It just depends whether people attempt to share their differing opinions with rational logic or extreme rage.
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Your post was the definition of doing something amicably. You have nothing to feel bad for.
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Neither did I. I saw nothing insulting or ungrateful in his post.
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Are you saying I said more elsewhere? That I was a jerk elsewhere?
If I was I apologize, I tried to keep the same tone, and opinion, throughout the whole discussion.
What people don't get to see is that precious thread that you made that got deleted :)
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I'm going to say the same thing that I posted in the deleted thread.
I find it rather weird that moderator was so harsh and I'd say quite offensive towards you. You simply asked a question and while I do not agree with you (that user broke the rules, so a (at least a temporary) ban was fair) I don't see a reason for such behavior.
Anyway, thank you for this giveaway, I'm sure someone will be happy to try this game :)
In4 this thread gets deleted as well.
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I really appreciate what you are doing!
Thank you A TON for giving this away.
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It's people like you who keeps this website alive.
Thank you.
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I still have to play the Alpha Protocol I got from you properly, it's a huge game. When I get the time I'll do a super playthrough.
However this game caught my attention a while back and it really seems interesting, but I'm short at the moment, so thank you a lot for giving it out.
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Good luck man :) It won't be the first time I had one person win more than one giveaways of mine :)
One dude has won 3 of my giveaways, let's see if you can contest him!
I also haven't had a chance to play Alpha Protocol yet, hopefully I'll find a rainy day to do so :)
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Fine, for those of you who don't wanna figure out the riddle..
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I did count to 10 right now...didn't work. You know why? Mods get shit on constantly, the only reason the whole fight started was because someone was banned for breaking the rules and was honest about it. Then it started a whole "Well he shouldn't of been banned, that was mean! You are too strict" Sooo we gave up and I told the person how I felt. They didn't like it. Now, it is a pity party. I'm the bad guy, they were innocently yelled at.
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(Ah, everyone is really really friendly and relaxed. I guess that must be Christmas coming or something.)
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People were being banned for submitting Spacechem giveaways.
I had no problem with the giveaways being removed but I wasn't convinced that the members should be banned. I highlighted a situation where a person had a genuine extra copy and was banned even though he acted generously.
He broke rules he wasn't aware of. Take from that what you will.
In the end he was unbanned and the policy was changed up a bit (apparently Spacechem giveaways are allowed now). So it seems that I may have had a valid point? No mods have said anything to me on the matter other than I was wrong and am an "asshole" for debating the issue. There was also a thread created by one mod that got deleted... for reasons that they know :)
This giveaway is my token of gratitude for the site, not looking past on how I have been treated by the moderators.
To put it succinctly, if you have a suggestion for the site it better not reflect in any way on how it is moderated.
Comment has been collapsed. goddess. Please give me the patience and spare you from my wrath. 1. You called out a mod for doing their JOB.....2. The policy was changed BECAUSE of you and your white knighting because we don't want to deal with it. 3. Stop the pity party. I promised someone to not make you cry again but this is all I have to say and it is a lot nicer than what I wanted to say. The goddess has spared you from my unfaltering, undying, unforgiving wrath.
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:) One day we will be friends I think.
Please, if the policy was changed just to keep me from complaining... change it back. I made ONE thread about ONE dude I felt bad for. I wasn't going to make more. I replied in a couple because the previous ones got deleted.
Ellendi, change the policy back and let's leave it that way. Thank you.
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I can definitely understand why mods would get frustrated eventually. There are rules, if you break them then you get banned. Not reading the rules isn't a good enough reason to be protected. If you don't know the speed limit on a particular road, you will still likely get a ticket for going 20 over it.
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But the FAQ wasn't updated until after a lot of the people were banned:
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After reading the screencap of your thread I can say you're not an asshole, the other guy on the other hand... But yeah while Cult is right about differing opinions the way that guy expressed his makes him an asshole.
(Also I guess it's worth noting that depending on the situation I feel differing opinions can both be valid or only one being valid and one invalid, this is one of dual-validity to me)
But anyhow thanks for the giveaway!
