Hey there. Do you know some crazy cartoons like Adventure Time? I'm looking for something new :P

There are a lot of cartoons shown in kids TV here but are made for adults (Invader Zim, Ren & Stimpy, even Spongebob), I'm looking for thoose :D

12 years ago*

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Probably not what you are looking for but Panty & Stocking is awesome.

12 years ago

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I'll give it a try :D

12 years ago

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You can even turn to cartoons that are on the adult channels, like adult swim.
My favorite of those would be 12 oz. Mouse.
Metalocalypse is awesome if you're into metal.

12 years ago

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Well, I've got no pay-TV, and there are no free-TV channels with cartoons for adults :P


12 years ago

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You have internets though.

I just remembered a couple more - Ugly Americans and Super Jail.

12 years ago

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Bravest Warriors, It's not exactly a TV show but it's created by Pendleton Ward, the episodes run fairly short but the style of humor translate pretty good from Adventure Time.


12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by TheTimmaeh.