Yes, because the risk of G2A is worth the 5% discount.
Sites like G2A are premised off taking a gamble, and that means comparing investment versus return. 2€ is pretty reasonable for a convenience fee, and generally, those are worth paying. It's the same reason brand name can be a better call than off-brand, when shopping. As with G2A, paying half price makes the off-brand groceries feel worth the risk, but when brand name is only a few cents more, you generally purchase it, because it's worth avoiding the risk of getting noticeably subpar groceries. Sometimes, trying new things is worth a gamble! Sometimes off-brand works out great! ..but that's the kind of risk you take when you're not on a budget, rather than when you're on one.
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I think we've all seen what you think about G2A. All DzefersonS gave was another choice.
Do I think the 2€ is worth it? No.
But we all already know about G2A. Adding this here is basically answering to "I like eating meat" with "Did you know, meat is actually bad for the environment and you can live without it yada yada yada"
I'm guessing that your intentions were good and all, but I'm guessing also that you get my point too :P
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Not a good comparison. A better analogy would be if a vegetarian had asked where to buy the cheapest vegetables, and someone pointed out that one store sells slightly cheaper vegetables--and then a third person had pointed out that the slightly cheaper store also sells factory-farmed meat, while a different store sells vegetables that cost a little more but doesn't sell factory-farmed meat.
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I suggest buying it at the shadiest key market site possible, like G2A, or CDKeys. Sure, they only sell it like 3 Euros less, but then you'll have the comfort of knowing that you managed to save some money. Plus, since it was your friends who made you do it, when Blizzard eventually revokes your game and locks your account, you will have a legitimate reasons to not play with them any more and find friends who don't force you to buy a game.
On the plus side, it is still better than if they wanted you to buy this year's CoD. I'll give them that. On the not-so-plus side, it is still an Activision-related game.
On a serious note: either find a video game shop and buy the physical copy or at Blizzard. They are VERY adamant on controlling the distribution, so all other "sales" are just using disk codes they got from stores. If you are lucky, they were from damaged disks, if you are not, they actually scanned codes on disks they intend to sell or already sold.
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When you buy from the Bnet store as a gift you get a code as well , altho some are region lock , so you can just buy the game when its on sale and sell it on the grey market
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CDKeys is where you go to when even G2A seems too reliable enough. G2A at least made attempts to look like as if the keys in their system can be trusted. CDKeys so far didn't come up with a good excuse on how can they sell Xbox live cards if they are not affilated with MicroSoft, the only source for them, in any way.
And I may be mixing it up with some other similar-sounding site, but I think it was CDkeys, before the Arabs (or more likely just a company that was registered there) bought it up, that actually had it in its FAQ on how to activate Steam keys using a free VPN service.
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i heard playing heartstone (which is free) can give you a discount... not into the details myself
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The 1 year anniversary is soon. They will probably have it on sale during that time. So I'd wait for that.
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i have one friend that i selling overwatch acc for 16 euros.
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you can only gift in certain regions so you will have to make a new account to get the game cheaper
Or if you play WoW just buy tokens with WoW gold and buy Overwatch
Also note that buying Bnet account is risky since you never take full ownership and the original owner can easily recover it if they wanted to
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Wait for a sale for Overwatch :) They often go on sale anyway :3
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In Europe ? Try physical retail stores.
The Origin edition tends to regularly go on sale of about 20 euros, because they still need to get the boxes off the shelves to make room for the next big thing.
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36,09€ @
5% Voucher Coder:
36,19€ @ instant-gaming:
attention, 2€ paypal fees there
Price Compare:
sometimes its on sale @amazon, download version and retail disk version are sometimes really cheap there
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Lol You are speaking about G2A and Kinguin as they were really dangerous! Bro it's safe I personally used both and never had problems. If you are scared just take G2A Shield or Kinguin Protection for 2€ and also buy from a seller who has a nice review. Ez
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You do know that adding bro to any statement reduces your credibility by 97,8% right ? It's scientifically proven :D
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Don't worry. I was lying :D Whenever somebody pulls a statistic on you that proves their point by over 90% you should get suspicious.
However even in the USA, who coined the expression, the terms seems to be used only among a very limited group and rather frowned upon ( / considered amusing) in general so I find this recent trend of young people all around the world adopting the word weird.
It just sounds so fake when kids from HongKong or Singapore add bro or mate to every sentence because that's what they hear their favourite YouTuber (are those still a thing ?) say.
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GMG sells it for $46 for the VIP prices (just make an account and log in). If you want a guarantee on a legit key, then GMG is the cheapest I think. FYI, I bought mine there as well last year.
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Well I can't really put up an argument about their legidity but GMG seems more legit than any of the other sites mention above. I bought tons of games from them and not a single problem, including Overwatch. Been playing for more than 200 hours too.
