Alright, time for an edit I guess.

First, I should say that may grammar may not be good since English is not my first language and I maybe because I'm 17 years old. (18 after 12 days!!!)

Second, I love putting "," there and there, it may be inappropriate but still, I will put it.

And now, before this edit I was pretending to be begging and actually I was hidden a puzzle. Some people took it wrong and since I get sad so easly, this made me sad. Any time I join to a community and make a thread, there are people that makes me sad. But I get it, this is the internet, there will be , and should be people do disagree with me/with my opinion. But I will try to make you understand where I'm coming from.

If I happen to be create a thread with title ashdashdkasjdhasdlashjd in general category and asldhnasıldjasdas as in description, it would be closed instantly. But if I create the same topic in puzzle category and I hid a link the gibberish than it would be OK. Now, I don't think anyone took me serious after seeing the description. But if you did, and blacklisted me, I'm glad you blacklisted me because I don't want to win a game from a person like you in the future. Also, for the record I already have Magicka. Just for the record.

Also, I know I didn't do something good by giving away a game that cost me like, I don't know, 30 cents? Maybe I should traded it for something in the future. But I'm not able to gift games normally because of the region lock. And normally I can't spend my money on other sites since it's not my money but my parents. But this time, I was able to pay 2.5 dollars for a bundle because, well, it was cheap and there were games I'd like to play. And I already had Magicka. So why shouldn't I take this opportunity and finally give a game to other people.

I feel like I took so much of your time already so I'm finishing it.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. And I don't want to change category now. So I'm creating a new puzzle and giving the link directly to it, just a second...

'ere you go!

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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Since this is the only way I can hope to get attention from people:


But hey, maybe OP don't give no f's.

9 years ago

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i think OP is a nice guy :P

9 years ago

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it has been said many times that even joke begging can get you suspended

9 years ago

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I'm pretty sure I can say anything (I mean, not anything but you know, most of the things) since this is a puzzle thread. This isn't even a joke, it's just random words leading you to a puzzle link. Also, I'm probably going to edit one of my comments like 5-15 minutes before the giveaway ends to give more people chance, keep that in mind if people!

9 years ago

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No, you can't.

I have seen several people get temp suspensions for "joke begging" in the past.

9 years ago

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The real dumb dumb is the one pretending to break the rules. What did you think was going to happen?

9 years ago

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It was really only the title that was bad; the actual OP comment was totes obvy to be a puzzle.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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Pretty simple puzzle ....

9 years ago

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What can I say, I'm a simple guy

9 years ago

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Simple is good too and a more challenging one would make it more fun, yeah ?

9 years ago

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And yet, I still managed to got it wrong

9 years ago

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Persevere ! There is a pot of gold at the end, young laddie !

9 years ago

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I don't event want this game, I just want to solve the puzzle.
It looks so simple but I don't get the right answer.

9 years ago

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Exactly my feelings when I see a puzzle :)

9 years ago

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ha, finally solved it, easy but I was not trying the right thing ^^

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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*cough cough*
oh noes, you can't "beg" here *cough cough* it's against the rules...
*insert legit mad face here*

9 years ago

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Have a bump for solved (have the game, can't resist puzzles XD)

9 years ago

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Yeah, Puzzles are irresistible :P

9 years ago

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same here ;)

9 years ago

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+1. Damn puzzles

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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kanka olayı çözemedim ama bana gönder kafire gitmesin :d

9 years ago

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komik mi bu şimdi?

9 years ago

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komik olsun diye mi yazdım yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaam bedava oyun peşindeyim sana ne oluyor AQ

9 years ago

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insan olamadan yazmayı mı öğrendin? tam müzelikmişsin haberimiz yokmuş.

9 years ago

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özr dlerm abi :s

9 years ago

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Came here to write you'll probably get on some blacklists.

Read and now I'm sad to report there will still be people who will blacklist you, only for title :(

9 years ago

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Tried to do this; already backfiring on me.

