It does rain 'cause I'm gay though. Thats why we get rainbows afterwords.
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Jeez, I didn't know weather was such a touchy topic. How about straight people get the sun and we get the moon?
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You're right, I should talk about steam community on transreddit, and not here since it's totally unrelated to sg.
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How about you read the actual threads opening post before you go balls-deep in advertising your personal misgivings? :P
No, seriously. Go back and read it, because the fact it was tongue in cheek is pretty damn obvious, and then maybe you'll realise why you aren't being responded to seriously.
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So basically you admit then that you didn't bother to read the opening post, because of previous threads they made?
Okay, if it was just that on its own that would be fair enough. We don't all have to get along or like everyone in this community.
See, if it was just that it'd be fine. Only its not. You springboarded off something you didn't bother to read, head first into your little trans 'opinions'. Did it never occur to you that they include those snippets because they know it brings people like you out of the woodwork and into plain sight where it's easy to identify you? For fucks sake they even said on the very next line that they openly acknowledge it has nothing to do with being trans and the review ban was entirely warranted. You took the bait and you ran a mile with it, straight into buzzwording 'delusion' and deliberately misgendering the poster, even after they refused to not engage with you, you just kept going and going with it. What exactly do you hope to accomplish acting like this? :P
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If it's not the place to talk about trans stuff then why in the blue fuck did you make this entire thing about being trans? I have legit told you more than once, in more than one comment chain, that they immediately said afterwards that the ban had nothing to do with being trans and they were just making a dumb joke. Jesus.
Like I said, if you read more than the first few words it's painfully obvious that it was a case of giving people enough rope to hang themselves with. You have apparently seen red at the merest mention of 'trans' and disregarded the entire post, and created a comment chain all about revealing your personal issues with behavior that isn't even present. And hang yourself you certainly did. And now you're kicking the stool back out from under your own feet every time I try to stand it back up and give you pause for breath.
If you even read my comment that you replied to, you would understand why they make that 'little mark'. You can't just sit there claiming that "it leads to this" like you're not the only one here who is spearheading this unwarranted trainwreck of a non-argument. They certainly set the trap, and that does lead to conflict, but that conflict only happens if someone isn't able to tolerate the mere presence of trans individuals or self-depreciating jokes (as it was a prod at oversensitivity / prosecution complex). Had they done something obnoxious or said something prejudiced themselves then I'd be all for holding them accountable but I still wouldn't stand beside someone like you, who will evidently make any excuse to air your personal misgivings.
Can you be cool for like 5 seconds, take a step back, breathe, and maybe try a reset and read the original post you used as excuse for all this? So you'll get some perspective on why people are rolling their eyes at you? Would you kindly? :P
C'mon already.
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ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that explains it. but it doesn't explain why they blacklisted me. especially since they'd been on my whitelist for a long time.
by the way this was them:
they may be able to delete their rude messages, but they can't delete this.
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literally the first post from her i found scrolling. Funnily enough, it doesn't have anything to do with steam or steamgifts and yet you are not complaining under that post about how she's trashing steamgifts with "Subway" or "Pringles" things. You are not telling her to go in a food forum. you are not telling her that she mentioned snacks to get attention. It almost looks like you have a problem with trans people.
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I have never said "i dont have friends since im trans" or "People dont talk with me since im trans." I have talked about being trans in very few threads. There are the two talking specifically about transgender issues/visibility, and the thread after my suicide where I finally admitted it to the site after they sent my parents private shit that allowed them to figure it out after my suicide attempt. And I think in one of Mully's threads I might have mentioned it?
Lots of peeps have issues with my threads, but don't make shit up about 'em.
I'm well aware steam didn't ban the review 'cause I'm trans. I wrote like five sentences, it shouldn't be that hard to follow.
Can't believe they're censoring my stuff just 'cause I'm trans, we need to start another gamergate!
Obvious joke
Nah, but this was actually a fair banning
Dismissal of previous sentence as joke, as not everyone is a native English speaker and it might be confusing
ban anything that does't make the game look good or like an overwatch clone
I guess it was inappropriate and deserving removal
Actual reason for ban
And seriously dude, whats with the ellipses? Are you scared to say the word transgender or something? Typing the word out ain't gonna hurt you.
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Eh... if you read the whole post you would see that she meant that part as satire. Reading comprehension is an important skill to cultivate.
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Step 1: Oh-hey, Whoosh!
Step 2: Oh-hey, fruity.
Step 3: Oh-hey, cherry blossoms?
Step 4: Oh-hey, it's a tarp!