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Also, I'm not sure if this means anything but they clearly state Authorised Distributor in the side bar
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Yeah 'authorised distributor' means reseller in their lingo i.e. not sourced directly. For officially licensed games they mention the publisher for e.g. Doom But apparently they don't update the source often so sometimes even source : publisher games also end up being from reseller. To be fair, the same 'authorised distributors' also sell on G2A, Kinguin etc. but with GMG you get better customer support for the same grey market sources. Except for Blizz keys which I have heard they never replace/refund.
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Well, at least the customer support is better and is there any actual cases of Blizz keys being revoked (from GMG)? If it were happened to me I'd be aggressive in demanding a refund. They did state from authorised distributor. Anyways, my key works fine, saved $14 and I'm a happy buyer. If paranoia gets the better of you there's always the retail store.
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Invalid keys happen every release with them tbh most recently was Dawn of War 3 I think
Anyways, my key works fine, saved $14 and I'm a happy buyer.
People who buy on those 'other' websites say the same thing most of the time, ha. If you wanted to save more for probably the same key source you can try G2A apparently their customer support is great now ^^
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Ouch, never knew that. The only game i bought on release (preordered actually) is Fallout 4 and thank goodness there's no trouble whatsoever. Well maybe G2A have better support nowadays (they did settle the issues with the second G2A deal quite fast) but I've been a GMG customer for years now and i have no reason not to trust them.
But then again, i'm maybe just too optimistic and i haven't bought too many games outside of Steam nowadays except for bundles. Well, i hope OP finds our conversation somewhat helpful
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Most GMG keys are totally legit. But they do sometimes buy blocks of keys from the grey market that were intended for distribution elsewhere and there have been occasional problems in the past - unexpected region locks, keys getting revoked, etc. COD BLOPS, Dark Souls 3 and Witcher 3 are some of the issues that I know of.
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Honestly, just buy either a physical copy or a digital copy from Blizzard store because they're quite strict with their sales and what not which is why you can hardly get the game cheaper anywhere. I got mine during the Chinese New Year event in Blizzard's Taiwanese shop for €20 which was a steal but I doubt you're going to want to wait until next year so if you really want to play it I'd really suggest to just get it from Blizzard directly because the €3 - 5 you'll save elsewhere are really not worth the risk of having the game removed from your account or worse, have your account suspended.
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Yes its probably better and i got nothing against buying it from bnet itself...
but as i need it quiet in a short timeperiod i cant easily wait for the game to go on sale ;)
also.. if i can get it from mexican bnet and play on eu servers.. i wouldnt mind...
but i m not sure if thats possible.
can you play with your 'taiwanese-key' without trouble on eu-servers?
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Yes, I can play on the EU, US and Asian servers just fine with the Taiwanese version that I bought. Though, I have to admit that I'm not sure if Blizzard intended for people from outside of Taiwan to be able to purchase the game through the Taiwanese Blizzard store but in the end, they still got money so I guess it didn't really matter. Not sure if it's still possible to buy it from other stores, though, since when I checked the Taiwanese store now, it shows the price in Euro instead of the Taiwanese currency like before.
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why buy it? just go on twitch go to overwatch section. scroll down till you can see all the hundredsof channels currently playing. and then click ctrl+F and search for the word "giveaway"
then enter that streams gvieaway and win it for free.
i do this all the time. ive won diablo 3, world of warcraft warlords of draenor and world of warcraft legion for free doing it this way over the years.
works every time. got them all as pre-ordered as well thanks to giveaways. so i was ready for launch every time
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blizzard has no regionlock. some time it's cheaper in other part's of the world. bought mine in the taiwan store some time ago for 650TWD ~ 20€
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After reading this thread I'm gonna wait for the anniversary! :O
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Nope hated him in the beta. I love Widowmaker, Ana, Reaper and I can't remember the last one...
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well thanks everyone for the tipps... will wait until friday and then probably make a mexican battlenetaccount and try gifting it, if that doesnt work.. i will just use the mexican account to play on eu servers.. should work either way
oh.. and very kind of you all to let so few people enter the giveaway ^^
not that its that big of a giveaway.. but hey ;)
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You'll have to let us know what you end up deciding to do on the big day! O.o
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215 Comments - Last post 55 minutes ago by skoloniaris
yes i know.. no steam-game..
still as some friends really really want to play it and they kinda force me to buy it...
i just wanted to ask if someone knows where to get it maybe a tad cheaper than in battlenet?
as i am from eu i got to pay nearly 40€ for it :/
kinguin would sell it for like 37€ but i never had anything to do with that site :/
also.. i read some redditthread about the followin:
its is possible &legit to make an account in f.ex. mexico pay with creditcard and then gift the game saving about 15$
dont know if that works tough..
tl:dr; anY tipp on how to get it cheaper?
Love and thanks
@supports: if this topic is in the wrong category, please be kind and move it to the correct one :/
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