Masturbate before heading to it. Oh wait, no, that's for first dates.
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Yeah.. just be relaxed, they may ask you to speak to some.. "silly" project manager or other crazy "office clerk" or other HR crazy people those people.
They ask dumb questions and require dumb answers like "what is your biggest downside" -.- or whatever...
In my last job interview I said sometimes I have problems with making decisions :P
They hired me anyway :PPP but the HR women looked a bit crazy.. altough after that they gave me 4 a4 pages test with multiple answers... + written answers which I apparently rocked as they really wanted to hire me BUT funny fact they wanted me how much I would like to earn and their job offer was saying from 30 to 40 I said 35 and they offered me 28k -.- so.. yeah best to stick with what you want and dont let them do dirty tricks on you.
Also very important in my opinion, if the office looks like hell in most cases it is a HELL and better stay out of it, I went with my friend once to job interview coz I didnt knew the city, and the company didnt offered him even glass of water -.-
If you would have your own office + secretary it should be alright :>
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Don't be yourself, is, sadly, the best advice as far as job interwievs go... Hide your bad habits and weaknesses and make yourself a bit better than you really are... but don't lie TOO much, or they'll find out. Be confident, but polite.
Other than that, just know that if you succeed, great. If not, well, you'll have better luck next time! :)
Also, "Can't Stop Laughing" giveway suits your avatar really well :P
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Horrible advice.. don't be yourself ?? really ??
Be calm and confident yes, but there's no need to try and be something you're not.. what's the point of getting a job while portraying something you're not and then to lose the job because they realize you lied.
Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses and be honest about them, you're selling yourself so try to have a way to bring in your good features, if need be find a way to present those to counter-balance the weaknesses you may reveal.
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Well, that's my experience ;)
Many times, you have to make the best impression you can to have even a slight chance.
It's horrible indeed, but it's how it works in many places. It's sort of how the society works. And if you happen to be a part of any sort of subculture, then being yourself won't get you far. Don't ask me how do I know... :X
Also, note that I said "but don't lie TOO much". Just a little bit ;)
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Like the guy above me said , wear a nice suit , be positive , he or she's a human as well , no need to be scared.
Ask them what you want to know about the job you're applying for , but that after he or she finish with the questions.
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Having interviewed quite a few people in the last five years my main suggestions would be:
1) Don't chew gum
2) Use Antiperspirant Deodorant
3) Have at least two questions, ideally three about the job
4) Give a decent handshake - not too floppy or firm
5) If you wear a tie then wear it properly - not half done up two inches short with your top button undone and the thin end hanging below the thick end.
So many people can't manage at least one of those and it sets them in a bad light compared to those who do it properly even if otherwise they are fine. Very few people manage a decent handshake.
At least with me it's ok to answer questions with something like "I don't know - I'd probably google it"
(The masturbation suggestion might be a good one too - not while you are actually waiting to be called in though)
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This would probably be the best advice, mostly because you said you've interviewed quite a few people.
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Worked in a recruitment office, differs a little from recruitment with a final company.
I won't say what has already been said.
So come somes minutes before the appointement.
Look the other person in the eyes when you're talking. No hands under the table.
Prepare 2-3 capacities (careful perfectionism isn't one) and 2-3 faults about you.
If they ask you to introduce yoursefl, don't sum up your curriculum vitae. You can (must) obviously talk about your studies and work experiences, but it implies talking about your passions and stuff like that.
A job interview is more about your person than your skills.
If they invit you that's because they're already interested in your skills, don't forget that.
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Act like you are the boss, just so they see that you are not lost if you don't get this job. Boss, not the boss of them, your own boss.
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If you're not going for a Goldman Sachs interview, don't worry too much.
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I find that at the end of the interview, you should always have some questions ready to really wow the interviewer, as it shows that you are really interested in the job. In fact, I've heard from some hiring managers that it really negatively impacts you as feels as though you're not that interested and didn't bother to take the time to do research and preparation for questions
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It's like a first date.
No, really, it's just like a first date. It's going to be a little awkward for everyone, everyone involved knows what you want.
So you're going to lie a little and look better than you really are, but that's expected. They are going to lie a little to seem better too. You should be confident, not arrogant. Be relaxed, joke a little, and try to hide your nervousness a bit. Don't oversell yourself, but don't be falsely humble either. They, like a prospective mate, want to know the good parts about you, why you're a good investment, before they'll bring you home. :P
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Too bad you can't ask this question of my sister. She's a professional and gives lectures on hiring to HR managers. I'm not going to write a "book," here, however. There's not enough time for you to read and absorb it. What I will do is give you a few basic tips that you can remember in your interview.
1) Be honest, but don't say everything that pops into your head. Just answer the questions and give past experiences to back up your claims.
2) Never bad-mouth anyone. Always find a positive way to express yourself. (This is also a good idea for life in general.)
3) Nobody is perfect, including you. If you have to talk about your faults, follow it up with how you're correcting or improving on them.
I hope you find those useful.
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I'm so excited. And a bit scared. Can you give me an advice?
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