This has been known for a good while. Also poor keyboard support, GFWL. Bring out the pitchforks.
This is a real shame not for the game itself necessarily, but because this would have been a good chance to prove to publishers that the PC is a good place to develop for. Considering the way it's treated it will probably not sell all that well.
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As for you RehtiRepo there is plenty of other games that don't work well with pads..
Pure RPG's tend to fall short and being to simplistic with a pad im0.. some Action Adventures tends to shrine, its really a matter of how the game is made and how advanced the controls has to be :)
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As a matter of fact, no.
That's the first time that we know for sure that the game is locked at 30 FPS, and more importantly, than the resolution is upscaled. I mean, I think that's the first game to do that, even the shittiest of the shitty ports than have been released over the past few years at least rendered the game in the correct resolution.
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I actually didn't find it but I just did a quick search. if you try modding it you will see I'm right, the shadows for example are calculated for a smaller resolution then upscaled to your resolution, this makes things run smoother without looking too bad. But another example just came to mind: ARMA 2. In the options you can render the game in whatever resolution you want and then have it upscaled. This allows for the game to be rendered at a smaller resolution(runs better in weaker pc's) but the UI is still rendered at 1080p (makes the UI more crisp).
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Well.. its a matter of how many options and how advanced you want your game product too be. Console games with pads tend to be less advances in many ways (this is my opinion) and it limits alot, but on the other hand its much more user friendly for kids and familie use, not to talk about sports games where a pad really is better than keyboard and mouse.
If I really wanted to play DS and get the full expierence, then I would play it on a console tbh or with my pad (since thats how its meant to play) it would have been great with a similar style adventure rpg for PC (with more advanced controls etc) but I don't blame them for not going 100% in..
I am fairly sure that the only reason we see this game on PC is because "like TheRevanchist" said. there is a demand even with lousy controls :)
Personaly, I would never play anything other than sportsgames and AA thats meant for consoles on a console, but thats a matter of opinion and we all have them ^^
Be happy that Dark Souls is coming for PC.
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The answer to that is, officially: "We don't know how to port games to PC, but we don't have time to learn before we have to meet our shipping deadline for Dark Souls, sorry!" That's more or less exactly what the devs said, but with more words.
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They should learn form Remedy (Alan Wake) how a port should be made. Nothing is perfect, but Namco worked hard to make a horrible port (remember me the ones from PS2 years ago, full of problems).
And surely they will say, looking at the quite sure low sales caused by that port, that is all fault of piracy on PC <.<
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They should learn form Remedy (Alan Wake) how a port should be made. Nothing is perfect, but Namco worked hard to make a horrible port (remember me the ones from PS2 years ago, full of problems).
And surely they will say, looking at the quite sure low sales caused by that port, that is all fault of piracy on PC <.<
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Wasn't this a known fact ever since it was announced? The only reason they ported it to the PC was because people demanded it. Don't think they ever had the intention of bringing it to the PC hence the poor port.
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And as reward you have the PC elitists running around and complaining that the Game isn't optimized for the PC, has better graphics and uses the highend technology the PC offers.
Don't get me wrong, i am an exclusive PC gamer, but it really pisses me off when other PC gamers are upset if the Ports we get aren't any better than the Console. I rather have a game that runs as well as on a console, be stable and playable, than having no game at all.
I would have loved to play Red Dead Redemption on my PC, but considering the whining people do about Dark Souls, i can seriously understand why some companies don't give into it and just stick to the game they have developed. Its sad for PC gaming, but i think a large amount of the PC elitists are the worst enemies PC gaming has.
Complaining about a game not being ported, begging and crying for it, and when it is ported, we go ahead and complain how shitty it is.
If its stable and doesn't look worse than on the console, then seriously, who cares? I doubt the guys behind Dark Souls will do another port after all the flak they get for this one. And I can't even blame them.
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The thing is, you are part of the reason why we get shitty ports on the PC.
If they can simply throw out a shitty port and get away with it because "at least they can play it, and it doesn't look worse than on a console with outdated hardware, so everything is fine, isn't it?", why would they bother doing it better next time then? You guessed it, they wouldn't.
I don't want the PC to become a platform where we only get shitty ports that don't even exploit its most basic capabilities.
I would rather have less games, but of quality, than a shitload of lousy ports, thank you very much.
By the way, there have been recent examples of companies that did an awful porting job with a game, then everyone complained, and guess what, they improved significantly their next port. Which ones? Rockstar with Max Payne 3 (after GTA IV), and Volition with Saints Row 3 (after Saints Row 2).
