I'm browsing through what they have. The first thing I found that I have watched is Tonari no Seki-kun. It has short episodes and it's pretty casual. Kind of funny. :P
I'll post more when I look more.
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better to watch it now then to wait, cuz in 10 years there will be 1400 episodes the author already stated there will be 10 more years before the manga ends its already on its like 16 years of actively being made.
best manga/anime ever created its up there with DBZ for sure
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One Piece is amazing, and the only long anime that isn't completely ruined by insane amounts of filler, looking at you Naruto, with two real life years of filler before the ending. lol
If you don't mind fan service, Monster Musume is fucking hysterical, despite the T&A
Death Note live action miniseries is in the drama section, not sure if what you have covers the drama section, but it's a great twist on the original, just small changes to the story here and there for some great surprises
Fairy Tail is quite good, it's getting to the really good parts of the manga soon in the newest episodes.
World Trigger is a great new anime, not that many episodes yet.
Ushio and Tora is another new one, really silly action show.
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I don't watch many anime, I'm more for manga..
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make sure you watch the real FMA, not the first one made where alfonse turns out to be a bomb. that version is bullcrap and never happens. but they accidently made the anime before the manga, and it messed up the anime.
you have to watch FMA brotherhood to see the real story that stays true to the manga. if you watched the first anime, just forget everything you watched cuz none of it happened in the manga after like 10 episodes you will see a giant difference
in the first one they made scar an enemy and bad guy. when he is one of the best allies in the series in the real story
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the first made one was an accident, they started the anime too soon when the manga came out. so after a few episodes they ran out of manga to make the anime story, you cant make an anime without the manga guideline and they started making thigns up and not knowing where they were going,
its not about brother hood being better, but being accurate and true to the story. the first FMA isnt canon, brotherhood is canon. its a big deal lol
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If you actually read the manga and want your anime to follow it precisely, sure. For those of us that never read manga but enjoy a good anime show here and there, FMA was a very good series, with the same basic characters but a rather different storyline than Brotherhood. Essentially the same as every comic book reboot ever, which many people enjoy.
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Then there are those of us who just love both plain donuts and cream filled donuts because they are donuts. In other words, both versions of FMA are great stories and I, personally, don't give a crap which one is considered "correct".
I also find it funny that you're labeling one as "truth" even though it's all fictional to begin with.
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Of course, but which is canon in this case, if the first anime was made before the manga? One could argue that the first anime is how things were supposed to be and they screwed the manga up when they diverged from the canon of the first anime.
At any rate, like I said, they're still both good stories and I'd wager 90% of the rest of the world doesn't care that one isn't "correct".
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I have to agree, I remember how much everyone adored the series before the rest of the manga even came out.
It doesn't matter which is right or wrong they are both critically acclaimed shows. If Brotherhood had never been released then I doubt he would be saying much beyond "but the manga is different" which is literally the most criticism I ever saw of the show 04/05 from "average joe anime fan".
If anything Brotherhood had an advantage to go ahead and build on top of the existing framework and fanbase. You build up my expectations things can end badly! :s
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High sugar foods.... as an example... of something good. :)
If its gotta be doughnuts though, it has to be jam!
Cream makes me sick and I heard in America cream isn't even guaranteed to be real cream. :(
That and you put carrot juice in your cheddar or something equally silly. xD
Each to their own. haha
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GURREN LAGANN!!!!! I personally have yet to meet anyone who doesn't enjoy it, but it may not be your cup of tea. No harm in checking it out though :D
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I don't know anything about anime but thanks for the nice train!
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Ok, I looked more, and it seems there are different animes for different regions, so maybe I might not have access to everything you have there.
So, I couldn't find anything I would definitely recommend, but here are 2 I watched a couple episodes, and I liked what I watched:
Also, there's this one I've heard good things about, but no idea:
And here, if you're into japanese RPGs... Maybe... :P
About the Loot Crate, too bad it doesn't work here in Brazil. :(
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Why can the loot crate not be for the loot i really want for a free gaming stuff i am not to big into anime or any of that stuff or magna
Either way here is a bump for the share
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Install popcorn time and save yourself the trouble.
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296 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by GeekDoesStuff
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115 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by wigglenose
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18 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by makki
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914 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by rufioh
1,598 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Ingrid88
I decided to take advantage of Crunchyrolls get a free LootCrate when you subscribe to the 30 day trial.
So now I have 30 days of premium animes and no clue what to watch.
I had a look at the most popular, the first being Naruto which I have 0 interest in.
The second was Food Wars. So I thought, eh why not only to discover this show started out with a girl orgasming over food and then being molested by a squid. Not my cup of tea. :s
It's been a while since I've watched anime so I'm really out of the loop.
Shows I remember enjoying: Mushishi, Nana, InuYasha, Cowboy Bebop, Azumanga Daioh, pretty much everything Ghibli. There's more but it really has been a while.
So anyone got any recommendations? It doesn't have to be anime, crunchyroll seems to have a bunch of other stuff.
If others were interested in the free lootcrate deal, here's the reddit link I found it on:
If this isn't allowed I'll remove it. O_O
And a train for those who are addicted to the +1
Lvl 2-5, ends 9th Sept.
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