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You didn't even read where this started, no one screencapped that (by the way...I'm a girl not a dude but thanks lol) Yes, lets make me the bad guy but you know what? I don't care, I told the person how I felt after they raged on Cult for banning someone for breaking the rules. You only know half the story and that is fine. I'm the bad guy, I yelled at poor little jesse and told them like it was. Sometimes, you people need to hear it after you constantly rag on the mods to do YOUR bidding. We don't get paid for this, we volunteer.
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I never "raged at Cult" ever, I made that one post after making a reply in his (now deleted) Sticky stating the policy on immediate bans for whoever submits a Spacechem giveaway. In that thread he and I reached an agreement even!
I think Cult would agree that I was not raging at him, only suggesting that maybe there was a grey area where someone had the best intentions in giving away their legitimate extra copy. Maybe you and he chatted about the issue though and he felt I raged... if that is the case, I do apologize to Cult for not being clearer (it was hard to keep track as the threads kept getting edited and eventually deleted). I also couldn't hop on Steam to discuss it with him at the time, which I would have preferred doing. I've always contended that I have the utmost respect and appreciation for what Cult does here, I just had ONE puny little nitpick regarding the massive ban wave this morning (there were a TON).
In the end the bans stopped and it can't have just been because I "raged"...
Further, the Spacechem giveaways are no longer being deleted which was never my goal or opinion.
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I don't really care if you yelled at him about it but you seem to be acting rather childish about it now...
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Why thank you, I work my ass off everyday for you people. So does Cult, Loko, and CG...what do we get? "Omg you guys are sooooo strict! Don't ban that guy!" or we get threatened and I don't mean no normal threats either, we get the "I hope you die in a fire. I hope someone comes to your house and rapes you, sets you fire, and pisses on your burning corpse" Yeah, we get that constantly from people who just LOVE us doing our job. Oh and my favorite "ADMIN ABUSE!" constantly when we ban, kick, get rid of rule breakers. Then we do something like ban someone who breaks the rules and we get the white knight going "Omg you are sooooo harsh" bullshit. You want to see childish, go talk to the hundreds of little children who start the crap to begin with. They CONSTANTLY try to tell us how to do what we are doing. CONSTANTLY, it is getting old. Stop questioning who we ban, we do it for a good reason. Like I said, you don't like it, make your own site.
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There you go again. I don't care about the banning or the scolding of jessej07. Being a mod is hard work. You are right. But it is this childish bickering over it now that makes you seem immature. Everybody involved seems to be trying to move past it but here you are, a moderator of this community, playing the blame game like a child.
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Ellendi, clearly this is the problem, you are confusing me with one of those people that you just described.
I made one complaint and I leveled it in a reasonable manner. I made no demands, I just asked questions.
I certainly have never threatened or wished anyone harm on this site... or anywhere really! I'm genuinely a nice guy, I think... at least I try to be, all the time. So please, recognize your feelings for the people that treat you like trash and then separate that from your feelings towards me; clearly I am not one of those peoples saying such hateful things. I never call "ADMIN ABUSE!" either, just this one time I asked if could reconsider the hasty banning of so many members in one morning (the morning Spacechem was added to the bundle).
I understand your frustration with people that say such vile things to you, but please acknowledge that I have never done so and we can just agree to disagree on this one topic, since it's the only discourse you and I have shared, and maybe we can share a mutual respect going forward from this point.
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Nobody ever says that. (Wo)Man up, you're behaving like a child. Not that it would matter if Cult took another day long exile to mope about Internet Problems, everything on this site gets accomplished at a piss poor pace, you're welcome for the alliteration, and I don't think you've ever bothered reaching out to people like, say, Echomateria, banthafodder, Arsenic, that dude whose name I forget who comments on every giveaway, to lend a hand with moderation and admin duties. But you do act like a baby! Good for you!
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I'm going to have to side with Ellendi on one thing. Being a moderator is a hard, thankless task. I don't think asking people in the forums for help is really an option unless they are planning on adding new moderators. And I sure as hell don't want anything to do with that, nor do I have any business even thinking I should.
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Until a few months ago, I was a moderator with administration duties on a forum, not as active as Steamgifts, certainly, but needing constant attention nonetheless. I would never have even thought of having a breakdown like the one we're witnessing before us, because I'm an adult with thick skin.
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Let's just shut this down now, if Ellendi has any more points to make she can talk to me on Steam and I will profusely apologize for the confusion. No need to drag this on and get anyone else upset, called names, or bothered.
