Umm... how about artifex mundi games? They have hidden objects on top of those two.
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Seem good but i prefer interaction between the character and environment.
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i'm pretty sure that artifex mundi games have interaction between character and environment. if you want games that has point and click as its focus, deponia is the only thing that is on my mind atm that also has puzzles. it's quite difficult to finish though.
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i'm pretty sure that there are sections where you have to use items to the environment in those games, and puzzles are more abundant there too.
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The magnificent five :)
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true! and I would also add Broken Sword and Broken Sword 2 to the list.
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I came to this thead to recommend some games, but frankly, there is nothing better than the great ones!
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Grim Fandango and Day of the Tentacle were pretty good, I haven't tried the others.
Maybe this one? I've been thinking about playing it.
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Grim Fandango has bug in specific location where game save file gets corrupted and it's not possible to progress. I couldn't sadly end the game because of it. It's problem for small fraction of people though.
Similar to RAGE 2. I ended mission, saved, went on holiday and when I was back save was corrupted. As saving and loading between second to last and last mission breaks the game xD
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Daedalic Entertainment games, Deponia series, Edna & Harvey series and Randal's Monday are a few games i remember
The Room series is also good
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Here also is a funny hidden object with interaction between characters and environment you can download for free :
quite old but very funny.
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Hey i would recommend you the Armageddon Bundle from Daedalic. I played 5-6 of their p&c adventures and really enjoyed them.
When on sale this bundle is 90% off so its very cheap in my opinion. Highly recommended :)
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Point & Click has been one of my favorite genres since I was a child. There are quite a lot of good P&C games. There's undoubtedly many more that I just can't think of right now, and I'm still discovering new games. My favorites out of these are bolded.
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders
Alpha Polaris : A Horror Adventure Game
Alter Ego
And Then There Were None
Art of Murder games
Beneath a Steel Sky
Black Mirror I, II, II and the new one
The Book of Unwritten Tales games
Broken Sword games
Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle
Chronicles of Mystery games
The Dig
Flight of the Amazon Queen
Gabriel Knight games
Gray Matter
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Indiana Jones® and the Last Crusade
The Longest Journey & the Dreamfall games
Lost Chronicles of Zerzura
Moebius: Empire Rising
The Moment of Silence
A New Beginning - Final Cut
Overclocked: A History of Violence
Police Quest games
Runaway games
So Blonde
Space Quest games
Still Life & Still Life 2
Syberia & Syberia 2
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There is also a new beneath a steel sky, beyond a steel sky.
If you name the quest games, you can also mention larry and space quest (and the rest of the sierra catalogue on GOG).
Some might have dubious reviews though, and dubious adventure games.
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Little Misfortune (same people as Fran Bow afaik)
Most Daedallic Games (like Edna and Harvey and Broken Age)
Don't Escape (I played 4 days to survive but there's also the original trilogy)
Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise
A Sceptic's Guide to Magic
There is No Game: Wrong Dimension
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Adventures of Robin Hood The 1992 (dos or amiga500) is very beautiful game , very very beautiful.
i buy and play dreambreak,finish it in around 5 hour,and other's people describe this game as a fraud\scam or bad,but personally i had enjoy it,it use point and click and have puzzles,my full review here
thimbleweed park i also like much
also i buy and play and like The Secret of Monkey Island
39 days to mars is fun too
gold rush i liked also (original version not remastered,it's very bad\horrible graphic but beautiful story\gameplay)
for amiga there was a game named similar to capitan hook or something like this i can't remember it was fun too
Then there is another game point and click i liked so much and make me more laugh too but i can't remember the name or find it ,if i find i will reply this thread later with the name.
Edit: find it,is " A Tale Of Caos Overture" the other , i like that too very fun.
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thank you for alert me,i remove the link now just in case..
p.s. it's not official website of usa govern?!? because i read long time ago that this is official website of usa country\govern for preserve old games?!?!
Can read at archive org about
The Internet Archive is a member of:
American Library Association (ALA)
Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)
Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL)
Boston Library Consortium (BLC)
Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)
Coalition for Networked Information (CNI)
Digital Library Federation (DLF)
Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC)
Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC)
Music Library Association
National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA)
so how it is illegal if they share that game?!? :O
Anyway i "Listen" you (read more than listen haha) and remove the link,and i thank you for advice me.
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Because they share a plethora of games, not just robin hood, and they simply don't have the rights to distribute them or make them playable for you, think else someone would have put 90% on GOG and Steam already, but they can't because of rights issues.
They even share ps3 games, which is also an infriction as i doubt sony agrees to have their games out there.
How much the government is involved i dunno, as i don't know the names.
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if is true that they put ps3 games too (my god.. the hell...),so yes i think you is right.
Would be a good idea to make only possible to the family of the right owner to upload things,i think,and then so if who do,will be legal.
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yes you right,hhmm would be better if just someone remake the same games,just change character,enviroment,storytelling and adapt it to different just leave same gameplay...
For example i see some people stupid,copy mario or zelda then nintendo lawyer make they close project , but if you think what it is mario is really not so much,is just jump\take coins etc...
