Congrats! It's always satisfying to see your backlog shrink :)
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Nice! Many congrats! I can feel what its like!! ❤❤❤
Very happy for you. Enjoy :)
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Can agree. SteamDeck also helped me deal with some of the backlog.
Especially some indie titles or side scrollers etc.. all in all games I wouldn't usually play feel different on a handheld.
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wait until you run into the massive amount of steamdeck bugs
such fun....
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gotta ask
trying to have real discussion
add something of value or leave
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Sorry if I didn't express myself clearly enough by writing "meaningful issues".
Let's see which concerning issues you found to complain about:
Yeah, I also experienced that I couldn't return to my game from sleep mode. It happened maybe once this year. Terrible.
And I'm aware that the media UI is insufficient and only allows to delete screenshots one by one. The horror.
And the keyboard that I didn't have to use in ages could also be better. Disturbing.
Summed up the Steam Deck is a nightmarish experience and you were totally right to react to the joys of a new owner by suggesting a massive amount of fun killing bugs would await them.
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theres a reason steam doesnt do store pages/reviews for its products anymore
not being able to come out of sleep mode for some games
screen shot appears in next screen shot you take
cant leave desktop mode sometimes
cant log into steam online if you started offline without full reset
sticks wear out fast, i mostly bluetooth my xbox controller
audio coming out of deck and not headphones for a game. only fix is in desktop mode but you cant really do shit without mouse and keyboard
cant view screen shots offline even if you just took them
cant delete 2 screen shots at once and every deleted screen shot sends you back up to the top to start over with the delete process..... i have not tried in desktop mode yet but my screen shots are building up
some games DONT give out achievements well offline on deck. only on deck, not pc
some games DONT give out RANDOM ASS achievements well online/offline on deck. will 100% games and be missing 3 random ass ones for things you have no way to miss. last game i played was The Outer Worlds and im missing at least 7. i dont have Welcome to Halcyon!!!! the one 97% of people have.
when playing offline and going online ALL achievements are unlocked at the exact time time stamp as if cheated....
keyboard not working or showing up when needed
thats off the top of my head
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saved controls not working
coming out of sleep mode with screen password protected into a black screen with audio still being in tact. have not found a fix for this outside of full reset. the password submit screen wont show up at all for some games. One Piece Odyssey was the last one i had this problem. every single time i went into sleep mode with my deck password protected.
games where you can mostly play on the deck but need touch screen to press OK for a few things are unplayable when i hook up to my tv, cause you need to unplug every time.
using steam deck controls STOPS xbox controls from working until you fully reset game. oops you pressed the touch screen or a trigger!!! times to fully reset
batteries in my xbox controller died mid online lego 2k racing and it froze the steam deck. oof
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Not being snarky here, but have you considered using the warranty or reaching out to Valve if the warranty has expired.
I played on the Steam Deck exclusively for like a year and a half and didn't encounter the majority of those issues. From your list, screenshots appearing in screenshots and the hassle of deleting them are the only ones I experienced.
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i did before. also report problems on the forums and look for fixes
this is my 2nd steam deck.
1st one i refunded cause it had more problems and the left stick wore out after about 15ish hours. had some drift and made a light grinding sound.
now i only use the decks controls when im traveling.
at home will use lego stand i made or a discount Peloton Bike with the deck on the ipad holder / xbox controller in hand
to prolong the decks buttons
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That is some very bad luck right there.
I played things like Spiderman and Helldivers 2 on mine, for example.
I guess lack of consistency in Deck production is an issue.
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spiderman was built for PS 4 and those things arnt that powerful so it ran great on deck for me as well.
same with horizon 0 dawn
hell divers 2..... that was a refund
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Why'd you refund HD2?
Baldur's Gate 3 is another game I played on Deck. I'm going to play it on PC sometime this year or next as well.
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i got it right when it came out and it didnt work at all.
i assume they have fixed it???
BG3 is on my wishlist. waiting for large discount sale
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I think with Helldivers 2, they definitely fixed launch issues. There are also always new bugs that come with every bug fix and update, lol. IDK. I did everything I wanted to in the game a while back. I can't imagine going back to play Helldivers 2 unless there are some significant story updates (like new enemy races and such). As it stands now, it's more or less the same gameplay loop on repeat. Tons of fun for about 60 hours, but for me at least, that was my cap on playing the same major orders over and over. Even after they added a couple new drop missions.
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small games run fine. i think i played around 90+ish games on it.
most of the problems are on the larger higher quality games
got the deck to play games my windows 7 cpu cant handle
my win 7 pc runs better, but cant play some of the newer games.
pretty much every game i play on it is taxing
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Steam Deck is great to play games you won't play on your PC.
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i dont have a steam deck but imo its a great option to have specially if you love playing indi games and if you like using emulators like me , playing switch/psp/vita and ps1/2 games on the go is neat :D <3
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Long time no see wieme. Congrats on the Steam Deck :)
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I spent the last 3 months away from PC and only had my Steam Deck with me. I had some problems here and there (Rocket League sometimes caused the Deck to freeze) but I was able to beat many games, both big and small. I hope you enjoy it thoroughly :]
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I plan to buy a Deck this weekend and am looking forward to it helping take down the backlog, especially with knowing I’ll soon be unable to sit at my desktop for several weeks
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Congrats on getting your Deck ^^ Hope you´ll love it as much as I do 💗
My experience as a proud day-one Deckling:
The Steam Decks relationship to your backlog is similar to the coastline with a tsunami: The water first recedes, only to come back with a vengeance. At first you think you can finally play all those smaller and older games you´d never find the time playing otherwise. Then you realize much fun you have even with the bigger and newer games. Then you start buying all those games you previously thought "that looks nice, but I wont ever come around playing them", because now you can play them on the deck. Next you find out how easy it is actually is to also access the other stores like, GOG and the ever growing library of free epic store games... then theres emulation and on and on and on it goes 😅
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Thank you so much Raven!
It sounds funny but reasonable, I hope I don't stack up a lot more games before beating some. Maybe have a challenge, only buy a new one, if you finished an already existing one. 😂
Yea Xbox Game Pass could be a killer for me too!
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Game Pass saldy is one of the few major let-downs when using the Deck. It doesnt really work with SteamOS (even though thats kind of a positive thing as long as we´re talking about backlogs 😅).
There are two ways to access Xbox Game Pass: Either by streaming the games through the Edge browser or by installing Windows on your Deck. Both are okay-ish options, but VERY far from perfect. Its sad, because Deck and Game Pass would be SO perfect together.
There is also a workaround, but only for a very few games: I´ve been playing Diablo 4 on SteamOS via Game Pass, because the launcher runs fine and as long as you have connected your Blizzard- and Xbox-Accounts, you can install and play Diablo just with the client.
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got a steam deck on my wish list ... well will wait until there is a major refresh of the deck. i hope that it gets bumped up to a 6c/12t cpu with an igpu that is atleast 50% stronger. a big bonus if they manage to even get it more efficent. had a deck to test from a friend and i like the button positioning and the steamos overall felt nice
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Yeah... how much would I love to send this thing back to 1990 to an 8-year-old me 😊
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That's it. That's the thread.
Grabbed a 512GB OLED Steam Deck 2 weeks ago, and I've finally played some games I won here (OMFG!), that I would've never booted on my desktop.
Sending much love to everyone still here, keep making a difference! Love y'all. 💜
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