It is one of the "features" of the Directors Cut and i am not joking at all. The whole version is a joke comparing to the "normal" one. Yes, they did improve the graphics in DC, but at what costs? Just google a bit, you are not alone with your problems there. Was hoping that they did patch anything since the release to fix that kind of issues here and there, but it seems like they did not.
Try to unpark your cpu cores, if it will not help at all, then i am afraid you will be forced to lower your graphics (even if your PC is good enough to run it at Ultra according to the specifications)
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i did try lowering everything as much as i can 800x600 rez and nothing
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Then the unparking of the CPU Cores (google for "cpu core parking" to find out more) may be the last possible solution for you. It made things a little bit better for me after the release of the Directors Cut, but at the end that version was still a real mess. I had ZERO issues with the non DC version except the following one:
The non DC version had issues with the new generation AMD FX CPU's. BIOS Update was required (at least for Gigabyte and Asus motherboards). Otherwise the CPU's were unable to execute a whole set of (at that time experimental) commands, wich caused a 100% sure crash of your operating system. Same issues occured with at least one model of i7 (dont ask me wich one exactly, its been a long time since the release of the game) and i dont know if they (both, the motherboard manufacturer and square enix) ever fix that problem for intel CPU's
The DC did not use that set of commands anymore, but it was not able to communicate with the OS integrated CPU Core Parking routines anymore, wich caused shadow stuttering and overall performance issues for many Phenom and FX users, cant tell anything about Intel here.
P.S.: What GPU are you using? We are maybe trying to look for a solution of your issues at the wrong end :) The whole specification of your system would be very helpful here.
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well sure amd phenom x4 9650, gts 250,4 GB ram, asrock n68c-s UCCand win 7 ultimate x64
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I cant remember how much RAM DE consumes while running, but depending on your actual background RAM usage (other running processes) it is possible, that the game is trying to use the pagefile (if you did not disable it of course). You should try to monitor that case (Win7 ressorces monitor will be enough to do that).
Your GPU should be fine for at least medium settings, but you said, that you did try it with very low resolution as well, so we can almost exclude that as a source for your problem. Anyway, try to run a monitoring software like GPU-Z (dont need to be installed, its a binary portable software jewel) and check the sensors tab while playing to see, if your GPU leaves the sleeping mode and dont reenter it while the game is running (A look at the Clock of the Core and RAM will tell you that, the GPU is lowering the clocks by entering the sleeping mode)
Try to monitor the same thing for your CPU using a monitoring tool (CPU-Z for example, there you will need to take a look at your CPU multiplier and the resulting clock while playing)
If RAM usage and the folowing two things are fine, then the only thing you can try (and you rly should try that for that game with your Phenom CPU, i can smell the same issues i had with my FX CPU here!) is the core parking mentioned in my last comment. But it feels like the game (DC version of it) did not get any patches since the release and is still a crappy piece of software causing trouble. What chttyby is telling HERE is right, the Directors Cut was based on the NOT patched vanilla version, in other words the "improved" version of the game was not improved at all right after release.
I hope it will help you and you will be able to get some fun out of the game after all
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well i did test GPU whit GPU-Z and it did work 100%
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How about RAM and Pagefile usage? If it is fine as well (means that you have enough free RAM and the game is not using the pagefile), then the only hope i see is to try to unpark all your CPU cores. But before you try that, google for "CPU core parking" to understand what it is and how it works if you dont know that for sure please!
I am using a software with the name Park Control to control my cores, but there are many alternatives on the web. So feel free to use a tool of your choice for that step :)
If you are done with unparking, then launch the game, go to your process manager and set the priority for the game's exe to "high". But ONLY to high, DONT try to use "realtime" it may cause a crash and you may loose important data on your harddrive because of that in the worst case scenario.
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well thx for your time.. but i think this is one of those cases where diabetes you just learn how to leave whit it :D i am just fed up white fixies where i shouldn't even need to bot whatever thx for your time mate :)
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Do you mean the "trick" some guys were discussing about HERE? If i remember right it did nothing else except temporarly disabling Core Parking Management (or at least preventing all cores from getting parked to be exact) and assigning the process a high priority. Correct me if i am wrong please.
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I don't know about that but it really worked for me for the fps drops. That was a long time ago though, I played director's cut right after the release and was getting horrendous fps drops and it did the trick. I was back to stable 60 fps after running chrome in the background. Some people say that director's cut is based on the unpatched version of deus ex because they found other bugs that were fixed in the vanilla game.
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Turning off tesselation sometimes helps, if it's on. This one is a bit weird where turning certain features ON may actually improve performance. Vsync, for instance. If it's off, turn it on, close the game, start it again. It was a hassle at launch, it was a hassle at relaunch, technical issues for some people, flawless for others.
Which is a shame, since it's a good game. Highly replayable and variety of playstyles supported, a playthrough can be done in 6-7 hours, but can take over a day to complete as well. My recommendation: take your time, every-nook-and-cranny style. If you do get it to run that is. Try some different settings... lucky for you, the intro logos are skippable after the first run.
Update: obviously, try working with the "Shadows" setting in different states as well. Turn them off to see if that helps. Or turn them up higher, I know it sounds crazy but try it... just remember, some changes need you to move to a new area before they take effect... or just reboot the game
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i try`do every trick in a book( and no improvements not sure what to do now.. and i know standard game worked fine...
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