassdoor.co.uk/Reviews/GOG-com-Reviews-E827105.htm / https://www.pcgamer.com/cd-projekt-red-responds-to-employee-complaints-says-its-approach-is-not-for-everyone/

5 years ago

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I also still have all of the free games listed in OP.

5 years ago

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I seem to still have all my games. Epic needs to keep ironing things out before the store's a proper store, or maybe any publicity is good publicity to them.

5 years ago

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It seems like all my games are still there, in both the "purchase" history and on the client, even Shadow Complex that I activated as a key. And since I was already there I'm downloading Axiom Verge and Enter the Gungeon :P
I just saw that they're bringing Tetris Effect to PC, why can't they do more of that and less stealing games from steam? They have a really strong case for their store with all the ports they're bringing, the other timed exclusives are kinda dumb and just create bad publicity.

5 years ago

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I have this glitch. Made a comment a couple of weeks ago asking about it and opened a ticket but they just wanted more info from me to prove I’m me instead of helping :/

5 years ago

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I see Epic's still comedy gold. In the next episode they will probably send customer information to Russian hackers or something.

5 years ago

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Weren't those the games they gaveaway for free a couple of months ago?

5 years ago

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One important point brought up in the video - EGS doesn't send you any sort of email receipt (at least for the free games, I don't know about paid), which would be a great help proving ownership if the need arises.

EDIT: Also more on your topic in this video by the same author - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7890TcWYeeU

5 years ago*

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EGS doesn't send you any sort of email receipt (at least for the free games, I don't know about paid), which would be a great help proving ownership if the need arises.

I got a receipt for Torchlight that I claimed today, but not for Limbo (also claimed today) or any other (free) game.

View attached image.
5 years ago

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They just started sending receipts, possibly due to the backlash of users' purchase history being fubared.

5 years ago

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Then they screwed up, because I didn't get one for Limbo.
Or maybe their email servers are just overloaded, because Limbo freebie just started.

Edit: A receipt for Limbo arrived 7 hours late.

5 years ago*

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I noticed a month or two ago that the payment history only went back a few months but the games were still in my launcher's library. I checked payment history today and now they have a more button and it shows everything I've got, from Subnautica to Torchlight.

Sounds a bit like a tempest in a teapot.

But, yeah, they should be emailing receipts. Everybody emails receipts.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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The Cycle is an open alpha play-test.

5 years ago

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Thank you for the summary! <3

This is why /r/fuckepic on reddit has 25K subscribers but /r/epicgames is merely 3K subs with a single locked down post to use the official EGS Help page...

No wonder they dont have a shopping cart in store - They cant even keep games in peoples' accounts.

5 years ago

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dunno why they keep spend money to exclusive game, but low invest on EGS it self :|

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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I have all 15 of the freebies I picked on my account; I should make a screenshot of the same in case they disappear later on.

5 years ago

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i have all my games

5 years ago

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I doesn't really make a difference to me...not going to play them anyway

5 years ago

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Good thing I used Paypal because that's the receipt.

5 years ago

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Maybe they will wipe their own purchase history of exclusive games in 90 days too so they become free to go on all platforms.

5 years ago

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For a long while now I had a number of the free games missing but I never checked which; I figured it was a bug that didn't show more than 20 or so purchases.

I checked just now and they are all back.

5 years ago

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