Step 5: Oh-hey, that's a dude!
Step 6: Oh-hey, fruity.
Honestly, it's a better narrative progression than most games and movies have.. :P
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I suddenly have a hankering for cherry pie. Of course, it could also have been due to the Season 12 Supernatural binge-watching I just got done with yesterday. Such a good show!
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I applaud every banned fake review. The review system could be so great. Instead people feel the need to use it for cheap jokes for some reason. This one probably got banned, because you explicitly mentioned that it wasn't your intention to write an honest review. That seems the most obvious reason to me (not you being trans). Most of the silly reviews leave at least some room for interpretation (as in: they could theoretically be serious), so they don't get banned as much (as they should).
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I don't think the review shouldn't be banned, but it's just weird do it now when it's irrelevant after ignoring it when it was at the top.
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Maybe mods needed some time to get to the reports. Therefore the delayed ban, even though it may have been reported when it was at the top. Just a guess.
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I don't see how it's a "fake" review. It's not a "fake" review it's just... not a review at all 🙃
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Well sure, you could argue that it's so obviously not a review that you can't reall call it fake. Not really faking anything. ^^
Anyway, I just wish people wouldn't confuse the review system with a public comedy platform. It really could be a great system. And considering how often people complain about professional reviews, it surprises me how little interest they have in keeping the integrity of a true alternative.
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It's an obvious fake review, it deserves to be nuked. Well, it deserved to be nuked a year and a half ago. Better late than never I guess.
Nothing personal against you though.
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Ah indeed, FaceRig is pretty fun to mess with ^^ Sadly I don't enjoy it as much as I could because it doesn't work well with my glasses :/
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Every time I see your Avatar, I think it is a goth girl with black eyeliner and red lips with her looking to the right. Of course, once the Avatar is clicked on, I can see that it is a robotic figure, but my brain sees it as the goth girl for a moment every single time (the Avatars are quite small in the threads).
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Yea i have a few Avatars that i see always naughty things (naked women that is half hidden/painted as example) and when i click on it it is a walking cat...
I know that but at the next time i see that Avatar i see the same women again and must remember me that it is "only" a cat...
Interesting that the brain and the eyes can be fooled so easy.
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It is weird how the brain acts, eh? For example, you can see a knot in a piece of wood that you think looks like a face, or other such incidents. Do you recall the time that a woman had a piece of toast that she said had the image of Jesus on it? So many people agreed with her. Of course, I'm not sure how many people really did see that image, or if they were just "going along with the flow".
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As with many other online communities (such as Steamgifts), most moderator action is taken upon flagging by the users. Chances are it was only removed after someone flagged it, hence the late deletion.
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I honestly can't see any reason why that one should have been banned. Definitely a head-scratcher.
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lol that is just stupid, why would they ban a legit review? Either you got brigaded and reported by mindless fanboys or the devs wanted it banned
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truly wonderful devs...
I am glad I never invested any time in this game
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I thought Devs weren't permitted to have reviews banned. If Valve allows that to happen, why even have reviews in the first place?
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I love/loved playing private servers on mmos back in the day but you can't openly tell a game developer you are playing something you technically shouldn't be, on a game review for something you didn't like. It might not be in the ToS but it's common sense. Believe it or not, but semi-important people do read those game reviews and it can't make them happy to read "this private server is way better than the official game you probably just spent thousands of hours making".
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Sorry to say but it did:
Rules and Guidelines For Steam: Discussions, Reviews, and User Generated Content
Any discussion of piracy will result in a permanent ban from the Steam Community
Private servers equivalate to piracy in this case and the wording above basically expresses a 0-tolarance policy.
Except for the last sentence the review would have been totally fine :-/
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Well, your reference is accurate in premise- Piracy is the "unauthorized reproduction and transmission of copyrighted materials", and as unsanctioned servers utilize the IP, and nearly always utilize at least some of the main game's assets, they're a pretty blatant inclusion under that restriction. On the other hand, your quoted section indicates that the penalty for such an infraction is an account ban.
Rather, consider the bullet point directly above the one you quoted:
Do not post any content on Steam containing the following:
Porn, inappropriate or offensive content, warez or leaked content or anything else not safe for work
With warez being the term used to reference the duplicated materials that form the foundation of piracy, that line is the one that'd likely be the basis for the review ban.
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Valve is lazy and simply wrote a one-fits-all rules-listing without proper distinction, for why it's titled "Discussions, Reviews, and User Generated Content", 3 totally different categories.
Community ban happens if you write about/promote piracy on the forums. In a review, the review gets banned.