So if that people instead of copy the character\enviroment just release a new game (see yoka laylee or an hat in time or shadow of mordor\assassins creed etc.) where caracther can do same things (jump\take coin etc.) then i think it is possible to do..
So yes hmm maybe would be better option instead of upload old things,to remake it,for example i see in steam there is some people make game same wings of fury for amiga this (well personally the original was much better sadly...) and for what i see this is considered "Legal" and no one care about the rights of wings of fury
and i see thousands of games like that...
So yes maybe is this way can do?!? i don't know... maybe instead of make website upload dos old things,would be better govern make one website for people recreate old games but in legal way by change enviroments,characters etc.maybe this can be good way.
or would be good idea also if developer of a game and publisher too,write a paper\letter "when if i passed away and rights publisher finish,i would be happy if my games will be playable for free and upload and publish this my letter" or something like that,so that would not be illegal maybe then And must pubblish letter on website then..
personally i'm not lawyer or developer and i'm not owner of share\dos platform too, so i can't know much about these things,it's just me think ideas how is possible do , sometime is good to be just a gamer less headaces hahaha🤣
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yes this good,me too buy gods remastered on steam and many others old amiga games,but this not have that robin hood sadly ;( so why i say,govern must create something for not lose games and people can play it,and developers or publishers too must think about this before to passed away or close,write law letter or something that enable people play when right finish or publisher close etc.
because if someone want play robin hood but is not on gog,not on steam,amiga hw can't find so how to do... yes is "illegal" but governs must to provide a way for people can do it legal can't only say "it's illegal" this i mean.
i don't know if there is something amiga official website that sell digital version of robin hood too for can play... or something must invent for fix this problem in legal way.
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Nope, then you are stuck with ebay where people asking stupid prices, if you even have disk drive bays, that's the whole problem, and yes it will drive people to obtain them illegally.
There is one person that obtained all dos games ever made, put them all in one database to play, (1 click to install, 1 click to play), even gathered manuals etc, its called exodos, you can find an older version on the site we were talking about, offcourse he also didn't get all the rights, so you know what you be getting.
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hhm so yes better make new games that take inspiration from old so,so in this way is legal and dev\publisher get pay too,and avoid ebay and all things..
for example if let's say mario or zelda stop exist or be legal,then make yoka laylee or an hat in time or below,ok it's not same game but it is better than nothing and it is legal,i think better do like this.
Comment has been collapsed. Hook is also on pc.
Tale of Caos has very mixed reviews, personally i also didn't enjoy it as much.
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omg thank you for write me about hook is pc i never know,maybe i also will get it later days will check.
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oh it is very sad that people not like it or not enjoy ;( i buy it and personally like it much,it make me very laugh too,very funny they write\talk same man drunk say i'm fine etc. hahaha
maybe because in my past i play some very bad bad bad horrible games hahaha so for me also shit\bad games looks like wonderful games maybe i don't know hahaha
i noticed this also about bajo kazooie nuts and bolts , recore and ryse many people say is bad but me like much and recently also below,not know why , looks like i'm happy also with games that for others is low quality bad games or not like haha.
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probably the best site for such games is adventuregamers, see their top 100:
and another top list:
(i'm not affiliated, just like the site a lot, of course)
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Neither is Portal, which is probably they are not that high compared to how highly they are thought of in general
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yes, their list contains games from other subgenres of adventure games as well, but all the best classic pncs are on this list nevertheless. however, if you only look for what they call 'traditional adventure games', then you are fine and can see what they recommend from the past years:
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Simon the sorcerer 1 and 2, Sam & Max hit the road, The dig, Unavowed, Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis, Indiana Jones and the last crusade, the Leisure Suit Larry series, Gabriel Knight, Gray Matter, Moebius: Empire Rising, Thimbleweed park, The Interactive Adventures of Dog Mendonça & Pizzaboy, Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption.
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Didnt play a lot of them but these are games i really liked
The Sexy Brutale
Time loop mystery, very fun gameplay as well
Felix The Reaper
more of a puzzle, but with a story
Whispers of a Machine
Detective stuff, also check Sherlock and Agatha Christie
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Silence is currently on deep discount. I played it a few years ago and really liked it. I played Kathy Rain not too long ago, it was good but may not be what you're looking for since they went for a more old school design.
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The Journey Down is my favorite modern point & click series. All three games are great:
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Maybe already mentioned by someone else, but in case: is a great point'n'click with dark humor
Also the first one in the serie is good:
If you like dark atmospheres, you should also give The Brotherhood studio games a try, in particular (which is totally free to play by the way, short, but really good) (same atmosphere as Cayne, longer than it, very dark, paid)
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Yeah I played Unavowed recently..might be their best.
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My favorite point and click series of all time is the Blackwell series from Wadjet Eye. These are the order of games in the series:
The Blackwell Legacy
Blackwell Unbound
Blackwell Convergence
Blackwell Deception
Blackwell Epiphany
Another fun one is Morphopolis.
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As the title said, i need game of these 2 genres. So far, i have played Roki, encodya and fran bow.
Thanks a lot, guys!
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