Hey guys. I am looking to farm some cards for the steam summer sale, because I don't wanna spend any cash on it, which bundle would you recommed me that has the most trading cards rn?

8 years ago

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you wanna pay with cards?! or sell them?

8 years ago

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So you want to spend money on a bundle to get 1/5 of the value back in trading cards?

8 years ago

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well is there any better choice?

8 years ago

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If you have much more time than money, you could get a bunch of free games and trade extras for junk games with cards.

For example I traded two common bundle games for Square Heroes, which was given away free.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I don't think it's even worth it anymore. Long time to idle the cards and then even longer to get them on the marketplace...

8 years ago

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So let me get this straight: instead of buying 15-20 cards for 5-8 cents apiece, you want to buy a 3-dollar (or more) bundle and spend two days to get the exact same cards.

sigh Join the Group Buys group on Steam and hope somebody will post another happy hour pack for the Anime Angels IndieGala bundle. With a happy hour price, it is just slightly under the price of the cards it drops.

8 years ago

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I am getting them to sell .. not just to have them

8 years ago

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Might as well keep the money, as you're losing more than you're receiving from those cards.
If you were planning to play those games one day, it's a different story.

8 years ago

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In this case, congratulations, you are about to pay 30-50 cents for each game that gives you 8-20 cents in card sales.
Just top up your Steam wallet…

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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It is possible to make money from purchasing bundles and selling the cards, but it usually is most effective to make bulk purchases for greater discounts, and having multiple Steam accounts to farm cards from the extra copies. However, it's not worth the hassle in comparison to working a real job. People don't get rich from farming cards, and there's more effective ways of trading and working the market than the microeconomics of spending cash for games with cards which generate minimal profit.

8 years ago

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