found this one today:

wondering if it comes with steam keys or not, probably not, anyone knows a bit more about it?

8 years ago

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Nope, no keys. It's DRM-Free, it says so in the left of the page.

8 years ago

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humble bundles are DRM-free and still have steam keys. just saying they aren't mutually exclusive. but yeah, seing that line also lead me believe there would be no steam keys involved.

8 years ago

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I know what you're saying, though usually there's a little Steam icon on HB games that are redeemable on Steam, and a mention if they (also) come DRM-free.
Good thing these guys confirmed it and we didn't have to wait for someone to pay 20$ (or 2) for the bundle to find out. xD

8 years ago

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If it only says DRM-free, it's DRM-free only. ;)

8 years ago

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There are no Steam keys, confirmed by an rep on Reddit.

I guess "being good" stops when it starts cutting into your profits.

8 years ago

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Don't understand why everyone wants to have their own platform/client.

8 years ago

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clearly they think they can do it better :)

or want in on the action.

8 years ago

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I mean, have you seen Steam's active subcriber numbers?

But, you're right, of course. That's what this is really about. Putting up the craziest bundle ever to promote their client... So much for "combating ugliness".

8 years ago

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Steam is a direct competitor to, why would they give steam keys?
Besides, that's up to the game developers, not is a far superior alternative to Steam, besides, since every developer can choose how much % they give to, and all the site is open source.
Steam constantly shoves things into consumers, they push their own agenda (VR is the most notable case, pushing their VR headset while I don't want it and never asked for it or those games) and they start stuff and never finish it, like Steam Music.

I strongly recommend getting the itch client which is awesome (it even comes with a sandbox mode for security).

8 years ago

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Itch already has a distribution system for Steam keys. Shouldn't you be aware if you're such a fan? The developer has an option to check that and the store page will say "Your purchase comes with a Steam key" if they do. It sounds highly unlikely that all 35 or whatever developers who do usually give out Steam keys all refused for this bundle.

8 years ago

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Besides, that's up to the game developers, not

I'm not aware of how this bundle started, but if I were one of them, I'd totally NOT provide steam keys and to show support and awareness for The whole idea is to get more people in there.

8 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. is an open source superior alternative to Steam. Steam shoves things into consumers without asking, and barely taking any feedback. In, you can get into github and raise a ticket.

Also, doesn't force a 30% cut of every sale, if you're a developer you can put it down to 0% and keep all the profits.

And what's more important, they are open, instead of Steam which tries to constantly force a monopoly, though they're starting to lose to gog or Origin (and when they reach critical mass).

8 years ago

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How much are you paid for your posts in this thread?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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thanks for the info

8 years ago

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I can also 100% confirm you don't get any Steam keys. I got the bundle refunded because of this.

It is kinda confusing, you can look on their website for Steam games and find games with a notice that you can buy the game in a bundle. Never is there any notice that then it excludes the Steam keys.

I have to say however that their support helped me out within an hour, although a shame that they didn't used my feedback and put a simple sentence like Excludes Steam keys or something. Would have saved allot of questions here, reddit and where not.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Also, all the games at the $2.00 level are available directly as PWYW on, meaning you can get them all free without buying the bundle.

8 years ago

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This is one of the best bundles ever, and all payments (100%) go to charity.

It's for a good cause, give them your money! They already raised 75K!

8 years ago

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Damn, this is a great bundle. A shitton of good stuff here, especially if you're really into indie stuff (like I am).

I will mention that several of the games in the $2 tier and at least one game in the $8 tier (the tabletop game, the download is a handbook) are normally free/PWYW. And not all of them are games; there's some assets as well.

That said, why would people assume that this comes with Steam keys? The page doesn't say anything about Steam keys, and the majority of the games in the bundle aren't even on Steam. Unless the page says that you get Steam keys, I'd assume that they're DRM-free only.

I will say that for the few games in the bundle that are on Steam, if the page for the game says that you get a Steam key with your itch purchase, you may be able to email the developer (NOT itself) using the address attached to your itch account and they might provide a key for you if you bought this bundle. But it's up to each developer whether they're willing to do that or not.

8 years ago

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Found that devs/publisher of Four Sided Fantasy would "be happy" to send a free Steam copy with purchase of A Good Bundle, just email them. Good guys!
Says so here:

Perhaps others might do the same, check the individual game pages.

8 years ago

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inb4 checking 999 game pages

8 years ago

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Received an email with nice update. Steam keys were added for
• Orion Trail
• Expand
• Death Ray Manta SE

And they are reaching out to developers to see if more will be added. Also, the following have been added to your bundle:
• Nuclear Throne at $20.00
• Desktop Dungeons OST at $20.00
• Super Meat Boy! - Digital Special Edition Soundtrack at $20.00
• The Binding of Isaac OST at $20.00
• Lew Pulsipher's Doomstar at $20.00
• Space Age at $8.00
• Ramblings at $8.00
• Bleed at $8.00
• Ego of Epimetheus at $8.00
• Legend of Moros at $8.00
• Trawl at $8.00
• Among the Sleep at $8.00
• Dullahan at $8.00
• void ghosts{} at $8.00
• outline at $8.00
• Space Gardener at $8.00
• Hungover
• Femur Fever
• Hope's Peak
• birdsong
• Roguelight
• Sandstorm

8 years ago

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Thanks a lot for the bump! I almost forgot this one (still 3 hours left if someone wants it).

8 years ago

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thanks for the info

8 years ago

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