I really don't want this thread to get deleted, so lets change the subject.
Please, let's talk about the game here instead (see the posts below!)
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I can certainly agree with you on the childishness of this whole ordeal.
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I don't have much to say anymore, I am done with it. I wasn't acting childish, I want you people to know what mods like Cult deal with every day. But all of you, feel free to add me. I don't bite(hard that is). I am actually a sweet person, I just don't take people hurting those who do hard work, lightly.
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Yeah, as I say on the giveaway page the game really creeps me out! I've played it some more though and it is so well executed. It is random each time so there is a lot of replay-ability to that but I do agree the subtly disturbing imagery is hard to reconcile :)
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Don't feel like a jerk, because you are clearly not. That mod clearly can't handle being a mod or was having a bad day, hopefully the last.
If you are a mod, you set the rules, you choose how they should be upheld and if you get constructive criticism, you listen. If you get threats and childish behavior, your simple ignore/ban them. If you can't handle being a mod because of the "stress"/conflicts it involves, then don't be a mod, find somebody who can handle it.
You can't expect to run/mod a site like this and don't be involved in conflicts. Again if you can't handle it, find somebody who can.
Cheers :)
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This isn't the first time that someone expressing their opinion has been 'bullied' (I do mean to use that term loosely) and despite being quite fond of our mods - yes, even Cult ;) - I hate to say that I have witnessed this same 'bullying' by mods. Now to elaborate on my use of the word 'bullying', users can be very opinionated and they are entitled to their opinion just as much as 'the antagoniser', but some people do get carried away. As for the mods, they are usually very friendly and I know they have the sites best interests at heart, but I have witnessed some very heavy handed tactics by mods.
So, users should be participating in the forums and at least reading the rules in them, but with no terms and conditions on signing up/creating a giveaway it is actually the fault of the site, not the user, if rules written in the forum are broken.
Looking at this from both sides I agree that the mods have to set examples if rules are flouted, but before I believe they have a justifiable right to do so I think the rules need writing into the application process or the create a giveaway process - if they have been added since I joined, I wasn't aware of this.
And as a disclaimer, I truly hate seeing the Humble Bundles in the list of giveaways whilst the Bundles are still live, I understand some people cannot buy them... ask a friend... I understand you can pay a measly amount and get a load of points for it... but you're taking away from charities and the developers in doing so.
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Thanks for expressing your concerns. We do read the forums and at least one of us is typically active in chat. We take the reports of bullying seriously, but we try not to be heavy handed.
As for the FAQ, cg mentioned previously that he has been working on a way of seamlessly implementing a new "accept" screen when a user registers. The screen will be the Site Rules/FAQ. This has been on the agenda previously, but the site exploded and other several issues required immediate attention.
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294 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by OwieczkaDollyv21
189 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by BlazeHaze
375 Comments - Last post 10 hours ago by AnonymousBroccoli
47,195 Comments - Last post 12 hours ago by Mhol1071
49 Comments - Last post 13 hours ago by OneManArmyStar
19 Comments - Last post 15 hours ago by FranEldense
49 Comments - Last post 18 hours ago by RileyHisbert
55 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by CheMan39
57 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by CheMan39
219 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by T3bl4CK
10,853 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by JMM72
200 Comments - Last post 41 minutes ago by hyrokey
613 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Mamee
1,470 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Csiki
I thought I was doing something nice earlier, see: here, but it seems most people think I was trying to be a "white knight" and disrespectful to the moderators. I honestly didn't know any better... I don't know the guy who got banned and I don't know if he's actually a bad guy exploiting the site or just a dude trying to give back. I thought I could help improve the system of a site I really appreciate, thought I could help moderators that I really do respect, and thought I could help members who I thought maybe got (or might get) the raw end of some quick judgement. All I got was a deleted thread and a feeling of not being welcome anymore.
So maybe a game can buy me back into the good graces of some of you who think I'm an asshole now :)
The "X" in the giveaway is meant to be the last part for you to figure out, but it turns out it is actually an X in the giveaway so there is no riddle to solve here :)
Please don't share the link, let's have this be exclusively for forum readers/posters/lurkers.
Thanks guys, good luck!
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