9 years ago

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solved, thank you for the puzzle :) (already own this game)

9 years ago

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Bloody hell, why do I keep visiting this thread when I suck at puzzles XD. Doesn't help I've been up all night working :P.

9 years ago

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Should i be mad? D:

9 years ago

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I took the title from one of the user's steam profile description, it goes like this: My Wish Is the Gmod And If Anyone Can Gift Me
I don't know why but it's been always funny to me, I still laugh at it sometimes. Aand I wasn't very creative since this is my first puzzle. But new time title won't be gib game pls. Promise!

9 years ago*

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Can i still put a grumpy face? :3

9 years ago

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I would be sad if you don't! Don't keep it inside

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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The second I saw that quote I thought you were that guy. However, I could have sworn that I've seen you talk properly before, so I got really confused.

9 years ago

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:) RIP cryalone

9 years ago

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RIP in peace 2014-2015

9 years ago

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I recognised the quote straight away. It stuck in my head too cos it made me laugh. That kid was a total legend! :)

9 years ago

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Lolwut, no puzzle, no poll. Are you begging? Because I get some mixed vibes from the comments. Yeah, and I bought the wrong bundle as well, I want GTAV. many sad, much loss.


9 years ago

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There is a puzzle, also if you check my profile you can see I already have Magicka.

9 years ago

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Okay, this was a troll only for the connoisseurs of trolling. :D
There are people that are acting the exact same way so I thought this was legit, only when I found the hidden poll I was like "This can't be real".
Good one!

9 years ago

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Pretending to break the rules isn't smart or funny. In fact you've probably already gotten several reports for suspected begging. That just creates more problems for support, and ultimately more problems for you. There are literally thousands of more appropriate ways you could have hidden your puzzle.

9 years ago

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From one of my comments from above : I'm pretty sure I can say anything (I mean, not anything but you know, most of the things) since this is a puzzle thread. This isn't even a joke, it's just random words leading you to a puzzle link.

9 years ago

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From one of my comments from above: Pretending to break the rules isn't smart or funny. In fact you've probably already gotten several reports for suspected begging. That just creates more problems for support, and ultimately more problems for you. There are literally thousands of more appropriate ways you could have hidden your puzzle.

9 years ago

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Even though this is in the puzzle category, the rules still apply. Not everyone will notice the category and people will just blindly report away, creating more work for the support staff. People get suspended for joke begging so it's always better to err on the safe side.

I get that you were trying to hide your puzzle in a funny way, but you should find different ways to troll in the future. :P

9 years ago

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gerçek troll'lük bu değil. hem bizi öyle ayaküstü affedersin şey etmeye kalk, hem de millet "n'oluyoruz?" diye tepki gösterince "vurmayın. tamam, puzzle bu.". yoh öyle.

9 years ago

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OP- Right now there are literally pages upon pages of Magicka GA's. I want the game too, but have lost literally HUNDREDS of GA's for it. EVERY GA I see for it, I enter. It takes time. Learn patience, young padawan.

Also, NEVER think you are going to win. Makes the disappointment easier. :P I know I'll never win one. >_<

9 years ago

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I registered like a month ago. The first day I registered was like this:

Oh shit free games?! I'm in, let's enter dem gibways.

Then I woke up in the morning, checking the site, and seeing I have not won anything. Then I had a thought: It should be about karma! I should comment thanks in order to win!

Like you guessed, nothing happened.

Now I entered nearly 1k giveaways. And now I know that there is a little possibility to win a game. So now I know how to win games, by begging!!! (Please don't take it serioulsy) (PLEASE)

9 years ago

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It's kay, I hit about 1.2k before I won my first, and it was from a giveaway with 9 entries :P

9 years ago

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I'm bad at puzzle, here's Magicka:

9 years ago

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Have a bump, mayne

9 years ago

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Op seems like a nice guy. Please don't be retarded by blacklisting him. Read the description, would you kindly?

9 years ago*

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