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'I rather have a game that runs as well as on a console, be stable and playable, than having no game at all.'
Yes but they usually do not run well at all, have horrible UI and awful controls. There are some really, really abysmal ports, and the general state isn't bright either, yet they keep wondering why PC people won't draw to their games like flies to garbage.
Then somebody finds a piracy report and publisher slams some voodoo-curse-DRM to company the game that will most likely animate itself to life at night and eat your pets.
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The game runs terribly in some areas on the console. That's why many people wanted a PC version. Unlocking fps and allowing changeable native resolution costs nothing in terms of development time/cost. There are no excuses for features like this.
Most people aren't complaining that it's not coming in dx11 with super high quality textures, they just want the really basic things to be sorted.
PC has the capability of much more power than consoles and adding simple options like aa to take advantage really don't take a lot of time.
Buy the console version if you're happy chugging along at 15fps in some areas.
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Sad to hear. Didn´t follow up the hole process so i didn´t know the upscaling crap and so. (Shouldn´t it be 1280x720 ?!)
Well, WinterSale, maybe. Gonna watch some trailers and watch it closly before i decide then.
30 FPS isn´t bad for a game like that though. Many people don´t even see a difference between 30, 45 or 60.
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That comment again -.-
Please, before ever saying this again, go read some decent articles about this topic, watch videos (flash or whatever) in 24 fps and some in 45 or 60.
And please: stop spreading this nonsense around the internet! Can´t believe how many people still believe this...
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Probably something wrong with your eyes then. I can immediately notice a difference between a 24/29fps video and 60fps video. The 60fps looks a lot smoother and also "faster", if eyes aren't used to it.
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Please tell me you see a difference ;)
Well okay, depends on games too. Sure, Mario won´t make much difference between 24 and 60 i guess ^^
And yes, it´s approved there are people not seeing any difference. No clue why though, i´m no scientist and i lost the page about that.
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Now stop being silly.
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That's not how it works. You couldn't be more wrong.
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Read the RPS article. Even if its not the best port the game is still very good. Plus some problems have been fixed. So it runs better on pc than consoles, just not as good as it could have been.
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If they treat us as a second thought then I think anyone is in the right to be upset. I don't think no one deserves a more expanded game, just give the same amount of attention to one as you gave to another.
If they don't care about a proper port they essentially say they don't care about us and we are somehow beneath them.
Again, I do not want preferential treatment, I do not want to be given more than the others, just treat us with the same amount of respect.
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If you spit out half finished PC port, you better give it half finished price tag too.
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Badly made ports are worse than no port at all, to hell with them if they're not willing to put in even a little effort to actually make the game worth paying for.
GFWL was bad, but all this other nonsense they've pulled is going to make the port a loss of money for them, instead of making it.
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This just in! Found responsible for such a shitty PC port. More news at 11.
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The funny thing is that when the game won't sell much on PC (which probably will happen), they'll start crying about pirates and use it as an excuse to not make games on PC. I wonder who'll support the developers with a shitty port like this. I certainly won't.
Good games do sell on PC, crappy games don't. Simple as that.
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They've been going way out of their way to remind people regularly that it's not a good port however.
When even the developer is constantly telling you what it doesn't have, and how much it's missing... that's probably not a good sign.
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"B-but it's just a BETA!"
"B-but it's only just been RELEASED!"
"B-but it's only the first PATCH!"
It's not going to change much between now and release, and probably for the foreseeable future afterwards.
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It is not good that industry is in a state where they constantly try to ram trough lowest point of the fence and people still gobble up anything that is burgled out.
Gamers should demand more quality and just perhaps we could actually then receive it.
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Still not as bad as Saints Row 2 and I put 80 hours into that.
I think I can handle this even if its true,sucks a bit though...
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Guess i'll just buy the PS3 version then. You have disappointed me Namco. I was expecting a good game, not a crappy game. Sighs
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Hard to say. Lack of experience porting the assets and getting the engine to to run on Windows, low budget for the large amount of work required, low expectations for sales, etc.
I've also always felt that there's a noticeable lack of software developers in Japan who seem to be adept at working on Windows products. Either that or they're just incredibly fucking expensive and already hired by business software companies (which always pay better, anyway).
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tl;dr version: 30 FPS, upscaled resolution from 1024x720 (!!!).
I guess I will wait for the inevitable -75% off at the winter sale then.
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