The worst fanbase belongs to...
Star Citizen fanboys.
They act lik the unfinished, buggy and barely functional tech demo is already the best thing ever, they are naive beyond (sure they will remove P2W microtransactions after release, sure...) any reason and believe Roberts is the savior of gaming.
They will defend every single worst and best about it with ferocity not found in people who are actually paid to do it.
PS: Audio in that game SUCKS. Lasers sound like they were from a cartoon and ships have no oomph at all. Sue me.
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I voted on FNAF. I liked the game myself and liked to think about possible theories, but I feel like there's this group of people who is defending it no matter what, not to mention others who are making incredibly stupid and pointless videos just to make money out of it (10 things about Cupcake... Come on). Also weird, weird stuff... Considering that animatronics are possessed by children all sex fanfics are just ... ugh. I haven't encountered anything like that about Undertale, but I don't have twitter, tubmlr or whatever else, so... It explains it I guess XD.
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I can just recommend you to stay safe and do everything you can not to get in touch with the Undertale fanbase then hahah
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Wydaje mi się (pozwól, że polecę po polsku, będzie łatwiej XD), że to jest dość mocno umiejscowione w grze, zwłaszcza w drugiej części. Nawet jeśli brać pod uwagę ostatnie rewelacje Scotta, że to wszystko sen dzieciaka, nadal wyobraża on sobie kogoś, kto wpycha do strojów dzieci.
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A nie zdaje Ci się, że istnieje pewna korelacja między GT i Scottem? GT tworzy bazę pod jakikolwiek lore, Scott w następnej części wykorzystuje elementy historii, którą tworzą praktycznie sami fani, a dodatkowo dorzuca coś nowego od siebie, co ma dodać "tajemnicy" i zapewnić materiał na kolejny filmik dla kanałów jak GT, które zapewniają mu jeszcze większy rozgłos.
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Mam dokładnie inne wrażenie - z racji tego, iż pierwsza teoria GT oscylowała wokół porównania FNAF do morderstwa jakie wydarzyło się w USA, zgodnie z tym co twierdzisz Scott powinien dać jakieś dowody wskazujące na to, jednak dwójka dała zupełnie inny zestaw dowodów i wątków. Dopiero wtedy powstała na GT teoria o dzieciach. Mam wrażenie, że Scott zmierza w innym kierunku - ilekroć ktoś rozgryzie to, co stworzył, stara się od nowa "zaskoczyć" i wprowadzić jakieś coraz bardziej zagmatwane wątki, żeby historia zawsze miała ten smaczek zaskoczenia, ale ostatnie dwie części pokazują, że idzie mu to coraz gorzej. Po prostu - wszystko ciekawe co w tym świecie było już się wyczerpało. Jego desperackie próby stworzenia czegoś jeszcze bardziej zaskakującego doprowadziły do najbardziej miernego wyjaśnienia wszech czasów - że to tylko sen dziecka, co wynika akurat dość jasno z jego własnych słów.
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Przyznam się uczciwie, że zdążyłam zapomnieć, przy okazji, której części powstała jaka teoria, więc tu moja wina. ;-; Generalnie chodziło mi tu bardziej o ogólny model tworzenia lore'u FNaFa, niż o samą konkretną historię. Scott zauważył, że zdobywa zainteresowanie internetów, więc postanowił nieco brnąć w podawanie mocno oszczędnych informacji, czekając aż fandom dopowie sobie resztę. To, że później się mocno w tym pogubił to już inna kwestia.
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Zgadzam się częściowo, aczkolwiek nadal uważam, że zrobił całkiem dobrą robotę dawkując informację i przerzucając ciężar tworzenia teorii na fanów ;). Świetne dla podtrzymania zainteresowania dość powtarzalną w swej naturze grą. Lecz, jak to często bywa - przesadził. Za bardzo chciał utrzymać tę aurę tajemniczości i zaskoczenia, dementując każdą kolejną teorię, aż wreszcie doszedł do ściany i nie bardzo miał jak wybrnąć. Mam wrażenie, że tak samo 4 część, jak była reklamowana, miała opowiadać o ugryzieniu z 87 roku, ale że słusznie wytknięto mu brak realizmu, szybko chwycił się innej daty, która gdzieś się tam przewinęła i kurczowo starał się dorobić jeszcze inną historię. Mam wrażenie, że sam już dostrzega opadające zainteresowanie stąd brak planów co do 5 i przerzucenie uwagi na FNAF World.
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No CS GO or Dota 2 ?
Well between those poll options, LoL has it worst. They're seriously toxic and really, really stupid. CoD fanbase is full of children and they just hang on CoD forums/pages so I don't care about them. But I'm sick of seeing retarded LoL fans randomly commenting about LoL on some game post which has nothing to do with LoL.
Your game is bad, your fanbase is bad, you're bad.
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When Dota 2 is bad, that is one of the worst. I think there are extremely toxic people in every game and Dota makes that exceptionally worse for three reasons. You are confined to the game with them for on average 45-50 minutes; there are very few other games that match or exceed that amount of time to be in one gaming session with up to 9 random people. The ease of use of voice chat in Dota in all levels of play. The long down times and slower points throughout the game coupled with extremely long respawn times near the conclusion of the match; the ability to carry on dialogue in Dota is rarely hindered by the gameplay making it easy to berate someone at every point in the match.