Also possible that a first offensive can be taken as extenuating circumstances to not directly lead to a full ban.
post (..) warez
'Posting warez' would be linking to the private server address or download, so that's not quite it and would surely be sanctioned harder.
Though which of those exactly is just a technicality ;-) it being against the rules is certain.
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you didn't really post a review at all, it didn't help anyone at all,, sure it seems kinda weird they would ban your review, but lately steam has been cracking down on reviews.. Not nearly as bad as my old review for Dead by Daylight just disappearing altogether.. Likely because it had like 500 people mark it as helpful and was highly negative of the game.. Happened around the same time they banned me from the community..
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Hey, at least we now know that 1050 people on Steam seem capable of reading and, at the very least, have an attention span similar to the average short-term memory span of a young puppy, which is also equivalent to that of the average millenial regarding ads - so, maybe their marketing department used your review to determine the length of their future ads and just finished their research? See, doesn't matter if trans or not, you're still one of the many fish swimming their rounds in the barrel called life, with no way of escape.
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That review really was living on borrowed time, I wonder why it took them that long to get to it tho, gotta admire steam's support speedy reaction times :P
That part about nobody giving a f*ck about actual reviews and then voting joke ones to the top is so true it hurts.
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Haha, that's awesome.
The new Battletech got some "troubled" reviews too.
Must be such a challenge to ignore one option in the character creation UI, if they don't like it.
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Im still stuck at the character creation
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I was going to say that his(her?) review had one positive aspect in that it made me decide to buy the DLC right now in spite of him...but I just discovered that I already own it.
Not sure why he was so upset. 100% of it goes to charity! It's not like they hide the fact that it is the same content for all 3 versions!
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Did they take your badge away too? I mean, otherwise they'd just be letting you get away with your flagrantly irresponsible rule-breaking.
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Yes, I do realize it was a joke, but you on the other hand don't seem to realize that my first message also was one :/
As many other people have pointed, Steam is literally overrun by one-liner joke reviews but they don't get banned. And if this one doesn't fall under the ToS then how can it be banned for violating them?
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I am sorry I don't think you understood what I was saying : it's not a review it should not be there
I agree on the steam thing but they are starting to crackdown on these kind of "reviews" this is why you are seeing a lot of reviews getting removed lately
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But that's not a review, It's a silly joke. You click baited us. Funny tho.
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I dunno, if you actually look at it, it actually is pretty clever, even if it wasn't deliberate.
It shows how ridiculous it is that Hi-Rez is demanding reviews by locking something of theirs away. So, instead of getting what they want (which is positive reviews that are in-depth), they get jokey reviews that just mock them.
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steams have a support staff.. Yes a single person who has to wade through millions of reports.. probably a few hundred thousand from people who were scammed, both legit and fake.. A few technical questions that should be directed at the developers of the game because steam doesn't patch games.. numerous I lost my account and have no access or information neccesary for you to give me my account back..
All these tickets get answered by a team of like 5 people, and the que gets longer and longer day after day..
although with that said, the few times I contacted steam support.. they answered with in 24 hours.. most of the time my issue was resolved within 2 days tops.. Only time I didn't get real help was my request for a refund of Blues and Bullets season pass.. Took me like 4 tickets to finally get a refund..
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Why are you salty? The steam mod that banned your review is a savior. Not because he protected anyone from your useless review...
ACTUALLY, he acknowledged that the review is art and the only way to make sure it would last forever was to to put a "ban" on it.
Now you can't delete or modify it and it will be conserved forever.
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What are you reading? I'm not even sure if you are perhaps replying to another posting because I haven't critized the OP nor his review(s) in any way at all.You're giving me the total shit when all I was trying to say was "hey lul that's retarded but don't be mad or sad, it's really not worth to get angered over stupid or disproportionately delayed mod actions especially since it doesn't have any impact on you/your account whatsoever (: "
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Can't believe they're censoring my stuff just 'cause I'm trans, we need to start another gamergate!
Nah, but this was actually a fair banning, (unlike the screenshots of mine they deleted!) It's just very surprising, considering how much steam doesn't care about regulating a whole lot of their site, and how stupid some of their bans have been, specifically for this game. I guess they just give free reign for devs to decide what content gets to be on their community page, so ban anything that does't make the game look good or like an overwatch clone. Can you tell I'm still salty about this?
I would have understood them banning this while it was at the top of the reviews, but why now? I guess it was inappropriate and deserving removal, unlike all the comments I received for it.
Anyway, review, and a ga
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