I would just give it away through the raffles, but it's a GameStop key, and thus can't be used on Steam. So instead, I'll do it this way: The first person to guess my favorite game to date gets the key. The rules are as follows:

1) Each post may ask ONE question which may be answered in a yes/no manner, AND make ONE guess as to what the game is. Any posts which ask more than one question or have one than one guess will be ignored.

2) You may make as many posts as you want, but you must wait for two things between posts: A) I must answer your first post before you can make another and B) At least one other poster (not counting myself) must have asked a question and/or made a guess before you can post again.

Not too complicated, right? Good luck!

EDIT: Most of you seem to be missing the fact that you're allowed to ask a yes/no style question as well as the game. For example, you might ask "Is your favorite game available on Steam?" to which I would answer "No.", and you'd use that to make your next guess more educated than your last. Kind of like twenty questions.

Questions answered thus far:

Q: Is it a Wii game?
A: No, it is not a Wii game.

Q: Itยดs a Square-Enix game?
A: No, it's not. Neither is it made by either of the companies that eventually merged to make Square-Enix.

Q: Is it on PC?
A: Not unless you count emulators.

Q: Is it an RPG?
A: Yes, it is an RPG.

Q: Was the game on the SNES?
A: No, it wasn't on the SNES/SFC.

Q: It's a 90s-2000 game?
A: No, it was not released during the 90s.

Q: Was the game on the Nintendo 64 or Playstation 1?
A: No, neither of those platforms.

Q: Does it involve pokemon?
A: No. Though on an unrelated note, I'm currently playing through Pokemon Conquest.

Q: Does the game feature in the Zelda series?
A: Nope, not in the Zelda series.

Q: Is the game an MMORPG?
A: No, it's a single-player RPG.

Q: The original game belongs to the 5th or greater generation console?
A: Yes, the franchise was started in the fifth generation or later.

Q: was your game made after 1990
A: Yes, it was released 1991 or later.

Q: It's a well known game?
A: Debatable... It has a strong following, but it's not the sort of game you hear everyone talking about. Most non-gamers probably wouldn't recognize it if you named it to them.

Q: Is it from an exclusive franchise?
A: If by "exclusive franchise" you mean a franchise that's only available on a particular company's systems, then yes. If not, please rephrase the question.

Q: Is the game by Game Arts?
A: No, it's not.

Q: Is it a Dreamcast game?
A: No.

Q: Does it feature a post-apocalypstic setting?
A: No.

Q: Is the game in the Final Fantasy franchise?
A: No.

Q: Is it a game made by a Japanese developer?
A: Yes.

Q: Is it a Playstation(2/3) game?
A: No.

And KrossX wins! My favorite game to date is Baten Kaitos: Origins for the Nintendo GameCube. Add me on Steam and I'll send you the code through their chat client.

1 decade ago*

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Is it a Playstation(2/3) game?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Was it ever released in Europe?

1 decade ago

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No, it wasn't.

1 decade ago

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Deus Ex Human Revolution

1 decade ago

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Is the game part of a series?

1 decade ago

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Yes, there are at least two games in the franchise.

1 decade ago

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Diablo III

1 decade ago

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star ocean

1 decade ago

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What iteration in the franchise is it?

1 decade ago

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Yes or no questions only.

1 decade ago

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Then give more yes or no answers.

1 decade ago

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Baten Kaitos!

Is it a Gamecube game?
(I'm running out of emulators)

1 decade ago

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Close enough: Baten Kaitos: Origins!

1 decade ago

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Heh, nice.

1 decade ago

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Yay! How nice is the game? I've only heard about it. (in bug reports)

1 decade ago

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Well, let me put it this way: It's the only RPG I've played where I had fun even when grinding for random drops.

Unless you're asking about RIFT... In that case, you'll have to tell me, I've never actually played it.

1 decade ago

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Hitman Series?

1 decade ago

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tales of symphonia

1 decade ago

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Diablo 3 , is it a steam game?

1 decade ago

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maybe Trine series

1 decade ago

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some of Edler Scroll?

1 decade ago

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Blue Dragon?

EDIT: Didn't see it was over already :P Congrats to the winner though!

1 decade ago

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who won?

1 decade ago

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KrossX did.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by MarioFanaticXV.