This is all solved with the mute button which then adds it own problems.
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I couldn't agree more. When it's bad, it's DELETE THE DOTA bad. But the MMR system and the new report system works fine, everyone tries to win and tries to play better. But still even that %1 terrible games are enough reasons to delete Dota from your life.
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I have played CS:GO. It is a bad community at times too. If you read what I said, I didn't say Dota was the worst, I said it was one of the worst. CS:GO fits the same formula as I stated for Dota, except for a bit more open speaking interruptions via the game and gameplay itself.
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It's a tie to me between FNaF and Sonic. Sonic's the longest standing and most consistent cringe of a fanbase, but FNaF's explosion of popularity and sheer amount of cringe in such a short time combined with the fact that the games are actually simple as fuck with 1st grade plot, yet these kids treat it like it's the next Zodiac Killer mystery.....eugh.
Don't really understand the Undertale hate, it's just a good game that got popular which will prob die down halfway through the year. Toby himself said he just wants it to die and be remembered as just a good game.
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I can understand that, but can't the same be said about say, the Dr. Who or Sherlock fandom?
People need to worship their golden cow, just depends on the flavor.
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I'm not saying that, I'm just saying all fandoms tend to have those extremists, Undertale's is just the current seasonal flavor to bash on it seems.
and you know you've wanted to...
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Any popular FPS with strong online competitive aspects. Quake Live is probably the sanest, but the users are also a bit snobbish when it comes to comparing the old game to the newer kiddie shooters.
Any MOBA. Any.
Bethesda fanboys except the very old Morrowind-only guard. I mean just go to the FO4 forums on Steam. The CoD ones will seem mild and mature in comparison.
I would say Blizzard, but that is just my personal aversion. (I really don't think they are a good game developer. At all.) Their fans are, objectively, quite nice.
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1v1 me at the sun bro :P
One of my favorite stories is still the one where some Russians were conjuring up a plan to cut the power to someones house in real life to ensure their titan account would disconnect(back when there was no 'safe' logoff mechanics).
Eve longest standing abusive relationship.
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Where is PAYDAY 2?
I mean.. what kind of fanboy you have to be to defend their microtransactions policy xD
Kicking out new peoplne during free weekend ("play with other noobs").
Kicking out just before finish of the heist ("thanks for game, now get out xD").
I have encountered this fanbase only during free weekend but it was enough for me to change my mind about buying game.
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And that's what I'm talking about xD
So... If I'm new to game I should buy 4-pack and give 3 copies to random people so they could play with me?
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Thanks mr. obvious. I have nearly 150h in PD:The heist so i kinda know how to play :)
I wasn't joining public games on lvl 1. I knew the maps already and just wanted to have some fun in co-op (as bots totally sux). Still kicking was instant, or we played whole heist and I was kicked just before ending. Also PUBLIC game is about playing with random people. If you wanna play with friends only - make friends only lobby, not kick everybody that you want without reason.
Also about the team - am I supposed to create my team before playing the game? I had team in first PD and we have done all achievements together - and they all were people that I met in game. Random people who liked this game, were nice to each other and just wanted to have some fun. In the meantime after few public games I was sure that people playing PD2 are mostly assholes xD (or they just act like that during free weekend).
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Have you ever seen Sonic fan fiction? Go ahead, I dare you. And sorry in advance.
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I don't know, I don't really care about fanbases...
Probably I'd vote for Lol. The game's not so bad, the community is really really toxic.
You can't fuck up on that game, or else you will be the noob for the rest of the game.
You can't just justify yourself as "I'm sorry, I'm learning", that's the first thing to be labeled as a noob.
I played a lot of DotA maps on Warcraft 3 back in the days and unfortunately the DotA community there was shitty as well.
Also, thank you for the gibs! :3
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The only relatively sane fanbase I know of is for Unreal Tournament. But that may be because the more active part is playing a huge role in making he next one.
For an example of bad fanbase, the World of Warcraft fanbase was nice and schizophrenic when I was still playing years ago, About the only thing they didn't argue about was that the human character models sucked. That, and in-game, people were becoming obnoxious idiots who blame everyone except themselves when something goes wrong, without even looking at how things went wrong.
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So I was browsing Tumblr the other day, which most of the time is a really bad idea (expecially if you're in some kind of public place).
I saw things I didn't want to see. Things about Undertale. VERY weird and disturbing things about Undertale.
Now, I don't dislike the game at all - but I really can't stand the fanbase and all the fanfictions and fan art and all the overthinking around the game and its meaning and the protagonist sex (I mean come on, who cares).
I have to say I never went deep into other fanbases so I really can't give a proper answer, but based on current information (WHICH I DIDN'T ASK FOR BTW PLEASE STOP) I have to say the worst fanbase probably belongs to Undertale. It's absolutely nuts.
What do you guys think?
Funny stories and anecdotes about gaming fanbases are very welcome.
Also, mandatory giveaways (lv.1+)
Lumino City
Mushroom 11
Titan Souls
EDIT: Apparently I forgot some major annoying fanbases in the poll, just pretend they're there okay? <3
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